

在 differ中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻台灣時間昨天(08/08)是父親節. 在這邊祝各位父親佳節愉快. 也希望大家珍惜與家人相處的時光. 對家人表達愛意, 也不需要特別等到這一天. 🌻美國生活 Lockdown後, 請小心腰圍.......... 前幾天去了醫院. 醫生也說, 疫情後, 她大約有1/4的孩童客戶是過重(還是肥胖)...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,280的網紅Prune Deer,也在其Youtube影片中提到,全張專輯現已登陸各大串流平台。 Full Album is now on streaming platform. Pre-corder NEW EP 預購新專輯 : https://forms.gle/vRPRcYAZjfT6pzpV9 Asia Tour 2019 ticket & info 亞...

differ中文 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 20:10:13

-(中文版本往下滑!) @shiseido Kajal InkArtist - Shadow, Liner, Brow This color is a limited edition! It’s super smooth while applying it on my eyelid, and do...

differ中文 在 Ruby Lin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-28 00:18:48

【English Time】青菜蘿蔔各有所好? to each his own. 青菜蘿蔔,各有所好: 意即「不同的人有不同的看法和品味,無所謂誰對誰錯」 to each his own. to each his own是一個辭典裡找不到,但使用頻率頗高的短語.它的意思就是 「不同的人有不同的...

  • differ中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-09 08:08:44
    有 56 人按讚

    🌻台灣時間昨天(08/08)是父親節. 在這邊祝各位父親佳節愉快. 也希望大家珍惜與家人相處的時光. 對家人表達愛意, 也不需要特別等到這一天.

    Lockdown後, 請小心腰圍..........

    前幾天去了醫院. 醫生也說, 疫情後, 她大約有1/4的孩童客戶是過重(還是肥胖). 也有些孩子還得了憂鬱症.

    3 Stocks to Buy That Should Get a Boost From Pandemic-Driven Consumer Weight Gain

    🌻18位共和黨議員倒戈 1.2兆美元基建案參院程序表決過關

    🌻"Guidance (財測) is the product of both operational insight (營運的洞悉) and expectation management(預期的管理)."

    上面那句話說的挺好. 財測是高層對未來營運做預估的一種方法. 之前放掉一家公司, 就是因為公司的營收預估一直做得不好, 加上也還有比它更好的公司.

    上週花比較多的時間在看公司的財報結果. 功課反而有些亂掉了. 不過還是整理了一下看到的一些資訊:

    🌻PayPal(PYPL)Q3 2021財報的電話會議內容已經整理好:

    🌻前幾天分享了一些基金經理人挑股的邏輯: 看趨勢, 找產業insight, 看商業模式, 把公司拿來跟產業其他對手相比, 看飛輪效應, 看高層&執行力. 有興趣的可以看看.

    中文稿中並沒有提到的是, 演藝圈其實跟餐飲業很像, 是人與人間需要近距離相處的產業.
    "Hollywood movie and TV sets differ from typical office environments as people are often forced to work in close proximity with one another. Masks and social distancing are sometimes unrealistic, and cast and crew members frequently enter and leave filming locations."

    🌻美國這幾天目前最紅的亞裔Sunisa Lee.......苗族人(Hmong).

    中西部真的挺多. 都有在Wisonsin, Minnesota碰到過.

    苗族人定居美國的故事: https://bit.ly/3yxYA50
    "大批苗族人在70年代以難民身份來美定居,至今美國苗族人口約有26萬。他們集中在美國中西部地區生活,明尼蘇達州正是 苗族社群的最大聚居地,人口逾6.6萬人,蘇妮莎正是出生於該州首府聖保羅巿(Saint Paul)。蘇妮莎的父母正是來美的難民之一,然而雖然成功逃避戰亂,但至今六成美國苗族人屬於低收入階層,超過四分一更屬貧窮階層。"

    The only thing our parents knew was to push us to go to school, get an education and go to college. They never thought that us as Asians could do any extracurricular activities without being judged,” said Amy Vang, owner of Little Luxuries Nail Lounge, where Lee got her nails done ahead of the Olympics. “That’s why Suni’s story has touched so many people…It has opened eyes in the Hmong community, to parents, that you can support your children in whatever they want to do and they can become successful.”

