
為什麼這篇deficient字根鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在deficient字根這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者sovereignty ( )看板GRE標題[字彙] 有害 vs. 無害 (3)時間Mon Ma...

| 有害 (-) | 無害 (+) |
| noxious (a) | innocent (a) |
| obnoxious (a) | innocuous (a) |
| pernicious (a) | naive (a) |
| noisome (a) | ingenuous (a) |
| baneful (a) | guileless (a) |
| detrimental (a) | artless (a) |
| deleterious (a) | |
| blight (v) | |

這組字最重要的字根是 noc- = nic- = nox- (harm, damage),請見單字底線標記。


※ 有害 ※

noxious (a) 有害的
(MW) constituting a harmful influence on mind or behavior especially:
morally corrupting <noxious doctrines>
[源] nox- (noc-): hurt, damage
[例] Fumes from the exhaust of an automobile are noxious.
[解] 字面上是 "對人體有害的":noxious (a) physically harmful or
destructive to living beings <noxious waste>,常用於形容廢煙、廢料
(如核廢料),引申為 "對人的不良影響"。

obnoxious (a) 令人極度反感的
(MW) odiously (可憎地) or disgustingly objectionable (冒犯的):
highly offensive
[源] ob- (toward) + nox- (harm)
[例] He said some really obnoxious things about his ex-girlfriend at
the party.

pernicious (a) 有害的
(MW) highly injurious or destructive: DEADLY
[源] per- (completely) + nic- (harm)
[例] She thinks television has a pernicious influence on our children.

noisome (a) 有害的
[源] noi- (annoy) + some (形尾)

baneful (a) 有害的
(MW) productive of destruction or woe: seriously harmful
<a baneful influence>
[衍] bane (n) a source of harm or ruin: CURSE <national frontiers have
been more of a bane than a boon for mankind> "禍根"
[例] The legislation could have a baneful effect on the poor.

detrimental (a) 有害的
(MW) obviously harmful: DAMAGING <the detrimental effects of pollution>
[衍] detriment (n) INJURY, DAMAGE <did hard work without detriment
to his health>
[記] 用 nutriment "營養" 去記反義字 detriment "傷害"。

deleterious (a) 有害的
(MW) harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way <deleterious effects>
<deleterious to health>
[記] 用 delete 去記,"有害的" 東西需要被刪除。
[解] 字形上不要和 delectable (a) "美味的" 搞混:delectable (a)
DELICIOUS <a delectable meal>

blight (v) 損害
(MW) to impair the quality or effect of <the condition that has
blighted his son's life>
[源] 最早指農業上 "作物疾病",後引申為 "不良的影響",從名詞轉成動詞用。
[衍] blighted (a)
[例] The extent of the blighted areas (災區) could be seen only when
viewed from the air.
[記] 太刺眼 (bright) 的光線會損害 (blight) 眼睛。


※ 無害、天真 ※

無害的概念是 "單純"、"天真無邪"、"自然",可用嬰兒去聯想。

innocent (a) 天真無邪的
(MW) lacking or reflecting a lack of sophistication, guile, or
self-consciousness: ARTLESS, INGENUOUS
[衍] innocence (n)

innocuous (a) 無害的
(MW) not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or
hostility: INOFFENSIVE
[源] in- (not) + noc- (harm),不造成傷害。
[例] His innocuous remarks in the political meeting aroused other
colleagues' agreement.

naive (a) 天真的
(MW) marked by unaffected (不做作的) simplicity: ARTLESS, INGENUOUS
[源] 法文字,注意發音。na- 來自nat- (= born),剛出生的嬰兒是 "天真無邪的"。
[衍] naivete (n) the quality or state of being naive
[解] 作 "天真的" 解為正面意涵。另一個意思是 "幼稚的"、"容易上當的":
naive (a) deficient (缺乏的) in worldly wisdom or informed judgment
especially: CREDULOUS,為負面意涵。

ingenuous (a) 天真的
(MW) showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness <her
ingenuous thirst for experience>
[源] in- (intensifier) + gen- (born) + -uous (形尾),天真是與 "生" 俱來的。
[衍] disingenuous (a) lacking in candor also: giving a false appearance
of simple frankness: CALCULATING "不真誠的、算計的"。
[例] An ingenuous country girl works very hard to earn money in the
big city.
[解] 不要和 ingenious (a) marked by originality, resourcefulness, and
cleverness in conception or execution <an ingenious contraption>
"聰明的、精巧的" 搞混。可用 genius (n) "天才" 來記此字。
[記] 你 (U) 天真我 (I) 聰明。

特別注意 -less 作字尾時是 without "完全沒有" 的意思,不是 "較少"
(less 為單字的意思),可把 -less 看做是 "not" 的轉折訊號。

guileless (a) 天真無邪的
[衍] guile (n) deceitful cunning (心機): DUPLICITY "欺騙"
[例] He is a guileless man who often guides readers to improve
their effectiveness in speech and writing.
[解] guile (負面) + less (without) = guileless (正面)

artless (a) 單純的 (= guileless)
(MW) free from (沒有) guile or craft: sincerely simple <an artless
young woman>
[衍] art (n) skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
<the art of making friends>
[衍] 反義字:artful (a) adroit (熟練的) in attaining an end usually by
insinuating (暗示) or indirect means: WILY <an artful cross-examiner
[例] His simple artless charm won us over instantly.
[解] 藝術 (art) 需要 "技巧",引申為 "手腕",artless 同義字是 unskillful,
不加矯飾。art (負面) + less (without) = artless (正面)。

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