I found this book at a local book store in Bath. Initially, I was intrigued by the mysterious author. According to the...
I found this book at a local book store in Bath. Initially, I was intrigued by the mysterious author. According to the editor Teddy Keen, the book is compiled from the work of an unknown artist and adventurer — a trove he discovered on a trip to the Amazon.
I am fascinated by the drawing style, the epic adventures and wild knowledge depicted in the book. From how to make a survival tin to how to build a log raft, this book aroused my curiosity chapter by chapter, section by section. Personally, this book is a reminder that the world is full of wonders waiting to be discovered.
今天想分享一本擱在我的書架上許久的插畫書——THE LOST BOOK OF ADVENTURE。起先是在巴斯的一間書店陳列上發現,厚實精裝,絢爛寫實的畫風,乍看之下以為是孩童限定的探險物語。
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本書編輯Teddy Keen,憶起四年前與好友一行人的亞馬遜之旅。旅途中,他們碰上一幢小屋,屋內無人,但堆在角落的棕櫚樹葉卻形跡可疑。在好奇心的驅使下,他們於樹葉底下找到一只金屬盒。盒子外觀已生鏽,似乎被藏匿多時。
小心翼翼地打開鐵盒,發現盒內收納著一疊筆記、畫冊。不同於被鏽跡爬滿的外盒,裡面的畫作、字跡保存相對良好。內容全圍繞一位無名藝術家兼探險家的冒險旅程及野外經驗。《THE LOST BOOK OF ADVENTURE》集結的,正是盒子內的原稿。
這位無名作者在盒中留有一封信,署名給A和L。編輯推斷A和L為作者的家族晚輩。這份禮物想傳達的訊息也在信中提及——Be good, be adventurous, and look after your parents.
Amazon上,許多好評都說這本書自家孩子很喜歡。但我真心覺得《THE LOST BOOK OF ADVENTURE》沒有適合的年齡,只要擁有一顆對世界的好奇心,這本書會讓你看見目光之外的真實與美麗。
為此,我找到了一篇TripFiction網站訪談編輯Teddy Keen的文章,覺得內容很有意思。挑選部分對談翻譯過來(原文連結見網誌)。
Teddy Keen:基本上,書中的內容,來自一位無名的藝術家兼探險家,是我在亞馬遜森林旅行時發現的寶藏。即使有些人認為我是這本書的創作者,書中的冒險故事則改編自我家人朋友的人生經驗。不過我個人的想法是,該相信哪種版本,我想交由讀者決定。
Teddy Keen:好奇心、創造力、渴望出走。
#thelostbookofadventure #illustrationbook #booklover #bookphotography #illustration #lifestyle #londonphotographer #londonblogger
depicted意思 在 張新悅 Nicola Cheung Facebook 的精選貼文
When life throws you helium balloons in a psychedelic room what would you do?
Refreshing eye candy for the sensories but really the most captivating is the message depicted by each theme at Curiocity... Deep and meaningful. Only until 11th September in HK!!!! Go go go!
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#hongkong #funexibition #nicolalifestyle #popup
depicted意思 在 鄉民挺起來 Facebook 的精選貼文
彭博記者Jenny Leonard帶頭把川普突然加關稅的脈絡寫出來了,基本上就是中方答應好的事突然又在這一回合出爾反爾,主要是將結束不公平技術轉移的條件形之於中國法律、並寫入談判結果中(以可以定期考核)。
Trump Threatened Tariffs After Hearing of Chinese Reversal, Sources Say
Donald Trump’s top trade negotiator told him that Beijing was back-tracking on a trade deal following a round of talks last week, angering the president and leading him to threaten on Sunday to raise tariffs on Chinese goods, according to people familiar with the matter.
In talks last week in Beijing, Chinese officials told their U.S. counterparts they would not agree to a trade deal that required changes to Chinese law, the people said. China had previously agreed to change its laws in the text of the deal, they said.
The change has major implications for provisions of the deal aimed at ending a Chinese practice of forcing U.S. companies seeking to do business in the country to reveal proprietary technologies and other intellectual property.
