

在 commissioned中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅冯以量,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 新加坡首部安宁关怀微电影 《钟》 这是一部关于安宁临终关怀的中文微电影,是甘露关怀协会(新加坡)委托制作,目的是希望藉此加强公众对于末期安宁病人的心理灵性需求的关注,并且让大众认识到临终安宁志工服务可作为减缓心理灵性苦闷的方法之一。 故事围绕着一位患了末期癌症的壮年病人,与一位初出茅庐的年轻志工...

  • commissioned中文 在 冯以量 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-05-20 20:49:45
    有 433 人按讚




    "The Clock" Short Film on Palliative End-of-life Care Complete

    The short film (Mandarin with English subtitle) is a commissioned piece by Nectar Care Service (Singapore). The objective of the film is to create awareness for the general public of the emotional passage palliative patients go through and befriending service as a mean of relief to the patients.

    The story is intertwine between the emotional struggle of a cancer patient who has lost hope and yet to accept the illness and of the young rookie volunteers who has to balance between personal life, work and volunteer work. Both of them have spend the more precious time together with their own realisation of meaning of life.