

在 cups教學產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅AMC 空中美語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 六月,如果沒有疫情,我是不是就去畢旅了呢~好想出去玩呀,尤其是去遊樂園🎡!A+都聽到了,這次7月就來介紹遊樂園,今天先來看看這些遊樂設施的英文怎麼說😍? 🎈ride (n.) 遊樂設施 🎈free fall 自由落體 🎈tea cups 咖啡杯 🎈pirate ship 海盜船 🎈bumper ...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a super silky and rich dessert: Classic Petit Pot French Pudding (Crème Au Chocolat). ...

cups教學 在 飢餓女? 澳門美食|美食x咖啡x生活x攝影? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-30 15:07:26

【📍科技大學|校園美食廣場🍱廚藝天地】🎁文末有福利 🚛前排先去完科大嘅貨櫃餐吧享受呢個貨櫃風情 原來裡面仲有個學生美食廣場 真心為依加嘅學生感到好幸福呀 而且美食廣場係對公眾開放的🎉 大家得閒都可以過去重返一下校園時光嫁  🔻 新加坡海南雞飯 【南洋巴打】 中意東南亞菜式既可以試下南...

cups教學 在 La Dolce Vita in OZ澳洲微甜人生 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-06-18 02:38:11

#𝐕𝐢𝐭𝐚_𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐥 那天,我在ig上傳韓國外帶餐,一桌滿滿地看起來很好吃,但我沒有秀出來的是,那一碗牛小排湯,天啊,肉硬到陶先生要用兩手用力拉才咬的斷!!!而且老實說,目前在布里斯本這麼多韓國餐廳裡,好吃又嫩的燉牛小排,10家看看有沒有1家,真的很難吃到好吃的。 而我自從10年前我開始學做韓...

  • cups教學 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-08 08:00:12
    有 68 人按讚

    🎈ride (n.) 遊樂設施
    🎈free fall 自由落體
    🎈tea cups 咖啡杯
    🎈pirate ship 海盜船
    🎈bumper cars 碰碰車
    🎥 A+ English Youtube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/AmcAplus
    📢限量瘋搶空中美語雜誌📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_aplus
    💟 A+ English榮獲「文化部第41次中小學生讀物選介」推薦👍
    #跟定AMC搞定ABC #空中美語 #美語教學 #英文學習

  • cups教學 在 Double A+ 說遊趣 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-23 23:06:46
    有 67 人按讚

    【Food in Fridge 防疫冰箱必推食物?!】
    實體課 + 線上課教案分享 by Annie

    🍎 教學目標:學生能分辨食物可數/不可數概念以及使用適當的單位量詞。
    💟 活動一:《防疫冰箱假想清單》(實體課)

    ⭐ 教學流程 ⭐

    1. 請學生列出14樣居家防疫必囤或心愛的美食。

    例:有一班的指定食材是 10 cups of bubble tea, 20 dumplings, 30 bottles of water, 58 slices of beef, and 15 bunches of grapes.

    另一班的指定食材則是 28 pieces of beef, 11 glasses of milk tea, 1 loaf of toast, and 14 packs of vegetables

    (遊戲靈感來自老師愛看的地獄廚房競賽規則~ 高登主廚規定廚師們必須用抽到的共同食材卡變化出不同的料理🥘)

    2. 清單完成後(請學生帶回家畫),下一節請學生課堂上交換作業,互相檢查食材拼字、數量與冰箱內容是否相符,並在食材項目前打勾、簽上座號,老師再收回批閱。


    💟 活動二:《冰「箱」一角──實地考察》(線上課)

    ⭐ 教學流程 ⭐

    0. 老師預先錄製上述活動一的作業回顧與講評影片,再次強調一些易錯的量詞與單字可數不可數的概念。考量學生資訊能力,在教學影片中也先示範如何用 Line 內建相片編輯功能將照片加上文字。

    1. 學生於線上課時間觀看課程影片後,任務是拍一張家中的冰箱照,用英文標示食材單字與數量,Line 給老師。

    2. 老師利用 Line 的照片編輯回覆功能即時批閱、回饋,學生修改成正確文字後再重新交完成版的作業。

    3. 老師在 Line 群組建立防疫冰箱照片集,線上參觀家家戶戶的冰「箱」一角 😆


    大家不妨也試試~ 打開你家冰箱一角,練習用英文介紹一下你的居家防疫必備好物吧~~~

    #正向防疫 #DoubleAPlus小活動 #線上非同步教學

  • cups教學 在 La Dolce Vita in Oz 澳洲微甜人生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-31 17:23:39
    有 142 人按讚