    🌻Apple TV+的"Schmigadoon"這部片挺不錯........有興趣的話可以看看(尤其是喜歡歌舞劇的讀者).
    劇裡面的這首歌我也很喜歡. 與大家分享.
    "With All of Your Heart"

    Pictures: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore; 本周發表財報的公司一覽表

  • differ中文 在 D.A. Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-05 17:33:38
    有 4 人按讚

    SHISEIDO 資生堂國際櫃 Kajal InkArtist - Shadow, Liner, Brow

    This color is a limited edition! It’s super smooth while applying it on my eyelid, and does last long! If I layer the shade, it seems to be a bit fluorescent (which I don’t like). Blending it with my finger will create a transparent look. I love to use it as a eyeliner, for the shade will make my look differ from normal looks:)

    Wish you all a lovely day 😉

    Swatches 👉👉👉
    #SHISEIDO 引釉眼彩筆 銀座慶典限定版絕美新色 銀座絢紅




    #makeup #化妝 #化粧 #アイメイク #motd #dailymakeup #コスメ #아이메이크업 #메이크업 #오늘의화장 #눈화장 #아이섀도우 #코스메틱 #네이처리퍼블릭 #에뛰드하우스 #beauty #cosmetics #섀도우 #섀도우추천 #makeupinspo #makeupideas #makeupinspiration #makeuptutorial #100daysofmakeup #wakeupandmakeup #eyeshadow #資生堂 #資生堂國際櫃

  • differ中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-28 18:11:24
    有 964 人按讚

    Revelatory Brushwork: A Guided Journey Through the NPM's Collection of Chinese Calligraphy
    【明 文徵明 書蘭亭敘(卷)】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion, Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming dynasty
    Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) was a native of Changzhou in Jiangsu province. His given name was Bi, and he had the sobriquets He Who Stops the Clouds (Tingyunsheng) and the Recluse of Mount Heng (Hengshan Jushi), but he typically went by his style name, Zhengming. In addition to being an accomplished poet, prosaist, calligrapher, and painter, Wen was also an erudite connoisseur of the arts.
    Wen Zhengming was fond of making copies of the "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion." In his inscription on the tail end of this scroll, he noted that he was eighty-nine years of age at the time of writing. Wen's brushwork, the structures of the characters, and the overall composition markedly differ from the received version of the "Preface to the Orchard Pavilion" in Wang Xizhi's (303-361) hand, indicating that Wen was making a study of the spirit of Wang's writing, rather than its technical particulars. Here the brushwork is understated and reserved, allowing for finely-structured characters. The many places where brush strokes flow one into the other give the scroll an outstanding sense of natural movement.
    🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10909/en/page-1.html

  • differ中文 在 Prune Deer Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-06 14:49:11

    Full Album is now on streaming platform.

    Pre-corder NEW EP 預購新專輯 : https://forms.gle/vRPRcYAZjfT6pzpV9
    Asia Tour 2019 ticket & info 亞洲巡演 2019門票 : https://is.gd/0WCGBC
    《Insufficient Postage》有別與以往的作品,無論是美術上,聲音上還是型態上。選擇去捨棄華麗的包裝,丟掉激勵人心的旋律,打破一張專輯的固有框架。幾乎每一首歌都與不同的音樂單位參與了合作:由日本饒舌女歌手 春ねむり填詞演唱並出演MV的 “返信”;與目前休團中的香港樂隊小紅帽主音Ashley合作演唱的"空郵”;還跟不同的傳統樂手合作,例如中文大學音樂系的大提琴手蔡卓曦、香港青年中樂團的中胡手琬晴Esther和理工大學的小號手黃錦輝。話梅鹿選擇了走出舒適圈,在創作上邁出新的嘗試。

    Differ from their past works, they decided to do more than just an CD album, no matter on the music itself or the package design. Collaborating with Japanese female rapper Haru Nemuri in ‘Return’, and Ashley Tsang (the former vocal of Hong Kong Band Siuhongmo ) for the vocal part in ‘By Air’; the use of classical instrument like trumpet, cello and erhu also leads to a big jump in this new EP.

    ▼ Follow Prune Deer 話梅鹿
    Official HP : https://www.prunedeer.com
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/prunedeer
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/prunedeer
    Twitter : http://twitter.com/prunedeer
    Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/0V6yRXUk7qTPizan3VkUPU
    Apple Music / iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/prune-deer/892275482