

在 disclosure英文產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 俐媽的學生舉辦的臺北大學社工營, 還貼心準備了「社工大餐」給大家, 來支持一下吧! ————————————————————— 我們是國立臺北大學社工營‼️ 我們歡迎對社工領域有興趣、或是想要探索的學弟妹~ 只有想成為社工師的人才適合參加社工營嗎?當然不是!社工營能夠帶給你全新的視野以及觀念,在這...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm 我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my lif...

disclosure英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 12:51:55

俐媽的學生舉辦的臺北大學社工營, 還貼心準備了「社工大餐」給大家, 來支持一下吧! ————————————————————— 我們是國立臺北大學社工營‼️ 我們歡迎對社工領域有興趣、或是想要探索的學弟妹~ 只有想成為社工師的人才適合參加社工營嗎?當然不是!社工營能夠帶給你全新的視野以及觀念,在這...

disclosure英文 在 Beginneros|每日分享冷知識? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 11:57:25

【#職場新鮮人︱#職場英語大全】 "Hi Boss, You forgot to sign your name in here. Can you Resign?" 你有試過被同事笑你的英文是 #Chinglish (中式英語) 嗎? 又試過錯誤理解同事電郵或即時訊息的意思嗎?這篇文章也許可以求你一命...

  • disclosure英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-29 17:34:21
    有 28 人按讚


    追蹤臉書和Instagram 粉專看更多報名資訊和社工小資訊!
    (Instagram :@2021swc )
    🪢 俐媽英文教室—社工篇:
    1. Social workers (n.)社會工作者
    2. Broker (n.)中介者
    3. Coordinator (n.)協調者
    4. Enabler (n.)使能者
    5. Resource advocate (n.) 資源倡導者
    6. Generalists (n.) 綜融工作者
    7. Advocacy (n.)倡導
    8. community (n.)社區/群
    9. charity (n.)慈善
    10. consensus (n.)共識
    11. Dignity (n.)尊嚴
    12. Evaluation (n.) 評估
    13. Executive (a.) 實施的
    14. Ethics (n.)倫理
    15. Empower (n.) 充權
    16. Empathy (n.) 同理心
    17. Intervention (n.) 介入
    18. Neighborhood (n.) 社區
    19. Partnership (n.) 夥伴關係
    20. Socialization (n.) 社會化
    21. Protection (n.) 保護
    22. paradigm (n.) 典範
    23. Process (v.)處理(資料)
    24. referral (n.) 轉介
    25. Screening (n.) 篩選
    26. Termination (n.) 結案
    27. Treatment (n.) 處遇
    28. Unconscious (n.) 潛意識
    29. well-being (n.) 福祉
    30. Diagnose (vt.) 診斷
    —> diagnosis (n.) 診斷
    31. Critical (a.) 批判的
    32. Genuine (a.) 真誠的
    33. Objective (a.) 客觀的
    34. Radical (a.) 激進的
    35. Prescriptive (a.) 規範的
    36. Ecosystem perspective (n.) 生態系統觀點
    37. dual perspective (n.) 雙元觀點
    38. residual view (n.) 殘補式觀點
    39. Ethical dilemma (n.) 倫理困境
    40. Self-disclosure (n.) 自我揭露
    41. Person-in-situation (n.) 人在情境中
    42. Competency-based (n.) 以能力為基礎的教育
    43. Mental health (n.) 心理衛生
    44. gerontological social work (n.) 老人社會工作
    45. social activism (n.) 社會行動
    46. de-professionalizing (n.) 去專業化
    47. Human rights (n.) 人權
    48. Social justice (n.) 社會正義
    49. Profession integrity (n.) 專業誠信
    50. anti-oppression (n.) 反壓迫


  • disclosure英文 在 九粒 Jolie - 你的英文 Bestie Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-30 00:12:07
    有 36 人按讚

    Full Disclosure: I’m vegan.

    昨天在看我很愛的美劇叫911。(超級大推👌🏼) 裡面演到一個女生在她的online dating profile 上寫著: Full Disclosure: I’m vegan.

    那Full Disclosure 是什麼意思勒?

    Full = 完全的 (如果很飽也可以說:I’m so full 😥)
    Disclosure = 透露、公開

    所以Full Disclosure 就是毫無隱瞞完全的公開的意思~

    Vegan = 全素主義者 (連有動物油脂的軟糖都碰不得的哦!超級無敵佩服他們!)

    Full Disclosure: I’m vegan.

