

在 couple中文產品中有107篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,123的網紅懶系英國生活日誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #懶系睇戲🍿 #Netflix爆谷迷 今次要推介這套Netflix的原創迷你劇 👁 短短只有六集,背景設於英國🇬🇧 內容講述一個單親媽媽介入一對夫妻的故事 一個成為了她的上司、一個成為了她的好友 剛開始睇完頭兩集,還搞不懂故事想講什麼東西 以為純綷是三角戀復仇之類的戲碼💔 但到了第三集才算是戲肉📽...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,540的網紅ROROCHAO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#求婚 #結婚 #婚禮 這首歌是多年前參加我的好朋友艾青&阿督賴的婚禮寫的, 當然現在聽到這個版本歌詞已經改過兩三百遍了~ 從男女對唱,最後變女生求婚版! ___________ I Love You Forever And Ever 詞曲編/ RoRo趙珮榕 初次見面 Hi 我是...

couple中文 在 Irene Yu | Biz Coach For Expat Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:15

(中文簡介在最下方) Jocelyn @jocelyn.heng is an online business coach who especially focuses on timing and self-management with her clients. She knew very ear...

couple中文 在 ⋈馬克太太住英國亂亂說? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-17 13:11:20

#啦啦的語言課  馬克先生非常討厭法文,我也不知道他討厭的點是因為他自己學不好,還是像他說的法國人說話都轟轟轟的叫! - 偏偏我本人覺得法語的連音很好聽,尤其是嗓子低的女人說法文更是性感 ! 昨天馬克先生接啦啦下課,耳聞老師說他們有在教法文,上車時便隨口問啦啦, 「你有學法文啊,學了什麼...

couple中文 在 Deborah Tseng Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-17 05:43:59

#下滑有中文 Last year around this time, I got to create this beautiful set of wedding invitation for an amazing couple — Jacqueline and David. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ E...

  • couple中文 在 懶系英國生活日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-11 17:57:23
    有 3 人按讚


    今次要推介這套Netflix的原創迷你劇 👁
    唯一不明白的地方,是中文譯名為什麼會譯做 <三人要守密,兩人得死去>?!

    Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4LtoWQaLxk&ab_channel=Netflix

  • couple中文 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-01 20:09:00
    有 125 人按讚

    🌱 如何開始吃全食物蔬食 🌱


    1️⃣ 做菜的時候用水或蔬菜高湯代替油
    2️⃣ 用味增代替鹽,或是如果你買得到又不忌五辛,可以試試鹽代替品「Table Tasty」(味增鈉含量也高,但是是目前唯一已知不會升高血壓或讓你得胃癌的高鈉食品)
    3️⃣ 用自製椰棗糖漿代替糖(作法:去核椰棗泡熱水一小時後加點檸檬汁用果汁機攪拌。具體請參考葛雷格醫師的「食療聖經食譜」)
    4️⃣ 用小米、藜麥、全麥麵條等代替白米、白麵條等精緻澱粉
    5️⃣ 最好家裡不要放加工食品,這樣想吃也沒得吃
    6️⃣ 外食的時候盡力就好了。真的想吃甜膩膩的vegan巧克力奶油蛋糕,那就放鬆心情好好享受吧!你偶爾吃什麼,真的沒有每天吃什麼來得重要(我自己昨天才剛吃了兩塊草莓蛋糕)
    7️⃣ 請餐廳配合。我常去的一家餐廳有道菠菜沙拉裡頭會放年糕,我總是請他們不要給我年糕,多給我點菠菜
    8️⃣ 找到你喜歡的有機蔬菜農場,跟種出你每天吃的菜的人聊聊天。我個人覺得這會讓我更充滿感激,也給整個備餐體驗加分
    9️⃣ 更多食譜,可以參考「食療聖經食譜」或關注NutritionFacts.org取得最新的科學實證營養資訊(我們還沒有中文網站,但是大部分影片都有中文字幕可以選)



    🌱 How to start eating more whole food plant-based 🌱

    After I made the post about being mostly whole food plant-based (WFPB), I received some questions from people who’d like to know how they can start doing that, too. I think it’s worth noting that when I started eating WFPB, it was already 11 years since I went vegetarian and 8 years since I went vegan. So for me, it was really about cutting out processed plant foods rather than cutting out any animal products. Here are some of the tips that have helped me:

