

在 define介係詞產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,020的網紅AJ 談電影,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 恭喜Lady Bird 入圍五項奧斯卡🎉🎉🎉 非常喜歡導演Greta Gerwig 在金球獎的電影介紹詞,以下分享一下! ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍ 《淑女鳥》是一個關於兩個世代女人的故事,一個個性強勢但又深愛女兒的媽媽,與她同樣固執又對未來充滿抱負的青春期女兒。故事設定在2002年的加州沙加緬...

  • define介係詞 在 AJ 談電影 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-26 21:51:00
    有 13 人按讚

    恭喜Lady Bird 入圍五項奧斯卡🎉🎉🎉
    非常喜歡導演Greta Gerwig 在金球獎的電影介紹詞,以下分享一下!
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
    《淑女鳥》是一個關於兩個世代女人的故事,一個個性強勢但又深愛女兒的媽媽,與她同樣固執又對未來充滿抱負的青春期女兒。故事設定在2002年的加州沙加緬度,看時光變化所代表的意義,以及這兩個女人如何定義和宣示她們的未來。它是關於那些塑造成我們人格的情感關係,那些使我們與眾不同的夢想,以及那個我們永遠無法逃離的吸引力 —— 『家』。
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
    “Lady Bird is a story of two generations of women, a fierce and deeply loving mother and her equally strong and aspirational teenage daughter. Set in Sacramento, California in 2002, it is a story about what changing time means, how women define and declare their futures. It is about the relationships that shape us, the dreams that define us, and the inescapable pull of a place called HOME..”
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

    Lady Bird | 淑女鳥 (2017)
    導演:葛莉塔潔薇 Greta Gerwig
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
    ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

  • define介係詞 在 {Fish睬政治}孫博萮 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-12-05 16:07:05
    有 21 人按讚

    台灣才能徹底擺脫兩岸中國政權所設下的"Taiwan is a part of China"世紀謊言魔咒

    #終止代管 #自覺建國


    1. 美國從來沒有承認中國對台灣的主權聲明
    2. 聯合國的2758號決議不是用來處理台灣地位
    3. 潘基文曾經在美加日紐澳等國施壓下收回錯誤的詮釋 
    A number of Western governments, with the US in the lead, protested to the UN in 2007 to force the global body and its secretary-general to stop using the reference “Taiwan is a part of China,” a cable recently released by WikiLeaks shows.
    The confidential cable, sent by the US’ UN mission in New York in August 2007, said that after returning from a trip abroad, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had met then-US ambassador to the UN Zalmay Khalilzad to discuss a range of issues, including “UN language on the status of Taiwan.”
    “Ban said he realized he had gone too far in his recent public statements, and confirmed that the UN would no longer use the phrase ‘Taiwan is a part of China,’” said the cable, which was sent to the US Department of State and various US embassies worldwide.
    聯合國秘書長潘基文同年與美國駐聯合國大使哈利勒扎德會面時,承認他有關「台灣是中國的一部分」的公開發言「太過分(go too far)」,並確認未來聯合國提及台灣時,不再使用「台灣是中國的一部分」一詞。
    UN told to drop ‘Taiwan is part of China’: cable
    By J. Michael Cole / Staff Reporter
    After the Trump-Tsai call, if you are misled by most of the media saying that 'Taiwan is a rebel province of China,' 'the US recognized the China's claim over Taiwan,' or 'UN granted territory sovereignty of Taiwan to China by RS 2758,' some inconvenient facts here you might be interested in.
    1. The PRC government cliams Taiwan is part of China, however, it has not controled the territory of Taiwan even a second.
    2. The US 'acknowledged' China's position over Taiwan, but has never 'recognized' it. This is the core value of the US' One China policy.
    3. The General Assembly resolution #2758 only dealt with the issue of the China's seat in the United Nations, however the title and status of Taiwan was not mentioned.
    Taiwan's "Unsettled" International Status: Preserving U.S. Options in the Pacific●John Tkacik, Jr. / Heritage Foundation(2008.06.19)
    In July 2007, the United States reportedly presented a nine-point demarche in the form of a "non-paper" to the U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs that both restated the U.S. position that it takes no position on the question of Taiwan's sovereignty and specifically rejected recent U.N. statements that the organization considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC."
    U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan:
    1. The United States reiterates its One China policy which is based on the three US–China Communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act, to the effect that the United States acknowledges China's view that Taiwan is a part of China. We take no position on the status of Taiwan. We neither accept nor reject the claim that Taiwan is a part of China.
    2. The United States has long urged that Taiwan's status be resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Beyond that, we do not define Taiwan in political terms.
    美國長期以來皆呼籲台灣地位應以台海兩岸人民均滿意之方式和平解決,除此之外,美方不對台灣(地位) 作政治界定。
    3. The United States noted that the PRC has become more active in international organizations and has called on the UN Secretariat and member states to accept its claim of sovereignty over Taiwan. In some cases, as a condition for the PRC's own participation in international organizations, Beijing has insisted the organization and its member states use nomenclature for Taiwan that suggests endorsement of China's sovereignty over the island.
    4. The United States is concerned that some UN organizations have recently asserted that UN precedent required that Taiwan be treated as a part of the PRC and be referred to by names in keeping with such status.
    5. The United States has become aware that the UN has promulgated documents asserting that the United Nations considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC." While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.
    6. The United States noted that the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 adopted on 25 October 1971 does not in fact establish that Taiwan is a province of the PRC. The resolution merely recognized the representation of the government of the PRC as the only lawful representation of China to the UN, and expelled the representative of Chiang Kai-shek from the seats they occupied at the UN and all related organizations. There is no mention in Resolution 2758 of China's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.
    7. While the United States does not support Taiwan's membership in organizations such as the UN, for which statehood is a prerequisite, we do support meaningful participation by Taiwan's experts as appropriate in such organizations. We support membership as appropriate in organizations for which such statehood is not required.
    8. The United States urged the UN Secretariat to review its policy on the status of Taiwan and to avoid taking sides in a sensitive matter on which UN members have agreed to disagree for over 35 years.
    9. If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.
    2007年台灣主權差點淪陷:2007年CEDAW事件[呂秀蓮口述 陳正翰整理]
    Original documents released by Wikileaks
    維基解密/2007年 美要求 聯合國不再稱 「台灣是中國一部分」