    韓式燉牛小排Galbijjim (Braised Beef Short Ribs)



    所以,我決定用我自己的做法,結果!!!!! 太好吃了!!!尤其是我異想天開加了無花果,讓湯汁有自然的甜味,而不像傳統那樣加了半杯糖,之後還給你來淋上玉米糖漿,超級無敵不健康!而且有了無花果的水果酵素,肉質變得超級嫩的!整個做法超簡單的,你們快去試試。

    白蘿蔔 半條
    紅蘿蔔 兩條
    乾香菇數朵 (先用2~3杯熱水,泡30分鐘)
    無花果 兩顆 (無可、或用木瓜皮、水梨或蘋果代替)
    綠辣椒 兩條

    味醂 1/4杯
    木糖醇 2大匙 (可用糖、楓糖或蜂蜜代替)

    Galbijjim (Braised Beef Short Ribs)

    Well, I had tried various traditional Korean version of Galbijjim, so far, I could not find one that I actually like. So, I decided to invent my much healthier and yummier version of it. I hope you give a try and hope you enjoy it.


    Beef short ribs 1.8kg
    Dried shiitake mushrooms (soak 2.5 cups hot water for 30 mins)
    Daikon Radish 1/2
    Carrots x 2
    Fig x 2
    Onion x 1
    minced ginger 2 tbsp
    garlic x 8
    green chilli x 2

    2 cups of soaked mushroom water
    soy sauce 1/3 cup
    mirin 1/4 cup
    xylitol 2 tbsp (or sugar, maple syrup, honey)
    water 1 cup

    #Galbijjim #koreanBraisedBeefShortRibs #Koreancuisine #beefrecipe #beefshortribs
    #韓式牛小排 #韓式料理 #韓式燉牛小排 #갈비찜 #カルビチム #韓国料理 #牛小排食譜

  • cups教學 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-24 20:15:02

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a super silky and rich dessert: Classic Petit Pot French Pudding (Crème Au Chocolat).

    If you're looking for a delicious and super easy chocolate dessert, or you are searching for a way to use up your egg yolk, then you must try this recipe. We recommend this french pudding strongly, it’s really delicious, you'll be amazed how the simplest ingredients can make such a rich and creamy texture. By the way, it’s gluten-free.

    This french pudding is rich, creamy and wonderful. The silky and rich texture is a little like chocolate mousse and chocolate custard. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight before serving is the best way to enjoy it. A tasty addition is to top with a dollop of whipped cream and garnished with some chocolate shaving. This recipe’s idea is from French chef Joël Robuchon, but we’ve reduced the amount of sugar and added rum to make it more flavor. Hope you like. Enjoy. :)

    📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
    📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio

    This is an #ASMR​​​​​​ ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    How to make Crème Au Chocolat French Pudding
    Here is the Crème Au Chocolat French Pudding Recipe

    ☞  Yield: Serve 5, we use 140ml pudding cup

    ✎ Ingredients
    milk 150ml
    whipping cream 200ml
    70% bittersweet chocolate 100g
    egg yolk 3
    granulated sugar 60g
    rum 5g
    *You can garnish with whipped cream and shaving chocolate

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Cut the chocolate into small chunks.
    2. In a saucepan, slowly cook the whipping cream and milk over medium-low heat, and stir continuously until simmer but not boiling. Remove from heat.
    3. Add chocolate chunks into the saucepan, stir occasionally until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth and fully incorporated.
    4. In a large mixing bowl, add 3 egg yolks, sugar and rum ,whisk together until mixed well.
    5. Pour 1/3 chocolate mixture into the egg mixture, gently whisk.
    6. Slowly add the rest of the chocolate mixture while continuously whisking.
    7. Sieve the mix into a jug. Then fill the pudding mixture to 2/3 height of the cup. It’s about 80ml.
    8. Next, fill room temp water into the baking dish to the level of 1/2 of the height of the chocolate mixture.
    9. Preheat the oven to 160C, bake for 35~40 minutes.
    10. Once baked, carefully remove the cups from the baking dish. Let cool completely before covering with wrap and refrigerating.
    11. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving or overnight. For serving, you can top with whipped cream and chocolate shaving.
    00:00 opening
    00:34 Ingredients
    01:09 Chocolate, cook milk and whipping cream
    03:02 make chocolate ganache
    03:51 make chocolate pudding mixture
    06:28 water bath
    07:46 baking temp and time
    07:53 taste