    Full disclosure 通常會在話題的剛開始先提到,今天這個例子就是這個女生想要先公開她是全素主義者,因為有些男人可能無法接受跟她一起吃草的日子。🥗

    #每日一句 #每日一英
    #learnenglish #學英文
    #英文字卡 #學英文好嗨心 #英文 #英文補習 #英文學習 #留學

  • disclosure英文 在 王定宇 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-14 17:49:22
    有 2,709 人按讚

    #WuHan #Pneumonia
    I have been observing that the epidemic of China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, and other countries worsens dramatically, the Wuhan Pneumonia confirmed cases not only increase from two-digit to serious outbreak, but also rise rapidly with three-digit to surge the community infection terribly which finally lead to collapse the health care system. Why?

    From my perspective, the reasons which demolish those countries` medical system are that the unwillingness to implement the border controlling, no tracing individuals who contacted the confirmed case and no home quarantine requirement to these individuals. Worse than that is allowing the mildness confirmed cases and the individuals who had contacted those confirmed cases to go freely everywhere. Then Wuhan pneumonia Covid-19 spreads, the epidemic outbreak, and destroys the medical system eventually!

    When many country’s health authorities and the international media recognize Taiwan’s epidemic preventions as a Gold Standard, people may ask ‘what has Taiwan done right?” The answers would be early intervention, a clear command structure and transparent communication with the public. Plus the high quality of health care system and affordable cost to everyone.

    There are several decisions being made by Taiwan government to arrest the spread of the WuHan pneumonia (COVID- 19) :

    First at all, the efforts of epidemic prevention work are coordinated by the Minister of Health and Welfare Commander - Chen Shizhong, and the command system is consisting of medical, public health, epidemic prevention experts.

    Taiwan government conducts the quarantine and at-home self-management according to the travel history. In addition, the disclosure of travel history is not only dependent on individuals’ description, but also revealed from the health insurance card thru vpn cloud.

    Furthermore, the Taiwan authority also makes decisions to control the border and manage the travel alert. Besides, all the travelers return from the epidemic area have to be quarantine for 14 days at government expense. Every confirmed case in Taiwan is not only hospitalized into the negative-pressure ward treatment and quarantine regardless of light or severe cases covered by the National Health Insurance. Taiwan CDC also traces each one of the confirmed case contacted. Taiwan government will test those people who have contacted with the confirmed case in government expense. If the result of the test is negative, this person will be required home quarantine for 14 days. If the result is positive, this person will be hospitalized into the negative-pressure ward treatment at government expense. Every home quarantine person will have a subsidy of 1,000 NT per day. Regardless of mild or severe cases, every patient confirmed should be treated and isolated in negative pressure isolation rooms, covered by Health Insurance.

    In addition, all of the Academia Sinica, National Health Research Institutes and Taiwan-based Biotechnology Taiwan are co-ordinated by Vice President - Chen, Chien-Jen, work on the Rapid Coronavirus Diagnostic Test, vaccines, medical treatment and medication measures etc. Taiwan’s performance in developing these solutions is in the leading group of the world.

    The cooperation and integration among each Ministry is led by the Vice Premier of Executive Yuan, Chi-mai Chen. All the cooperation is to support the epidemic prevention commander. For examples:
    - to build 60 sets brand new machines and production lines in order to increase mask production quantity up-to 6 million pieces per day within 20 days. This difficult task is accomplished by the cooperation of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of national defense.
    - the exceptional assistances in against viruses with IT and big data analysis by the IT Minister Audrey Tang.
    - the efficient execution of border management by the Ministry of Interior and the customs of Ministry of Finance.

    The maintenance of the country`s stability and administrative operation by the
    Premier of Executive Yuan, Tseng-chang Su.

    The regular high-level national security meetings to coordinate the progress of
    each department which is hosted by the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, as well as to command the national military and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    My dear friends, this is how my country works on protecting our people. This is our #TAIWAN.








    所以 #我台灣我驕傲

  • disclosure英文 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-01-18 12:26:52

    《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm

    我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my life!

    農曆新年後,連我自己18年創業經驗,我希望和你分享我在哈佛學到及應用了什麼 (幸運地,我公司過去幾年的同事們 turnover 都是近0),可能令你的領袖能力亦有所啟發。

    題目: 六步提升你的領袖能力 (6 Steps to Become A Better Leader) based on Harvard Professor Robert Steven Kaplan's teaching and his 3 books.
    日期: 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)
    時間: 9am to 1pm
    地點: Classified Cafe and My Office at New World Tower, 16 Queens Road Central, HK.
    人數: 每場限20位,
    對象: 免費,但只適合工作經驗5至10年以上的管理人士參與。
    教材: 講廣東話,內容是英文
    (1) Speed dating, self intro and expectations.
    (2) Split into teams of 2 or 3 people.
    (3) Go thru the leadership framework by Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan (現任美國達拉斯 Dallas 聯邦儲備銀行行長卡普蘭)
    (4) Ask those questions and answer in teams.
    (5) 回答你任何對做生意的問題,takeaway value and let's all be friends.

