

在 dialogues意思產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 #文末挑戰多益選擇題📝 今日香港,明日台灣 中國對台態度愈加強硬? 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 🔥 China Breaks With Taiwan Precedent, Omitting Call for ‘Peaceful’ Pol...

dialogues意思 在 含蓄 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 12:48:30

《看不見的傷痛》插圖工作大約是2018年開始。也是同時間接洽一堆ngo工作的開端。那時我正在做Dialogues in the Dark的facebook插圖連載,這樣的社交媒體發怖對我來說很勞累,因為總是要思考市場的需求和文化,速食和吸引眼球的插畫正正非常流行。一張圖要幽默,要吸引你閱讀,同時要緊...

  • dialogues意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-29 08:00:01
    有 235 人按讚


    🔥 China Breaks With Taiwan Precedent, Omitting Call for ‘Peaceful’ Policy

    - precedent 先例,前例,慣例
    - omit 疏忽,遺漏;刪節,排除

    🧐 Beijing dropped calls for pursuing peaceful ties or peaceful unification with Taiwan in an annual policy blueprint, breaking with nearly three decades of precedent in a sign that it is taking a tougher tack toward the self-ruled island.

    - drop calls for 這邊的drop是「放棄」之意,而calls則是「呼籲」,整個片語是指「放棄對…的呼籲」的意思。
    - unification 統一
    - tack 用風改變航向,在這指的是改變「方針、方向」

    ✏️ China’s yearly government work report, delivered to the legislature by Premier Li Keqiang on Friday, also reiterated the government’s commitment to “oppose and deter any separatist activities” seeking independence for Taiwan, an island democracy that Beijing claims as its territory.

    - legislature 立法機關
    中華民國立法院:Legislative Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan)
    - reiterate 重申
    - separatist 分離主義者
    - claim 宣稱、斷言、主張

    👩🏻 Mr. Li’s address came two days after Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen kicked off her second term with a fresh call for Beijing to open dialogue with Taipei in a way that respects what she called Taiwanese sovereignty and democracy—an appeal that China has repeatedly rejected.

    - kick off 開始
    ✍️ 最早是形容足球的開球,後來變引申為「開始」之意
    - term 任期
    - open dialogue with… 開啟與…的對話
    - sovereignty 主權
    - appeal 呼籲,懇求


    Here, I want to ___ the words "peace, parity, democracy, and ___." We will not accept the Beijing authorities' use of "one country, two systems" to downgrade Taiwan and undermine the cross-strait status quo. We stand fast by this principle.

    A. iterate/ diabetes
    B. reiterate/ dialogue
    C. reiterated/ dialogues

    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • dialogues意思 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-09 15:56:40
    有 549 人按讚



    沒有一個政府、政黨,可以全面性的解決問題。要跨局處,跨部會,很多時候也要跨黨派( 謝謝時力的志明兄參與)

    Alex Garcia先生,針對台北的交通,從捷運系統、公車、乃至於u-bike的狀況,詳盡的解釋


    感謝@Alan Lee 台灣以色列國際資訊安全暨科技交流協會

    Peter Chai Taiwan Israel Chamber of Commerce 台灣以色列商業文化促進會 以及我的得意助手Nathan的協助

    本次有印尼第二代何景榮老師、Mira 波蘭代表Rys、紐西蘭駐台代表處Wilson、澳洲駐台代表處副處長、美國、法國商會的參與,也添加許多有意思的討論。




    The first Global Taipei Dialogue was a huge success! It was a pleasure to be able to listen to the opinions of those who live in the city and learn about some of the ways we can improve. Traffic safety was one of the key questions brought to our attention that we will now be discussing further here at Taipei City Government.

    First I’d like to thank Alex Garcia for his insightful presentation and discussion of Taipei’s Transportation network. Furthermore, this event would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors, the Israel Cybersecurity and High Technology Association and the Taiwan Israel Chamber of Commerce, thank you for all the support you provided. In addition, I’d like to thank my colleague Nathan Hotter who coordinated this event. Without his ideas on how to learn from the public this would not have been possible. Finally, I’d like to share my appreciation for the effort put in by the rest of my office to invite attendees and assist with the organisation of this event.

    Thank you all for coming. The ideas presented by the attendees provided a different perspective on the issues being experienced in the city. I look forward to continuing this discussion series and learning more from the coming Global Taipei Dialogues.
    #taipei #taiwan

  • dialogues意思 在 忠泰美術館 Jut Art Museum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-29 12:46:00
    有 41 人按讚

    #展覽預告 #搶先專訪 #展前讀物

    即將於7月20日開展 《DIALOGUES: Oyler Wu Collaborative》,以「對話」作為展覽名稱是隱藏著什麼樣的意涵呢?副標題中的 Line, Surface, and Volume (線、面、體)又個別代表著什麼意思呢? MOT TIMES 明日誌 搶先獨家專訪,想更加認識Oyler Wu Collaborative的朋友們,一定要來看!

    DIALOGUES: Oyler Wu Collaborative
    2019.07.20 SAT –11.03 SUN