

在 deny發音產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, reject 拒絕、排斥 (v.) 殘品 (n.) E.g.The manager rejected him for joining the marketing team. 經理拒絕他加入行銷團隊。 . deny / refute / renounce / repudiate 駁斥、批駁、否認 (...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過49萬的網紅哥倫布 Columbus,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我的英文發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool 然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 訂閱連結 ▶ http://bit.ly/2pFqXeA FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus IG ▶ https://www....

  • deny發音 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-20 09:53:02
    有 29 人按讚

    reject 拒絕、排斥 (v.) 殘品 (n.)
    E.g.The manager rejected him for joining the marketing team.
    deny / refute / renounce / repudiate 駁斥、批駁、否認 (v.)
    E.g. Alisa repudiated the authorship of the book.
    different / disparate / distinctive / diverse 相異的、不同的 (a.)
    E.g. Our group holds very diverse views on this issue.
    apparent / crystal-clear / evident / manifest / noticeable 清楚的、明顯的、顯而易見的
    E.g. It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.
    colossal / enormous / great / gigantic / immense / tremendous / vast 巨大的 (a.)
    E.g. This party is indeed a colossal success.

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  • deny發音 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-11-09 08:59:00
    有 501 人按讚

    The Great Gatsby第七章,我們繼續看下去….

    <3 俐媽提問:

    p. 54
    rudely (adv.) 粗魯地(衍: rudeness n. 粗魯)
    servant (n.) 僕人(衍: serve v. 服務/ service n. 服務/ serving n. (一份)食物)
    replace (v.) 取代(+ A + with + B)(衍: replacement n. 取代)
    p. 55
    maid (n.) 女傭;年輕女子(衍: maiden n. 少女;處女/ maiden voyage n. 處女航)
    darken (v.) 使黑暗(衍: dark a. 黑暗的/ darkness n. 黑暗)(-en: make)
    enormous (a.) 龐大的
    carpet (n.) 地毯
    fascinate (v.) 使著迷(衍: fascination n. 著迷/ fascinated a. 著迷的/ fascinating a. 令人著迷的)
    p. 56
    opposite (a.)(adv.)(n.)(prep.) 相反的(衍: oppose v. 反對/ opposition n. 反對/ opponent n. 反對者;敵手)
    p. 58
    dumb (a.) 蠢笨的;啞的(俐媽提醒:b不發音喔~)
    p. 59
    impatiently (adv.) 沒耐心地(衍: patience n. 耐心/ patient a. 有耐心的;n. 病人/ impatient a. 沒耐心的/ impatience n. 沒耐心)
    exclaim (v.) 驚叫(ex-: out/ -claim: shout)(衍: exclamation n. 驚叫)
    stare (v.)(n.) 盯;注視(+ at + N)
    similar (a.) 類似的(+ to + N)(衍: similarity n. 相似處)
    p. 60
    jealousy (n.) 忌妒(衍: jealous a. 忌妒的 + of + N)
    panic (n.)(v.) 驚慌
    remark (n.)(v.) 評論
    p. 62
    interrupt (v.) 打斷(衍: interruption n. 打斷)(inter-: between, among/ -rupt: break)
    p. 63
    explode (v.) 爆炸;發飆(衍: explosion n. 爆炸/ explosive a. 爆炸的;n. 爆裂物)
    make a fool of sb. (ph.) 愚弄
    p. 64
    tenderness (n.) 溫柔(衍: tender a. 溫柔的)
    p. 65
    admit (v.) 承認;獲准進入…(衍: admission n. 承認;獲准進入…)(反: deny v. 否認)
    from now on (ph.) 從現在開始(from then on ph. 從那時開始)
    force (v.) 強迫;(n.) 武力;力量(衍: forceful a. 有力量的/ enforce v. 執行法律/ reinforce v. 強化;加強)
    firmly (adv.) 堅定地(衍: firm a. 堅定的;牢固的;n. 大公司/ firmness n. 堅定)
    p. 66
    investigate (v.) 調查(衍: investigation n. 調查/ investigator n. 調查員)
    alcohol (n.) 酒精;含酒精飲料(衍: alcoholic a. 含酒精的;n. 酗酒者)
    terror (n.) 驚恐(衍: terrible a. 可怕的/ terrorist n. 恐怖份子/ terrorism n. 恐怖主義/ terrific a. 超棒的)
    p. 67
    intention (n.) 意圖(衍: intend v. 意圖/ intentional a. 故意的)
    courage (n.) 勇氣(衍: courageous a. 有勇氣的/ encourage v. 鼓勵/ encouragement n. 鼓勵/ discourage v. 勸阻/ discouragement n. 勸阻)
    definitely (adv.) 絕對地(衍: define v. 下定義/ definition n. 定義/ definite a. 明確的)
    annoy (v.) 惱怒(衍: annoyance n. 令人惱怒之人事物/ annoying a. 令人惱怒的/ annoyed a. 惱怒的)
    continuously (adv.) 持續地(衍: continue v. 繼續)

  • deny發音 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2010-10-18 08:32:19

    我的英文發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool
    然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD


    訂閱連結 ▶ http://bit.ly/2pFqXeA
    FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    IG ▶ https://www.instagram.com/littlecolumbus
    合作邀約 ▶ columbus@english.cool
    其他訊息 ▶ 密我 FB 粉絲專頁


    A song I wrote :P

    The lucid sky.
    is an open fire to me.
    We watch it burn.
    and it's haunting - you'd agree.

    Black and white blurred between the lines.
    Angels try for the truth that can't be said.
    Yellow slander and purple lies.
    He's a rainbow that bleeds the color red.
    He's the same as you and me.


    I pray that everything will be alright.
    Won't you take up your arms and fight.
    For the city.
    Away to the battlefields with questions that we can't deny.
    We are begging for a reason why.
    No reply.

    You're not a perfect child.
    but you always tried to be.
    They preach and they teach.
    but they're helpless when you leave.

    But being best will not make you stronger.
    Never thought of what happened till it came to be.
    A million cries in a million letters.
    Nameless souls in an endless, endless sea.
    They're all so dear to me.


    Don't you remember.
    The other side.
    We can complain but we cannot cry.
    So open your eyes.
    Do you see me!
    Do you see me!


    The lucid sky is an open fire to me!


    ✬ 原創歌曲 ORIGINAL SONGS ▶ https://goo.gl/2qi5k7
    ✬ 鋼琴與其他音樂 PIANO VIOLIN FINGERSTYLE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/QwmZqk
    ✬ 跳舞 DANCE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/uCpdmR
    ✬ 合作影片 ▶ https://goo.gl/TzQsBf
    ✬ 歌曲下載 ▶ http://bit.do/littlecolumbus



    我很喜歡寫歌,每當我聽見別人在哼我寫的旋律時,我就會有非常大的滿足感。除了寫歌之外,我也喜歡拍一些有趣的音樂相關影片在 Youtube 和 Facebook 上面喔!



    Hi! I am Columbus. I am songwriter in Taipei, Taiwan. My dream is to someday be able to do songwriting as a career. Thank you for listening and subscribing and listening to my music!