  • define介係詞 在 中衛產業行腳 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-05-30 12:15:16
    有 2 人按讚

    創新講究的是研發,研與發兩個面向有許多變形:R&d係指研究技術成熟度較低(Technology-Readiness Level)、距離市場應用較遠的科技,偏重在以基礎科學的突破帶動新興技術的突破,全球在此一領域最頂尖的研究單位應屬美國的DARPA(國家高等研究計劃署)。r&D係指研究技術成熟度較高、距離市場應用較近的技術,多屬市場較為明朗的開發,廠商在此扮演關鍵的角色。在這個粗略分類下,自然還有一些介乎其間的傑出成就,例如,史丹佛研究中心(Stanford Research Institute)、全錄的帕拉奧圖研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center)等等,這些使無變有的研究單位在人類近代的科技文明史中,扮演了一棒接一棒的角色,順利地將天馬行空的點子化約為改變人類生活的科技與產品。
    台灣產業現在需要的是R&D,兩者的份量都需要很重的創新活動。多年前曾聽一家品牌行銷全球的研發員工開玩笑說,他們做的是Retesting & Debugging,這種r&d對現階段台灣產業的邊際貢獻等於零。二十年來的亞洲內部的產業結構丕變,台灣產業目前在追兵不斷超越的困境中,不再能倚靠過去的創新模式,R&d引進基礎科學的激進式創新是一途,但要整合的介面管理是有效將科學轉換為技術、再轉換為產品的關鍵;而貼近消費者需求的r&D需要更多掌握變化多端的消費市場,對台灣產業習慣根據規格形式、不能直接與終端消費者對話的慣性,有待運用最新的科技加以突破。
    寶僑近年來運用開放式創新的架構,以C&D (Connect & Develop)大量引入各類型利益關係人(包括消費者)從事共創活動,穩健地在日用消費品市場中居於領先地位,這也是體制創新的典範。這和近年來火紅的設計思考(Design Thinking),在方法論強調以同理(Empathy)與定義(Define)作為展開創意前的工作重點,有著異曲同工之妙。拉式不僅是生產活動,致力於向終端消費者的顯性或隱性需求移動,將決定創新的成效。這類的努力在新興科技架構下,比過去展現更高的可行性,但還是要看廠商在營運模式上的規劃與執行程度。
    GE Digital目前的創新工具除了商業模式慣用的BMC(以「創利時代」一書出版後廣泛被使用的商業模式九宮格)、設計思維等方法論外,一個新的概念使得這個新興廠商業務蒸蒸日上:監控與分析(Monitoring and Diagnostics)。擷取、傳輸與分析資料將成為未來企業流程中最重要的環節,數位化的看板宛若戰情室,各種戰情資訊所顯示的可以包括智慧製造中設備、加工件的特徵值,倉儲與物流過程中的環境特徵值,甚至消費者在賣場中的消費路徑,這種端對端(End-to-End)的戰情資料,不僅長期在監控(Monitoring)流程中得以掌握產銷的關鍵資訊,更在分析(Diagnostics)全生命週期的數據中,掌握到過去流程改善難以被視覺化的細節,也掌握過去從製造端難以揣摩的消費者洞察(Consumer Insight),進而從此演繹出切中消費者真實需求的創新,過去難以想像的創新模式,已在領先廠商的族群中快速發展,不僅這種嶄新的科學管理手法被驗證可行,嶄新的方法論也為導入廠商在可見財貨僅能獲取低毛利的經營環境中,以非可見財貨賺進超高額報酬,也將在不久的未來改變競爭的結構。

