

在 dictate意思產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, dict,說、講話。 . diction 用語、發音 (n.) dictionary 字典 (n.) ➡️ 指導用字遣詞的工具書 E.g. Can you look up the words in the dictionary? 你可以查字典找出這些字的意思嗎? . dictate 口述、命令、支配...

  • dictate意思 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-16 23:51:50
    有 45 人按讚

    diction 用語、發音 (n.)
    dictionary 字典 (n.)
    ➡️ 指導用字遣詞的工具書
    E.g. Can you look up the words in the dictionary?
    dictate 口述、命令、支配 (v.)
    dictation 口述、聽寫 (n.)
    dictator 獨裁者 (n.)
    ➡️ 發號施令 (dict) 的人。
    E.g. The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power.
    contradict 否定、反駁 (v.)
    contradiction 否認、矛盾 (n.)
    contradictory 矛盾的、對立的 (a.)
    ➡️ 說(dict) 相反 (contra) 的話、說對抗的話。
    E.g. His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.
    indict 控告、告發、對...起訴 (v.)
    indictment 控告、告發 (n.)
    ➡️ 說 (dict) 某人有罪。
    E.g. Her report is expected to deliver a damning indictment of education standards.
    addict 使沈溺、成癮 (v.)
    addiction 沈迷、成癮 (n.)
    ➡️ 對某件事情成癮就會一直講 (dict)
    E.g. Drug addiction can seriously damage an individual's health.
    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】
    第一部分 ➡️ 認識大考英文作文
    第二部分 ➡️ 全面提升詞彙量
    鑑於近年大考英文作文題目多半較貼近生活與時事,以及 108 課綱強調學生閱讀素養。因此會藉由主題式的方式,在每支影片當中,透過一個主題、兩句翻譯,並且透過翻譯的題目進行大量的單字延伸,讓學生在練習翻譯之餘,一面培養自己寫出完整且正確句子的能力,一面累積自己可運用在寫英文作文的詞彙量。
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  • dictate意思 在 唱針在溝槽 Needle in that Groove Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-01-15 12:11:58
    有 39 人按讚

    [超話撈DJ Rob Swift機翻]不要讓控制器控制你!
    我們站在2019年NAMM展的最先端,很難不理解DJ科技是如何隨著時間的推移而不斷發展的。昨天的DJ花了不少時間才取得進步的技能,今日DJ只需按一下按鈕就可以混音和刮碟了。擁有智慧的DJ們如Cash Money重新定位唱盤技術(對戰手法),面對唱臂與轉盤向前無法倒轉的阻礙而使DJ在手法上進行思維,這些DJ藝術正逐漸被淘汰。科技正在改變我們的思維方式,達到我們不需要思考的程度。電腦DJ軟體為我們做識別歌曲所有內容,為DJ文化發明一些簡單手法(像Iphone使用般便利),卻封閉了批判性思維。這樣的數位DJ革命性改變。DJ app和控制器反而阻止了人性思考與手工的唱盤DJ文化。
    1.在開始混音之前,我是否在眼睛一直偷瞄筆電螢幕以確認兩首歌曲的bpm是否匹配?(恭喜你獲得Serato Face成就)
    3.我能在不使用數位cue點(提示點)的情况下做出beat juggle嗎?”
    學習如何用耳朵和手去接觸混音有不可估量的好處。無論是Mista Sinista's "Catch The Beat"還是我的 "Welcome To The Terrordome",這些經典的段子都給我們帶來無與倫比的實質感,超越了Serato基本功能帶給的一切。事實上,今天我們使用的DJ軟體和花哨的混音器僅僅是一種框架把我們限制在之前DJ使用黑膠就早已創造出的DJ文化歷史技能,且讓我們無法再更進一步思考成長。

    As we stand on the cusp of the 2019 NAMM Convention, it's hard not to appreciate how DJ technology continues to evolve with each passing year. Today, "DJs" can mix and scratch at the press of a button. Technical skills that took yesteryear's DJ painstaking time to advance, can be acquired in an instant. The mental resourcefulness from DJs like Cash Money to reposition a turntable (i.e. "battle mode") in order to remove it's tone arm from obstructing their hand movement towards the turntable's platter is gradually being phased out of DJ art. Technology is altering the way we think to the point we don't need to. Computer coders do the discerning for us, feeding DJ culture gizmos that discourage critical thinking. Talk about game changing. DJ apps and controllers are antiquating the turntable right before our eyes.

    As a 35 year vet, I can confidently say, the perks of digital DJing do come at a cost. If you own a Controller but never experienced what it feels like to DJ on turntables, this is the time to ask yourself the following 3 questions:

    1. "Am I looking at my laptop screen to confirm the bpm of two songs are matched before introducing a mix?

    2. "Do I favor my sense of sight over my sense of hearing to perform a task such as basic as dropping?"

    3. "Can I Beat Juggle without using cue points to reset myself at 12 O'clock?"

    You might want to reconsider your desire to get hold of every shiny, new piece of gadgetry pushed upon you by these tech companies if you answered YES to even one of those questions.

    Learning how to mix by ear and scratch by hand bring with it benefits that are immeasurable. Whether it's Mista Sinista's "Catch The Beat" or my "Welcome To The Terrordome", such classic routines bring with them a texture that's unrivaled by anything we've concocted since the advent of Serato. In fact, the DJ apps and fancy shmancy mixers we use today merely serve as a means for refining the skills both of us have previously attained back when we were "limited" to using vinyl.

    Don't mistake me y'all. I believe in technology, I completely support it, but never to the extent that I'll let a computer coder or a mixer's firmware dictate the boundaries of my creativity.

    🎥 Courtesy of Battle Sounds : Hip-Hop DJ Documentary #turntabletuesday #daoddcouple #djrobswift #mistasinista

  • dictate意思 在 Dr34mlucid Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-11-06 21:01:16
    有 2,549 人按讚

    ”英國男生都是紳士?“ The "British Gentlemen" idea...




    Other thoughts on Instagram IG and Youtube:

    Aside from being told all the food from the UK is disgusting... I often get told that all British men are gentlemen.
    I've spent time in four countries, the U.S.A, UK, China and Taiwan, and have had people treat me well and badly in each. A person's nationality does not dictate their personality. The true test of a person's character is how they treat a person who is weaker, has less options or at a disadvantage to themselves in one way or another. Does that person exploit them? Bully them? Help them? Or does that person seek to protect them? This is a sign of character that has nothing to do with race, nationality, age or sex. You can make carpet statements about a the whole populous if you want, but it won't change the fact every country is made of a complex society with a huge spectrum of behaviours and personality types.

