

在 congestion字根產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【學習新加坡繁榮的精神】(English writing below) LEARN THE SPIRIT BEHIND SINGAPORE'S PROSPERITY 如果妳你讀完這篇文章,依然覺得風水是無稽之談,那妳你真的是太迷信了。 我曾說過,因為很多元素,我無法見每個需要我的人。 也有的人...

  • congestion字根 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-15 01:57:28
    有 4 人按讚

    【學習新加坡繁榮的精神】(English writing below)












    我們人是感官的動物。我們的心情,很容易被我們的環境影響。看到美麗的東西, 眼睛自然會亮起來,心情也變得漂亮。看到醜陋、凌亂的家,眉頭一皺,內心的不滿也會增添自己的壓力。


















    If after reading this article, you still regard Feng Shui as some nonsensical talk, you are really too superstitious.

    I once wrote that due to many factors, I am unable to see everyone who needs me.

    There are also people who cannot afford my fees, despite really wanting to meet me.

    I have also encountered freeloaders who refuse to spend a single cent, even though they have the money. Some of them are even stingy with their thank-you. 😄

    No matter what, whenever I can, I will share my knowledge on my Facebook the methods and mindset to help you transform your Destiny, or even establish a new Destiny.

    Whether these are of help to you, will depend on how determined you are to improve yourself.

    I have never met this lady reader, but she had been following my Facebook since 2017.

    She had participated in several of my book-giving actives and would send me a thank-you message every time after receiving my book.

    I wrote a post on 30 March titled "Feng Shui That Closes Up Your Mind". She did what I recommended in the post and wrote me a thank-you message after experiencing positive change.

    Post Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157483362244614&set=pb.733924613.-2207520000.1555264407.&type=3&theater

    Thank you for her permission to share her message, for the benefit of my readers.

    Everyone gets the Destiny they deserve. Our characters determine the Destiny we get. The same Destiny also give birth to the kind of Feng Shui we get.

    To change our destiny, to improve our family luck, start from your home Feng Shui and you will see results fast.

    We humans are sensory animals. Our moods are easily influenced by our external environment. When we see pretty things, our eyes wil brighten up and we feel happy. When we see ugliness and messiness in a home, our brows would furrow and the dissatisfaction in our hearts will add on the stress we already have.

    In short, a happy state of mind makes it easier to attract good luck.

    Learn from Singapore! How can a once inconspicuous and dirty country enjoy such prosperity in a short time?

    One big reason comes from our clean streets and the constant renewal going on. Mr Lee Kuan Yew had placed heavy emphasis on the cleanliness and order of our country. And there is a huge Feng Shui reason behind.

    At that time, Dr Albert Winsemius, Singapore's economic consultant, proposed to our government to turn the notorious foul-smelling Singapore River into a formal sewage system. But the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and other officials refused to admit defeat. Dr Winsemius even wagered that Singapore River would never be able to sustain life.

    In 1977, PM Lee Kuan Yew ordered for the cleaning up of Singapore River and Kallang River. He wanted to have clean waters. A promise was made to Dr Winsemius that he would live to see a fish being fished up from Singapore River. This project took 10 years and cost S$170 million, affecting 4000 over people.

    On 21 December 1993, on Dr Winsemius's last visit to Singapore, a garoupa was successfully caught from Singapore River. The group joked that there must be a diver who hooked the fish to the fishing line, so as to save Singapore's face.

    Let me tell you, this river is the main economic artery to Singapore's prosperity. If this waterway continues to be plagued with garbage, Singapore will never be prosperous, nor have a foot in the international arena. There will also be many fellow countrymen who hold improper jobs.

    The outstanding city planning of Singapore had inspired a learning frenzy among China's officials for the past few decades. Dr Liu Thai Ker, regarded by China's media as the Father of Singapore City Planning, once said in an interview with a Hong Kong reporter, the huge secret to Singapore's urban planning was using the Western chessboard concept.

    "On the Western chessboard, you have black squares and white squares; the black squares would be high-rise housing or offices; the white squares would be parks, squares, not-too-tall neighbourhood centres, schools and so on. So the feeling would not be too oppressive, and you can often see the sky."

    There is profound Feng Shui knowledge in the words above, that comprises the knowledge of Yin and Yang, the delicate equilibrium between the Five Elements, and the importance of human interaction with Mother Nature. If these basics are neglected, and you only put emphasis on placing "auspicious" ornaments at home, this is nowhere near competent Feng Shui.

    Singapore owes its success to namely good planning, foresight and boldness.

    Without planning, no success can sustain forever on foresight and guts.

    I have travelled to 47 cities all over the world, and Singapore has a very stable energy field, which is rare in many countries. We should all cherish this good Feng Shui component. With this as a foundation, when you can plan your home environment well, utilise every space well, let the right person do the right thing in the right space, there is no need for you to suffer so much.

    If you can emulate Singapore's recipe to prosperity in the planning of your own life, you can also achieve your desired success and happiness in the shortest time possible.

    When the mind is jammed, the home Feng Shui will also experience "traffic congestion". Decluttering means that you are beginning to accept the inflow of good luck.

    But external Feng Shui is always a reflection of your mind. To embrace good Feng Shui forever, you have to start spring cleaning your heart from attachments too.

    If you have no idea how to start, you are welcome to send me inquires about my services. Let me help you open up the path for you to receive happiness and wealth.

  • congestion字根 在 找自己 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-05-02 15:03:30
    有 10 人按讚




    1) collective [形容詞 adj.]
    共同的、集體的 (註:由所有成員所共同分享)
    >>The decision is the result of collective agreement.

    *我們剛有講到 collect 原本是動詞verb,加個語尾ive就變成了形容詞!

    2) congest [動詞v.]
    >>The road was congested with taxies and buses.


    3)careless [形容詞adj.]
    >>He made a careless mistake.

    *小貼士no.2請注意,把形容詞加上「ly」就會變成副詞(拿來修飾動詞,以後再解釋),所以就變成「carelessly 粗心大意地」
    *小貼士no.3請注意,把形容詞加上ness就會名詞化,像是「carelessness 粗心」

    3) doctrine [名詞n.]
    >>Christian doctrine 基督教教義

    4) principle [名詞n.]
    >>I'm a man of principles.


    5) I love you at first sight.


    英語課堂就到這~stay awesome!


