

在 conversion中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅竹科大小事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, “Science Park Exploration Museum” Online Tour Currently, the Science Park Exploration Museum is temporarily closed for the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefo...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅13N,也在其Youtube影片中提到,一起和小孩在海邊玩完後,我就自不量力的騎車進沙丘區了。想玩又沒抓地力就只能檔檔萬轉硬來。沙丘地形變化多端,龍頭完全不聽使喚,很奇特的經驗。 MotoVlog 246 摩托日記第兩百四十六篇 Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once Bike: Yamaha WR...

conversion中文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 04:46:21

最後一個月英文衝刺分享 考評局連Plan B都出埋,雖然唔知會唔會再有amendments, 但都係要有最好準備嘅!依家English Paper 1調咗去4.28考,即係仲有一個月左右嘅時間就考英文,今日就講吓大家應該去到咩進度先叫okay! // Paper 1🔥 Past paper應該要做完...

conversion中文 在 IVORYHO.COM|Graphic Design Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 15:48:12

用燙金的技法展現孔版的網點▒░ 里奧花園 為 Riso Garden 經由 google 直翻,未貼近原始讀音的轉換湊巧的給予撲朔的中文命名,同時也象徴Risograph的參數轉換,不可完全預料的視覺呈現。 本書十種墨色印製組成,以花的姿態展現孔版印刷技術。墨色各在白紙、飽和色紙張、深色紙張上附著呈...

conversion中文 在 IVORYHO.COM|Graphic Design Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 14:32:34

NT$700 ivoryho.com/shop 里奧花園 為 Riso Garden 經由 google 直翻,未貼近原始讀音的轉換湊巧的給予撲朔的中文命名,同時也象徴Risograph的參數轉換,不可完全預料的視覺呈現。 本書由十種墨色印製組成,以花的姿態展現孔版印刷技術。墨色各在白紙、飽和色紙張...

  • conversion中文 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-19 09:57:44
    有 40 人按讚

    “Science Park Exploration Museum” Online Tour

    Currently, the Science Park Exploration Museum is temporarily closed for the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we made an online tour video for the ones who are not able to visit the museum. We hope you enjoy it and we will see you soon!

    “探索館 線上看”



  • conversion中文 在 翁靜晶 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-01 11:22:13
    有 386 人按讚





    有關 NRNA 的更多信息,請瀏覽 www.nrna.org.np 網站。

    我們很高興地宣布,由 Mr. Yem Gurung 和何猷彪先生捐贈的第一批 450 40 L 氧氣瓶將於下週通過 Kodari Tatopani 海關運往加德滿都。陸運貨物預計從製造工廠到尼泊爾邊境需要5-6天。此批貨運亦包括依據尼泊爾政府旳要求而 製造的氧氣瓶規格,同時亦包括詳細說明書 解釋閥門轉換方法。

    上述貨物將交給 NRNA 接收和盡快安排分配,資料會保存在 NRNA 的資產管理系統內。

    何猷彪和 Mr. Y Gurung 在尼泊爾駐港領事館的協助下執行此次試運。如果一切順利,日後「香港退伍軍人聯會」和他們的合作團隊將會安排其他物資遵循第一批貨物開闢的路徑運送。

    該項目保證會處理妥當,不會發生濫用職權或貪污賄賂。NRNA主席 Mr. Kumar Panta Ji 已親自回覆保證妥善處理和分發物資,並誠意感謝何猷彪先生、「香港香港退伍軍人聯會」、Mr. Y Gurung、香港尼泊爾駐港領事館和香港市民的鼎力支援。


    Please be advised that The Government of Nepal has authorised Non-Resident Nepali Association ("NRNA") to handle the medical aid supplied by the foreign companies/organisations. Please visit the website: www.nrna.org.np for more information of NRNA.

    We are pleased to announce the 1st shipment of 450 40 L Oxygen Cylinders, sponsored by Mr Yem Gurung and Mr Sean Hotung will travel via Tatopani Customs (Kodari) to Kathmandu next week. The land cargo estimated time will be 5-6 days from the factory to the Nepal border. The specification of Oxygen Cylinders and valve conversion method to match requirements in Nepal are part of the shipment.

    The handover of the above mentioned consignment will be made to the NRNA for receiving and arranging the swift and efficient distribution of these cylinders and kept under the Asset Management System of NRNA.

