

在 concealed中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過70萬的網紅許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 非常推薦大家去看第三季的《黑鏡 Black Mirror》的其中一集叫做「Hated in the nation」(中文好像是全面公敵)。 我不說太多,讓你們好好品嚐這部片,如果有興趣的話。 在網路上,我們通常用字遣詞會大膽了點,也許是少了面對面的真實感,發言的當下是以藏鏡人的立場,但往往忽略了...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Jackz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,David Bisbal's Diez Mil Maneras (Ten Thousand Ways) with English lyrics. Translated lyrics are from: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/diez-mil-maneras-te...

concealed中文 在 Jieni Kao Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 21:19:01

🎬ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ 𝟶𝟸𝟶/𝟷𝟶𝟶 「人的情感就像藝術品,是可以被偽造的;然而,就算是贗品,也總會有那麼一些真實的元素隱藏其中。」 ”Human emotions are like work of art. They can be forged, however, there’s always somet...

  • concealed中文 在 許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-07-13 09:20:40
    有 152 人按讚

    非常推薦大家去看第三季的《黑鏡 Black Mirror》的其中一集叫做「Hated in the nation」(中文好像是全面公敵)。





    ✔️很喜歡小王子裡的一句話「只有用心才能看見一切」,更喜歡best offer(寂寞拍賣師)裡的某句台詞「There’s always authentic concealed in every forgery」(在每個贗品背後都藏有一個真相)


    P.S. 沒有黑鏡,附上一隻黑貓胖胖。

  • concealed中文 在 傅長膨 Anima Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-07-08 15:31:41
    有 404 人按讚

    【王權 - 時の半神魔女】NYX PMU FACEAwardsMY Final
    Royalty - Half Demon God of Time





    Once upon a time, there were two kings. One was in charge of the light of day, while the other was in charge of the dark of night. Unfortunately, they could not get along with each other. The kings were constantly fighting with each other, so much so that they brought great disasters upon their people.
    But then, a kind and powerful enchantress stepped in to save the world from the disasters. She was left with no choice but to cast powerful spells on both the kings. The kings fell into deep sleep. While they were sleeping, the enchantress took the kings’ powers from them.
    Although she possessed the powers of day and night, there was no way for her to wield them, for she had gotten the powers without the kings’ permission. Therefore, she would never become a queen. Nevertheless, she was transformed into half-demon half-goddess and had also gained the power to control time. She concealed herself in the deep mountains, sacrificing her freedom for the sake the safety of the people. Ever since then, there was a balance between day and night and there were no more suffering.

    Music Sponsor By: Audio Network



  • concealed中文 在 Jackz Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-03-07 00:29:10

    David Bisbal's Diez Mil Maneras (Ten Thousand Ways) with English lyrics.
    Translated lyrics are from:

    Diez mil maneras

    Si antes de correr,
    olvidar y desaparecer,
    antes de hablar,
    y herir después
    caer y levantarnos.

    ¿Por qué no caminas junto a mí?
    De la mano
    solo sin decir nada,
    solo basta estar aquí,
    suficiente con mirarnos.

    No es para mí, vivir así,
    tal vez si es para ti,
    qué vas a decidir.

    Si hay diez mil maneras de olvidar,
    de rescatarnos e intentar,
    contarnos siempre la verdad
    ¿Por qué decir que no?
    Si hay diez mil silencios que evitar,
    ningún secreto que ocultar..
    No hay por qué decir que no.

    Y sé muy bien que aveces puede más,
    la costumbre que la soledad,
    a veces tanta terquedad
    intenta separarnos.

    No es para mí, vivir así,
    tal vez si es para ti,
    qué vas a decidir.


    El amor duele sin remedio,
    si lo dejas ir..
    Y no hay por qué perderlo.
    Dejemos de mentir,
    está acabando el tiempo,

    If before running,
    forgetting and disappearing,
    before talking,
    and hurting afterwards
    collapsing and getting up.

    Why don't you walk with me?
    Holding hands
    Wiithout saying anything,
    Being here is enough,
    Looking at each other is enough.

    It is not for me, living this way,
    Perhaps it's for you to decide.

    If there are ten thousand ways of forgetting,
    of saving us and trying,
    of always telling the truth
    Why say no?
    If there are ten thousand silences to prevent,
    not a single secret concealed..
    There is no reason to say no.

    And I know very well that sometimes it can be more,
    the habit that the loneliness,
    sometimes so much stubbornness
    attempts to separate us.

    It is not for me, living this way,
    Perhaps it's for you to decide.


    Love hurts with no remedy,
    If you let it go..
    And there isn't a reason to lose it.
    We allowed it to become a lie,
    It's the end of time, slowly...


    Love hurts with no remedy,
    If you let it go..
    And the isn't a reason to lose it,
    We allowed it to become a lie,