The U.S. side, led by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, thought that issues around what’s known as forced technology transfer were resolved and considered the Chinese position on changing its laws to be an attempt to renegotiate, the people said. Lighthizer was angered by the move and briefed Trump.
The president then issued a pair of tweets on Sunday criticizing China and threatening to raise tariffs on about $200 billion in goods to 25 percent from 10 percent.
The people familiar with the matter asked not to be identified because the China trade talks are sensitive and have been conducted in secrecy. But official readouts last week from the U.S. and Chinese governments that depicted the latest round of talks in Beijing as productive were overstated, the people said.
Trump’s trade negotiators weren’t particularly surprised by his tweets, the people said. The White House didn’t immediately comment.
A new round of trade talks are expected this week in Washington, but it is unclear whether the Chinese government will send top officials following Trump’s tweets. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said on Monday that a delegation would still travel to Washington but would not say when.
Global equities tumbled and Treasury futures climbed following the tweets, which set back investor confidence the U.S. and China would soon resolve their trade war.
The S&P 500 Index fell as much as 1.6 percent on Monday before paring losses. The tweets did considerably more damage in China, where the Shanghai Composite Index sunk 5.6 percent on Monday for its steepest drop in three years, even after state-backed funds were said to step in to cushion the blow.
— With assistance by Shawn Donnan, and Jeremy Herron
(Updates with trade team unsurprised by tweets in seventh paragraph.)
depicted意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
【玳瑚師父隨筆碌】 《修行在個人》
Spiritual Cultivation Is Your Own Responsibility (English version below)
Before the start of my article, here's wishing all my readers and your families a Happy Winter Solstice and may your year end on a auspicious and complete note. The weather is turning cold. Do remember to wear more clothing to avoid catching a cold.
曾有人要求吾守護他一家人, 一直到其子女長大成人,他敢講吾倒是不敢聽。哈!哈!哈!其實啊!到今天依然有男有女,一樣要吾守護她他們一家人,長長久久,祇是有些是明說,有些則眼神透露,確實叫吾受寵若驚,一時不知如何回應。這時才領悟,什麼叫有情眾生。說真的,每當有這些客人的請求,吾都是感到無比榮幸的,祇是君子之交淡如水啊!有緣自然來相聚,互相珍惜,惜福惜緣,那就夫復何求了。
Many years ago, some clients told me that they wanted to buy a residential unit near my place, a unit as near as possible! At that time, I had to be like the ninja as depicted in the movie, moving around stealthily to prevent myself from being discovered! Their reason to live near me was to have immediate access to my practical assistance, should they encounter problems in life. I can totally understand why my clients think this way but perhaps they forget that "all good times must come to an end."
The affinity between people is very intricate and unfathomable. Is it not so? Think about it, the one who doted the most on you, is he or she by your side now? The best of classmates, are you still in touch with them now? The teacher whom you respected the most, is he or she still around? Your playmates from childhood, where are they now? Our lives are always in a constant flux of change. In the midst of all these changes in our relationships, we should learn to be independent and strong, to develop our own wisdom and accumulate our experience. Only then can we make progress.
Once, there was a person who requested me to watch over his entire family, until his children grow up. It was an audacious request that I could not bear to hear. Ha ha ha! In fact, even till today, there are still such requests from my clients, some verbal, others through their eye expressions, to look after their families. I am taken aback by these requests and the trust bestowed on me, that I do not know how to react at first. It was at such a moment that the realisation hit me: sentient beings are emotional creatures. Every time I hear such a request, I am honoured, but the friendship between men of virtue should be pure like water and free from self-interest. We will meet and gather when the conditions arises, and we should treasure one another and our affinity. Only then will we have no regrets.
We appear in this world for a singular purpose: spiritual cultivation. That is to cultivate righteousness in our speech, body and mind and attain enlightenment, achieving eternal bliss, freedom and contentment. Only beings in the state of Buddhahood are able to fully experience this state of Truth. I compromised on my sleep and meal times to prepare you for the "biggest event of your life". There is no other goal more worthy than that for me to continue my writings. My beloved readers, please keep in mind that a Master can only show you the door, you will have to take the first step in.