

在 corrections中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅松露玫瑰,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010877835?utm_source=www&utm_medium=share&utm_content=fb&utm_campaign=product&utm_term=0010877835&fbclid=IwAR0eXedC...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅MYBY孟言布语,也在其Youtube影片中提到,各位MYBY们, 你们亲爱的小布来了!在本周的视频里面,我要跟你们分享外国人初次跟中国朋友见面的时候经常会遇到的麻烦,以及怎么避免尴尬处境!虽然这四个点大多数是我个人的经历,但这视频的内容也是以跟其他学习中文的外国人的对话为根据。我们发现了这是我们学习中文遇到的几个共同点。 如果你想了解更多,请猛...

  • corrections中文 在 松露玫瑰 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-29 19:09:53
    有 1,120 人按讚



    2018年,當確定拿到《Gordon Ramsay's ultimate fit food》的版權時,我心中譯者的不二人選正是松露玫瑰,聯繫她不久後即收到回覆,她告訴我她收藏大部分戈登的書,而且她很喜歡《Gordon Ramsay's ultimate fit food》,雖然剛開過刀還在恢復期,但她很樂意接下這個工作。隨著作業進度的逐漸累積,書籍的雛形逐漸完成,但在2020年10月底,悲傷的消息傳來,松露玫瑰先一步離開了。即使在病中,松露玫瑰對譯稿品質的自我要求不減,為了讓文字讀起來更優美流暢,她在完成翻譯工作後仍希望可以繼續參與校稿,我們往返討論稿件的時候,她或許正在接受治療、或許正在前往休養的旅程上,一直到最後的階段,她仍盡心參與其中,也給予這本書許多實用的建議。身為編輯,本書的完成要感謝許多工作夥伴的協力,這本書可能是松露玫瑰的最後一本翻譯作品,感到遺憾與不捨的同時,我要向松露玫瑰致上深深的感謝。相信讀者能從本書字裡行間讀到戈登對料理的才華與創意,也從能生動有趣的文字裡讀到松露玫瑰的熱情與付出。

    TruffleRose Charlene Wu has been translating this book in hospital being extremely ill, chemotherapy could not stop her, she has been correcting wile she was really ill, she has been correcting her corrections on Holiday, even till just before she died, she wanted it to be perfect, as usual. Impressive and amazing don't cover how I feel about her dedication and sense of duty, honour. I hope and wish Gordon Ramsay is aware of this, not many would have done this.


  • corrections中文 在 MYBY孟言布语 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-10-13 08:00:03



    Hello MYBYers!
    It's Blair here with another new episode! This week I’m sharing some thoughts in Chinese about some of the things that foreigners may experience when they first meet Chinese friends. Although a lot of this is very subjective, it’s based on feedback from multiple conversations with foreign friends, and we’ve found that we have a lot of these points in common.

    These include things like:
    Going over the top with praise
    Being overly picky with corrections
    Not engaging well in conversation

    To find out what I mean by these things, have a look at the video and let me know your feedback. Thanks for watching!

    Dayday's Social Media
    Instagram: Dayday_boy
    Weibo: 孟天Wiley
    Snapchat: Hellodayday

    Blair's Social Media:
    Instagram: Blairsugarman1
    Weibo: @英国布莱尔


  • corrections中文 在 I'm Jonas Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-09-06 20:17:36

    為什麼我要回來台灣? | Why am I coming back to Taiwan? | Life in Taiwan #18

    上個禮拜我們回來台灣. 我們都很喜歡歐洲, 可是我們都想回來台灣. 這是我第二次說中文的影片!

    Time for a new movie in the series of my Life in Taiwan! Finally! Once again I wanted to make it special by doing it in Chinese! I realize that this might not be very entertaining for some people, and that my Chinese is not amazing, but for me it felt very important to keep trying to make videos in Chinese. I hope you like it!

    Thank you to Charlie and Peggy for helping me with corrections of my Chinese. Thank you to Helene for some help with recording!

    Charlies youtube channel:

    Thank you for watching! The more views/likes/shares the more time I can devote into making good videos. Thank you all!

    Youtube: http://bit.ly/1nTklXP
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jonas.tjd
    Contact: [email protected]

    Also, the background music is once again by me :).

  • corrections中文 在 I'm Jonas Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-06-22 18:57:21

    My Life in Taiwan #17 – My first video in Chinese! 我的第一支中文影片!

    Since we are heading back to Sweden, this will be my final video in the series of “My life in Taiwan” for a while! Therefore I wanted to make it special by doing it in Chinese! In this video I talk about studying Chinese and my life in Taiwan. I realize that this might not be very entertaining for some people, and that my Chinese is not amazing, but for me it felt very important to finally try to make a video in Chinese. I hope you like it!

    我很快就要回瑞典了, 所以我覺得我應該拍一個說中文的影片!

    Thank you to Charlie and Peggy for helping me with corrections of my Chinese. Thank you to Gabriel for some help with recording!

    The timelapses in this video is used with permission by Chin Wei. Thank you for the help!

    Charlies youtube channel:

    Thank you for watching! The more views/likes/shares the more time I can devote into making good videos. Thank you all!

    Youtube: http://bit.ly/1nTklXP
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/jonas.tjd
    Contact: [email protected]

    Also, the background music is once again by me :).

