為什麼這篇cpi計算鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在cpi計算這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者liataian (T-PANY FOREVER)看板Grad-ProbAsk標題Re: [理工...
cpi計算 在 就是Finance!投資趨勢 掌握主流 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-08-02 14:35:57
本年以來金融市場探討的熱門議題不外乎是以通膨(inflation)情勢為首,首先我們先概述通膨的內涵及一些常用的通膨觀察指標。 通貨膨脹(inflation),簡稱通膨,指在一段期間內一般物價水準全面持續上漲的現象。通膨的衡量是建立在加權平均的物價指數(price index)上,相關指標如:消費...
※ 引述《SiriusCloud (古月小楓)》之銘言:
: for a pipeline impelementation,assume that one-quarter of the
: load instructions are immediately followed by an instruction
: that uses the result ,
: that the branch delay on misprediction is
: 1 clock cycle, and that half of the branches are mispredicted.
: Assume that jumps always pay 1 full clock cycle of delay,
: so their average time is 2 clock cycles.
: If the instruction mix is
: 25% loads,10% stories,52% ALU instructions,11% branches,2% jumps.
: Calculate the average CPI.
: (95元智 資工) ---張凡-p.136
: ------------------------------------
: Answer:
: CPI = 1 + (0.25 * 0.25 * 1 + 0.11 * 0.5 + 0.2 * 1) = 1.1375
: 以上 不太懂題目的意思 跟 解答說明
1. 題目提到會有1/4的load-use指令
(NOTE:load-use的miss penalty都是一個clock)
2. 題目提到會有1/2的beq指令會猜錯且miss penalty為一個clock
3. 題目提到有jump指令且jump指令一定會有miss penalty為一個clock
= 1 + (0.25 * 0.25 * 1 + 0.11 * 0.5 + 0.2 * 1) = 1.1375
= CPI(base) + (lw% * Load-use% * miss penalty
+ beq% * misspredict% * miss penalty
+ jump% * 100% * miss penalty)
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