

在 debut英文產品中有59篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅VoiceTube 看影片學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Kpop 夏日女王!Lisa 霸氣銳不可擋】 Blackpink 成員 Lisa 帶著洗腦旋律 首支個人單曲 < LALISA > 發布後兩天內 MV 瀏覽量破億!🤩 快和小 V 學相關的實用音樂英文吧!👀 底下留言領正解👇 🎤record-breaking (adj.)破紀錄的 🎤debu...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,700的網紅Antonia Cheng DSE English,也在其Youtube影片中提到,明星出道我哋會叫做‘Debut’,佢嘅讀音竟然同「地標」一模一樣!?? 球星初次登場就有亮眼成績? 又可以點講呢?? 一齊睇下我喺今集點樣’unveil’呢啲生字啦!??‍? LET’S GOAL!⚽ ?如果你想第一時間收到免費英文DSE考試攻略,記住Subscribe我的Youtube C...

debut英文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 14:41:03

#NewsSharing🌋 #EnglishEverywhere🌋 Tokyo Olympics: Grace Lau Mo-sheung, the trailblazing (先驅的) karateka (空手家, 練習空手道的人) set to (毅然開始) finally leave he...

debut英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-06 05:58:15

杜學長和俐媽都是Roger Federer的粉絲, 除了學習英文, 我們也會談談四大網球公開賽的消息, 這次Federer宣佈退出法網, 我們遺憾🥺但是尊重。 「退出」賽事的英文該怎麼說? 以下感謝杜學長的整理提供👍🏼👍🏼 ——————————————————————- 🎾 俐媽新聞英文—網球篇:...

debut英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-21 08:06:10

隨著Clubhouse的爆紅,技術服務商Agora的股票也水漲船高。不過也有消息傳來,Agora音訊技術公司是中資 (Chinese funded company),掌握著Clubhouse的技術核心。令人擔心其背後的資安問題 (information security issue)。 近日有部分...

  • debut英文 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-15 18:02:14
    有 51 人按讚

    【Kpop 夏日女王!Lisa 霸氣銳不可擋】
    Blackpink 成員 Lisa 帶著洗腦旋律
    首支個人單曲 < LALISA >
    發布後兩天內 MV 瀏覽量破億!🤩
    快和小 V 學相關的實用音樂英文吧!👀

    🎤record-breaking (adj.)破紀錄的
    🎤debut single(n.)首支單曲

  • debut英文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-14 15:54:28
    有 442 人按讚

    210714🧡The Tonight Show

    Jimmy Fallon的The Tonight show已經有影片了❤

    🌌BTS: Permission to Dance (TV Debut) I The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    🌌BTS Dishes on rouring and Working with Ed Sheeran The ronight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    🌌BTS Responds to Rumors About Their Fan Base and Potential Stage Names I The Tonight Show


  • debut英文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-05 00:51:13
    有 3,529 人按讚

    【你從不知道的靈異世界 竟然如此不可思議!】
    Books recommendation: The Inexplicable World of Spirits That You Are Clueless About








    祝 開卷有益。

    This midnight, let's talk about the incredible world of spirits that you do not know about.

    We live in a world of spirits, yet most of us are largely ignorant about the vast expanse of this world. We become blinded by our very limited sensory perceptions and arrogantly presumed that only science is the real deal.

    Problem is, only a rare few can transverse the world of Yin and Yang, ghosts and gods. Even fewer are willing to reveal the truth through writings. Why so?

    I am just an insignificant person. Yet since my debut a few years ago, I have had my fair share of oppression, cyberbullying, smearing and insults. Any person, who puts him/herself in the public eye yet walks against the general direction of the masses, is bound to be an easy target for personal attacks by people with vile intentions. Uninformed bystanders are also likely to follow the crowd.

    Such pain and hardship can only be understood by those who went through it. Ever since this, I grew more respect for my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. He is my role model. The faith, tenacity and courage He demonstrated in delivering sentient beings for the past 40 years are worthy of applause.

    Despite facing vicious forces again and again, He boldly chose to reveal the mysterious truth behind the world of spirits, for us to have the right knowledge, and no longer be lost. Only then we can eventually cease all evil and cultivate all good.

    This is why when we seek Buddhist teachings, we should have utmost respect and be thankful to our virtuous teachers who impart the teachings to us. Many a time, these teachers exchanged their lives to receive such precious Dharma empowerment and risked their personal safety to propagate Buddhsim and deliver sentient beings.

    Yet all we have to do is to ask and we can receive the teachings effortlessly. If we behave improperly and have impure intentions, we will plant the seed of being reborn into the Three Evil Paths, banished into a world of darkness, never to hear a single word of authentic Dharma for life or be liberated from sufferings.

    While these 4 books are written by Grandmaster Lu some 24 years ago, to read them in the year 2021 can still be shocking to some of us. Our society may have progressed but this is a false appearance, as our spiritual self are still lacking and in turmoil. I recommend these four books for your spiritual pursuit:

    1) The Incredible Paranormal Stories (in Chinese)
    2) Experiences of Spiritual Manifestations (in Chinese)
    3) Revelation of the Spiritual World (in Chinese)
    4) Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm (in Chinese and English)

    May you benefit from the readings.