    報名方法: 請WhatsApp你的卡片給Suki/Monica +852 9218 5223

    我之前關於 Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖影片:




    Note: 如果之後你覺得此 workshop 有用,希望你可以考慮捐款 support 我 brother-in-law (Derrick Pang) 創立的 Lifewire.hk 慈善組織,幫助患有罕見疾病的兒童。




    Leadership Framework (by Harvard Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan)


    (1) Ownership Mindset (Leadership is not about position, is mindset)
    (2) What Do You Believe In?
    (3) Have You Acted On It?
    (4) Add Value To Others
    (5) Vision (Where? Why? Distinctive?)
    (6) Priorities (3 or 4)
    (7) Alignment
    - People
    - Task
    - Organization
    - You

    With active communication of vision and priorites everyday.



    Understanding yourself:
    A. Assess your own strengths and weaknesses
    - Write down your own
    - Find others write on yours too
    B. Finding your passion
    C. Value, ethics, morals
    D. What is your story? Be authentic

    Why leaders fail?
    A. Open to learn?
    B. Ask questions?
    C. Do you listen?
    D. Fight through isolation
    E. Ok feeling vulnerable

    The leader as role model
    A. Do you act as role model?
    B. What are the two to three key messages you want to send to people?
    C. Do your behaviors match your words
    D. How do you plan to improve on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths?

    Tools to become better leader:
    A. Support group
    B. Keep a journal (to do, ideas, knowledge, etc)
    C. Face to face communication
    D. Interview people (how u do it?)
    E. Think one level up.


    (1) Build Relationship
    . Mutual Understanding
    . Mutual Trust
    . Mutual Respect
    (2) Self disclosure
    (3) Inquiry
    (4) Advice seeking

    Build Relationship Exercise:
    A. Write down something about yourself that the other person probably doesn't know. Have the other person do the same.
    B. Write down a question you like to ask the other person that would help you understand him or her better. The other person do the same. Ask them.
    C. Write down an area of deep self doubt. Disclose to other person and ask for advise.



    Giving and getting feedback
    A. Seek feedback and seek coaching .
    B. Actively coach others. Coach up and coach down. Are your advice specific, timely, actionable?
    - Coaching is watching vs mentoring is telling.
    C. Not year end review alone. It will be a verdict. Review frequently.

    Communication with peers:
    A. Ask why do you work here? What's great?
    B. What do you hate about here?
    C. Can you suggest what action to improve above?



    Managing time
    A. Do you know how you spend your time?
    B. Does it match the key priorities?
    C. 1, 2, 3.
    (1) One is related to priorities and must be done by you
    (2) Two is related to priorities but can be done by someone else (at least partly)
    (3) Three is not related to priorities



    A. Design of company still align with vision and priorities?
    B. Blank sheet of paper exercise, what should you / we do? If so, what's stopping you?


  • disclosure英文 在 風傳媒 The Storm Media Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-27 10:30:01

    On Taiwan Hashtag hosted by Ross Feingold, our guest is Cédric Alviani,
    Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières, RSF) 無國界記者 East
    Asia Bureau Head. Mr. Alviani explains the impact of dis-information and
    fake news on Taiwan, and what stakeholders in Taiwan including
    government, media and the public can do in response. We discuss why
    improving media education and literacy in Taiwan, rather than only
    enacting ever more laws that risk penalizing free speech, is crucial. We
    also discuss the new Journalism Trust Initiative launched by RSF that
    sets standards for accuracy in reporting and disclosure by media
    outlets. Why is Taiwan ranked 42nd in RSF’s 2019 World Press Freedom
    Index? Watch our show to learn more!

    Watch our show for an in-depth discussion about Kuomintang China and
    foreign policy.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rsf.east.asia
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSF_inter

    ✓ 點我加入《風傳媒》Line 好友(ID:@dyp8323m) http://bit.ly/2hETgWE
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    ✓ 點我追蹤《下班經濟學》IG頻道(ID:@worked_money) https://bit.ly/2WZ1Dnb

    風傳媒►► https://www.facebook.com/stormmedia
    風生活►► https://www.facebook.com/SMediaLife

  • disclosure英文 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-01-26 20:30:00

    ♡♡ 如果大家有興趣/有時間可以麻煩幫我加中文字幕嗎?
    黎緊所有片都會徵中文字幕組,我中文又唔好,打得慢。有大家幫忙我就可以專心製片,post得密d!無限感激!如果有幫忙加字幕嘅記得留言話我知等我可以喺info box credit你!如果見到已有你想增加的字幕語言,便不用再加了!謝謝!
    添加中文字幕: http://bit.ly/2egs2Tl
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    Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethniy
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