

在 deprived用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅Chen Lily,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【0204 托福口說真題解析直播:精華版】 還沒看上次直播的可以看精華版唷^^ 1. 我已經換髮型啦,竟然現在才剪出直播,就是直播那天覺得自己頭髮太啊雜才怒剪 T_T 2. 情人節快樂 ...

  • deprived用法 在 Chen Lily Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-14 21:39:44
    有 46 人按讚

    【0204 托福口說真題解析直播:精華版】
    1. 我已經換髮型啦,竟然現在才剪出直播,就是直播那天覺得自己頭髮太啊雜才怒剪 T_T
    2. 情人節快樂 <3 💌

    Q1: What are the advantage and disadvantage of having flexible working hours?


    1. SOHO= small office home office
    2. 一體兩面 : Every coin has two sides./ Double-edged sword
    3. 工作與生活兼顧 Balance work and personal life/ work-life balance
    4. 滿足家人的需求 meet family needs
    5. 感情生活Love life EX: My gf would not be mad at me so often if I have flexible work time.
    6. 顛峰時間peak hours/ rush hours/ traffic jam/ heavy traffic
    7. 減少壓力reduce stress
    8. 自律 disciplined
    9. 自我管理 self-management
    10. 時間管理 time-management
    11. 低生產力(耍廢)low productivity
    12. 臨時抱佛腳 cram EX: I always cram before exams.

    Q2: Do you think people spend too much time on electronic devices like computer?


    1. First World problem文明的無病呻吟
    First World problem is a slang term used to refer to issues in First World nations that are complained about only because of the absence of more pressing concerns.
    I need to charge my pen.
    The Internet is so slow
    2. 低頭族 texting while walking/ be on your phone
    3. 破除手機中毒 break phone addiction
    4. 缺乏睡眠 sleep deprived
    5. 眼睛疲勞 eye strain
    6. 視力問題 vision problem