    🇸🇬 新加坡 Singapore
    翔晴Siang Ching Trading
    149 Rochor Road, Fu Lu Shou Complex, 02-01, Singapore 188425
    T: 62542213

    125+126+127+129 一套四本
    125《 不可思議的靈異 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551193
    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551209
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789865551216
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》

    🇲🇾 馬來西亞 Malaysia
    125+126+127+129 一套四本 https://bit.ly/3huZFmJ
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》https://bit.ly/3uM0SeO
    126《 神變的遊歷 》https://bit.ly/33NomUU
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/33SnZbD
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/3olHvag

    🌏 台灣/香港/全球觀眾 International Audience
    金石堂 Kingstone:
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3dEOwz2
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3ndAXtI
    127《 靈異的真面目 》https://bit.ly/32G3MVS
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》https://bit.ly/32Dqb6w

    博客來 Books.com.tw
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/2Qljh32
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xdM22r
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/2QljoeY
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3dFrzfd

    三民書局 Sanmin
    125 《 不可思議的靈異 》 https://bit.ly/3tGyMRR
    126《 神變的遊歷 》 https://bit.ly/3xaX8Fv
    127《 靈異的真面目 》 https://bit.ly/3eiidVI
    129《 走入最隱祕的陰陽界 》 https://bit.ly/3elUqnZ

    129 Entering the Most Hidden Yin-Yang Realm

  • debut英文 在 Antonia Cheng DSE English Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-13 10:00:00



    LET’S GOAL!⚽

    ?如果你想第一時間收到免費英文DSE考試攻略,記住Subscribe我的Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMBNiENk6JIQ8rb3mY72IIw

    ?更多DSE English教學片段: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay_2qp9-Obo&list=PLOmx6EareF48npM1JgVts1j5XeHRsN3ou

    ★ Antonia DSE 英文課程 ★
    - 首席英文科導師
    - 香港中文大學翻譯系碩士
    - 教授英文超過15年,學生人數衝破十萬
    - DSE暢銷天書作者《天后的DSE英文教室》

    ★ 網上報名及其他教學影片 ★

    ✅WhatsApp即時查詢: https://wa.me/85298869468
    ✅Email查詢: admin@antoniacheng.com

    ★ Follow我吧! ★
    Instagram - https://instagram.com/antoniacheng
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  • debut英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-05 21:00:11

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 線上課程:發音教學、文法解析

    1【contest 質疑;反駁】— 動詞(正式)
    Could the election result be contested?

    2 【voluntary 自主的;非強迫的】— 形容詞
    Sweden’s new COVID-19 guidelines are voluntary.

    3【attempt 嘗試】— 動詞
    The terrorist attempted to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State.

    4【abruptly 突然地】— 副詞
    The world's biggest market debut was abruptly suspended.

    5 【double-edged sword 雙面刃】— 名詞
    Neuroticism could be a double-edged sword.

    neuroticism 神經質;緊張兮兮(名詞)

    1)contest 質疑;反駁
    2)voluntary 自主的;非強迫的
    3)attempt 嘗試
    4)abruptly 突然地
    5)double-edged sword 雙面刃

  • debut英文 在 The Low Mays Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-08-04 20:24:35

    ALBUM PLAYLIST · 播放全碟 ??

    Track 11 “火星” of The Low Mays' Debut Album “富林太空站”

    Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/the-low-mays
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheLowMays/

    ©2018 C.W.A. Records


    [Hook: 奶油包]
    戚住佢 咁住佢 扯住佢屌
    你淨住望住我 大嗌乜料
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 屌我太癲

    [Verse 1: 奶油包]
    屌我太LIT 你水都唔熱
    你條女 見倒我隊完就捌
    含我包皮 佢嘴到佢裂
    狗仔姿勢 我要隊到佢跌
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    楂到去邊到 我就high到去邊
    打開道門 成架車都係煙
    脫離現實 我要high到我癲
    富林黨搵食 我大過個天
    點咗枝brunt 我唔撚超
    含我條撚 食我條蕉
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    馬太福音 同埋奶油詩篇
    揸住個煲 我日日去鞭

    [Hook: 奶油包]

    [V2: 馬太福音]
    飛去冥王星 我屌極唔死
    世界末日 平民可以收皮
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 屌我太癲
    屌我太high 舐我粒姩

    [Hook: 奶油包]

    [V3: 蜜蜂翁]
    我地第一 你地第尾
    你地覺得 我地係gay
    但係 我同你條女 我唔gay
    飛去漢城 你買普通飛
    傳教士姿勢 叫我神父翁
    你條女 含完撚再舔我屎忽窿
    傳教士姿勢 叫我翁汁士
    次次急屎 都要同蜜蜂翁拾屎

    [Hook: 奶油包]