    1️⃣ Replace oil with water or vegetable broth when cooking.
    2️⃣ Replace salt with miso, or if you have access, try salt substitute “Table Tasty.”
    3️⃣ Replace sugar with date syrup when baking (search “date syrup” on NutritionFacts.org for recipe).
    4️⃣ Replace refined grains with whole grains such as millets, quinoa, whole wheat noodles, etc.
    5️⃣ Try not to have processed foods at home at all so you naturally wouldn’t eat them.
    6️⃣ Try your best when you eat out, and if you really want that vegan chocolate cake topped with cream and packed with sugar...just enjoy it and don’t feel bad (I just had two pieces of an amazing vegan coconut strawberry cake last night). It’s really the day-to-day stuff you eat that counts.
    7️⃣ Ask the restaurant to accommodate. For example, one of my favorite restaurants adds rice cakes to their spinach salad dish. I always ask them to take out the rice cakes and give me more spinach instead.
    8️⃣ Find your favorite organic vegetable supplier and know where your food comes from. Talk to the people who grow your food. It may bring appreciation and make your meal prepping experience nicer, at least for me!
    9️⃣ For more healthy recipes, check out the How Not to Die Cookbook and follow NutritionFacts.org for the latest science on evidence-based nutrition.

    (This photo was taken a couple years ago when you could still do this thing called “enjoying summer in Europe”...and when I was maybe 10% chubbier and more tanned than now.)

  • couple中文 在 紀亞文 Edwin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-31 13:12:20
    有 10 人按讚

    This past year’s global situation has allowed me to fully revisit the tennis world and coach regularly again.

    It has been a decade since I have worked with such an expansive pool of students. At the time, I taught and trained both children and adults ranging from the ages of 5-60, levels ranging from novice to advanced, but mostly children and teenagers.

    However, a couple of years ago I did take a hiatus from showbiz and acting in China as I had the opportunity to work and travel with a professional tennis player. It was a very rewarding, yet challenging experience, to say the least.

    Many people have asked me why I do not just coach and train players completely full time. I usually just smile and and brush it off with a tactful “I don’t know.”

    The truth is, I have had an extreme love-hate relationship with the game.

    Growing up, the time spent on court not only acted as a healthy environment where I can progress as a player and a person, but it also acted as an escape from the difficult emotional and psychological roller coaster on the home front (I will not go into this now).

    Looking back, I am so grateful to have been surrounded by coaches, from places such as India and Eastern Europe, whom understood the value of teaching and mentoring with a “school of hard knocks’ approach. They continuously reminded me that:

    “There will always be people in situations worse off than you. Back home, players were playing on courts made from cow dung and with holes in their shoes, not to mention wondering when their next full meal would be.”

    Though I don’t think I can honestly say that I fully understood them at the time, but these reminders and perspectives acted as the rock that kept me from drifting away.

    So, this is where I am coming from in terms of my relationship with tennis. 2020 has been a blessing in disguise, as I have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people, both on and off the court.

    Thanks to all my students. I hope you are learning as much as I am learning from you. Cheers.


    #tennistraining #tenniscoaching #tennis #tennisplayer #tennisplaying #tennislove #tennisinstruction #tennislife #網球 #網球教學 #網球教練

  • couple中文 在 ROROCHAO Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-03 16:47:41

    #求婚 #結婚 #婚禮



    I Love You Forever And Ever

    詞曲編/ RoRo趙珮榕

    初次見面 Hi 我是你的太太
    把手借給我 聽我娓娓道來
    從這一刻開始 老婆說了算

    從不懂愛 到承諾一個未來
    學體諒 學忍耐 學戒掉壞習慣
    是你改變我 讓我從此不孤單
    從這一刻開始 到人生下個階段

    賴在你身邊 出沒你周圍 和你在一起總是感覺不到累
    一天又一天 瞭解彼此的優缺點 以後不准藏私房錢

    I love you forever and ever 兜了一圈子陌生人變成家人
    不可思議 和你就這樣走呀走到這 當年還宣稱是個單身主義者
    I love you forever and ever 我愛你不管你胖了醜了老了
    種種回憶 現在想起來特別地深刻 在上帝面前見證 你是我的人

    終於到來 夢寐以求的圓滿 你掃地 我煮飯 生活都在一塊兒
    一起在家宅 一起到世界遊玩 牽緊 我的手 從今後都不放開

    賴在你身邊 出沒你周圍 和你在一起總讓我開心整天
    一年又一年 嚐過各種苦樂酸甜 要開始存點奶粉錢

    戴上戒指那一刻 你我的心牢牢地扣住彼此靈魂 直到永恆

    I love you forever and ever 兜了一圈子陌生人變成家人
    不可思議 和你就這樣走呀走到這 當年還宣稱是個單身主義者
    I love you forever and ever 我愛你就算你口袋空了 病了
    我這一生 只願為你白頭為你犧牲 在上帝面前見證 我是你的人