    Mr Hotung and Mr Y Gurung, with the help of the HK Nepali Consulate, are executing this trial run. If all proceeds accordingly, HKESA, together with their partners will follow the trail opened by the first shipment.

    It is noted it has been made abundantly clear that there is to be no mishandling, no misuse and no corruption associated with this project. In reply, President Kumar Panta Ji of the NRNA, has given his personal assurance of the proper handling and distribution in conjunction with extending his deep thanks to Mr Ho, the HKESA, Mr Y. Gurung, the Nepali Consulate of Hong Kong, and the people of Hong Kong.

    Fundraising link:

    English donation link:




  • conversion中文 在 IVORYHOdesign 艾佛里嬉波 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-25 12:33:26
    有 119 人按讚

    網路開售 !
    里奧花園 為 Riso Garden 經由 google 直翻,未貼近原始讀音的轉換湊巧的給予撲朔的中文命名,同時也象徴Risograph的參數轉換,不可完全預料的視覺呈現。

    與 艾印 / 精緻印刷所 互相協作推廣,選用台灣紙廠將其來源透明化,宗旨在於提供給選擇孔版印刷的創作者運用上更不受限,除書中所選用的紙張外更歡迎其他的嘗試並親自操作孔版印刷機。

    The “Riso Garden” is composed with ten varieties of ink-colored prints to demonstrate the Risograph technique in a floral design.The ink colors are printed on white paper, saturated color paper, and dark paper to exhibit different development effects of the pigmentation and overlapping each other to reveal new colors simultaneously. Different visuals can be designed based on the parameter conversion performance of Gradient layer, Serif, Sans-serif, Thick/Thin lines, Vector format, and Bitmap format via Risograph .

    1 采憶 描圖紙 112g ╱ 由數字構成紋理,以描圖紙印刷與第二頁疊合,顯示九種墨色的透明度

    2 長瑩 英國新百代紙 純白 01 120g blazing yellow / poppy red / magenta lacquer / forest green / purple iris / reflex blue / gold / black / silver ╱ 九種墨色漸變堆疊,在白紙上提供最基礎的顏色搭配依據
    3 巨圓 大地之戀 dd100zh 中灰 blazing yellow / poppy red / magenta lacquer / neon pink / forest green / purple iris / reflex blue / gold / black / silver ╱ 全墨色以及透明度展現

    4 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5024 176g gold / black / silver ╱ 5 巨圓 再生彩意 cy270kq 孔雀藍 neon pink / silver ╱ 孔版印刷本帶有別於一般印刷術的鮮明網點,在此兩頁,將其特性以人為後製呈現出更為強烈的網點。

    6 恆成 高白象牙 150g neon pink / forest green / gold / silver ╱ 7 巨圓 再生彩意 cy270lh 御亮黄 neon pink / forest green / silver ╱ 8 長瑩 英國新百代紙 珊瑚藍 40 120g reflex blue / gold / silver ╱ 9 采憶 美國 雅古紙 104g blazing yellow / purple iris / silver ╱ 10 巨圓 晶鑽彩烙 cn100hh 黄褐 magenta lacquer / reflex blue / silver ╱ 11 巨圓 晶鑽彩烙 cn200ht 碳黑 purple iris / gold / silver ╱ 不規則網點能經由機器選擇轉換,更能展現滑順的顏色漸變效果

    12 巨圓 古典綑彩 yc125py 飄銀 poppy red / reflex blue / silver ╱ 13 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5018 176g blazing yellow / reflex blue / silver ╱ 14 聯美 馬諦斯紙 f6116 100g poppy red / forest green / black / silver ╱ 15 恆成 細紋紙 150g blazing yellow / magenta lacquer / neon pink ╱ 16 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5011 176g poppy red / purple iris ╱ 17 采憶 元素 110A 116g magenta lacquer / forest green / silver ╱ 孔版印刷較為廣泛使用的規則網點展現


  • conversion中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-19 17:30:11


    MotoVlog 246 摩托日記第兩百四十六篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once
    Bike: Yamaha WR250X (R dirt conversion 越野改)

  • conversion中文 在 13N Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-03 08:30:09


    Bike: Yamaha WR250X (dirt conversion)

    MotoVlog 240 摩托日記第兩百四十篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once

  • conversion中文 在 13N Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-14 20:30:13


    Bike: Yamaha WR250X (250R dirt conversion)
    MotoVlog 237 摩托日記第二百三十七篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once