    More Info:

    FB Page:

  • cups教學 在 有口福 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-07 18:00:03

    Oreo吉拿棒 — 這些小小的巧克力餅乾簡直就是邪教!奧利奧(Oreo)誕生已有100多年了,它讓世界各地的不分年紀的人都感到高興。今天,我們將以特殊的食譜,向這款美味的餅乾致敬。我們要來炸奧利奧。每個愛吃甜食的人都會開心不已!這個食譜可以簡單地兩種美味的甜食混合在一起,形成一種意想不到的結合。



    份量: 4
    準備時間:30 分鐘 + 60 分鐘冷凍
    製作時間:3 分鐘

    240 ml 水  
    90 g  奶油
    60 g 二號砂糖
    1/2 茶匙 鹽
    125 g 麵粉
    2 湯匙 Oreo 餅乾
    1,5 茶匙 肉桂粉
    2 顆 蛋
    1 湯匙 香草精  

    20 Oreo餅乾
    100 g 糖

    100 ml 打發鮮奶油

    1. 將所有Oreo餅乾上的香草奶油刮下,然後將其放在一旁。
    2. 現在將餅乾切碎。留下兩湯匙用於稍後的麵團,其餘的與糖混合。
    3. 用奶油、二號砂糖、鹽和水煮沸。然後將麵粉與2湯匙碎的OREO餅乾,以及肉桂粉混合在一個單獨的碗中。接著將煮沸的奶油混合物,倒在麵粉和餅乾混合物上,並迅速攪拌混。待混合物冷卻後,加入2個蛋和香草精。
    4. 用奶油混合物裝進擠花袋裡,並裝上星型噴嘴。然後,將它們已圓形狀,擠在襯有烘培紙的烤盤上。將其冷凍約1小時。
    5. 冷凍後,將其放進約170°C烤箱約3分鐘。最後,將其放進步驟2的OREO糖混合物中滾動。
    6. 攪打步驟1刮下的香草奶油並攪打。將其裝進擠花袋中,然後擠在一半的冷卻餅乾上,或者僅用湯匙將其攤開。接著放上另一半餅乾。


    想知道更多的美味食譜嗎? 請訂閱我們的頻道,不要錯過任何新影片。有口福每天為你帶來不同的食譜影片。 與您的朋友和家人分享!


  • cups教學 在 Kelsi May凱西莓 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-24 18:00:03

    今年沒辦法回加拿大跟我家人過聖誕節,所以這支影片我要帶你們跟我一起在台灣找回聖誕節的感覺!我們布置聖誕樹、裝聖誕襪、還有手做我最喜歡吃的nanaimo bars!

    IG: kaiximay
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kaiximay/
    工作邀約: kaiximay@gmail.com

    Nanaimo bars食譜:

    Bottom Layer
    ½ cup unsalted butter
    ¼ cup sugar
    5 tbsp. cocoa
    1 egg beaten
    1 ¼ cups graham wafer crumbs
    ½ c. finely chopped almonds
    1 cup coconut

    Melt first 3 ingredients in top of double boiler. Add egg and stir to cook and thicken. Remove from heat. Stir in crumbs, coconut, and nuts. Press firmly into an ungreased 8" x 8" pan.

    Second Layer
    ½ cup unsalted butter
    2 Tbsp. and 2 Tsp. cream
    2 Tbsp. vanilla custard powder
    2 cups icing sugar

    Cream butter, cream, custard powder, and icing sugar together well. Beat until light. Spread over bottom layer.

    Third Layer
    4 squares semi-sweet chocolate (1 oz. each)
    2 Tbsp. unsalted butter

    Melt chocolate and butter over low heat. Cool. Once cool, but still liquid, pour over second layer and chill in refrigerator.

    Far Away by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp
    Licensing Agreement 2.0 (READ)
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/iTSpmnHMVS4

    Christmas - Ikson (https://youtube.com/ikson)

    Present by https://www.soundcloud.com/ikson
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MJ-1TmvOvpI

    Jingle Bells by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com
    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_jingle-bells
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/8ahD-2LK_Zw

    Deck the Halls B by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100368
    Artist: http://incompetech.com/

    We Wish You a Merry Christmas by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

