

在 chocolates中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Salon du Chocolat 2018 / 年度甜點與巧克力盛事「巴黎巧克力大展」(中文請按「繼續閱讀」) As what I've said in the previous post, it was such a busy weekend! I visited the Salon du...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅The Regina.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,帳單詳細一算不得了,直逼三萬五的戰利品們😱😱😱 但我還是開心大於心痛的(真的真的,我眼角那不是眼淚😂) 影片中價格打錯的部分請以下方資訊為主,抱歉抱歉! Click For More info↙️ 🔎Social Media🔍 Instagram https://instagram.com/the...

chocolates中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-05 09:31:07

📍台北市 | 中山國小站 ❤️la vie bonbon 👉🏻 @la_vie_bonbon ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) la vie bonbon 2021年最新製作的 『角落小夥伴查佛蛋糕』系列共有5種口味: 白熊草莓查佛・蜥蜴藍莓查佛 ・企鵝哈密瓜查佛 ・ 貓兒...

chocolates中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 10:54:01

👉🏻 @FamilyMart_TW 🔛往左滑看更多照片跟菜單🔛 ▪️台灣美食▪️ 🍽餐廳:我家 ⠀ 📍台北市 / Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 我最愛吃的東西(東西可以改成甜點或是零食)是巧克力🍫 今天很開心有很棒的機會吃那麼多的巧克力😋 現在KitKat有三個新的口味:榛果、焦糖、餅乾...

  • chocolates中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-06 18:59:07
    有 100 人按讚

    Salon du Chocolat 2018 / 年度甜點與巧克力盛事「巴黎巧克力大展」(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    As what I've said in the previous post, it was such a busy weekend! I visited the Salon du Chocolat on Sunday with a couple of good friends, including Claire from Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie. What I find great about the Salon is that besides all the brands and participants, there are lots of pastry shows where talented chefs demonstrate their techniques and the audience also get the chance to taste their wonderful work. I attended the sessions of the chef Yann Brys (pâtisserie Tourbillon), Jérémy Del Val (Dalloyau), and Maxime Frédéric (Four Seasons Hotel George V). I also joined Claire's interview of chef Jérémy afterwards. Hopefully we visit Tourbillon and George V later this month so that I could tell you more about it.

    This year at the Salon also witnessed the rising influence of the Japanese gastronomy. An “espace Japon” (Japan area) is created especially for Japanese pastry chefs and chocolatiers to demonstrate how they work with chocolate. We’ve watched Junichi Mistubori, a Japanese wagashi master, demonstrated how to make “nerikiri” (練り切り) wagashi and the chrysanthemum
    scissor-cutting skills (はさみ菊).

    Talking about Taiwan, this is the second year that we have Yu Chocolatier attending the Salon. They were so popular that all their chocolates in sachés were almost sold out on the second day. They’ve received lots of new customers as well as old ones who got to know them last year and loved them so much that they came back without hesitation. The chocolates made of Taiwan’s specialties such as black sesame oil and black peanuts impressed picky tasters and great chefs alike, including Chef Jérémy Del Val from Dalloyau. Unfortunately when the chef came to Yu’s booth once again near the end of the Salon he couldn’t get anything since everything was sold out early on.

    I wish I could share with you more what I’ve seen on Sunday, for instance, the incredible chocolate show pieces and the Christmas cakes (bûches de noël) this year, but as I’ve been totally occupied, please make sure to follow me on Instagram (@applespoon) for more real-time photos and videos. I’ll try my best to share more news with you here when I have more time!

    上週日與幾位好友前往巴黎的巧克力大展,很幸運地參與到了好幾場甜點大師們的甜點示範,包括MOF Yann Brys、DALLOYAU主廚Jérémy Del Val、與Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris的主廚 Maxime Frederic。在台後與幾位主廚都打了招呼,接下來本月預計會與Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie by Claire L. 的主廚Claire一起去參訪這幾位主廚的店與餐廳。

    另外當然不能忘記我們的Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作,今年第二年來到巴黎巧克力展,空前受到歡迎,袋裝巧克力第二天就幾乎賣光、更有不少去年的顧客回訪。我幸運地搶下最後一盒巧克力禮盒!

    今年日本甜點師與巧克力品牌的勢力愈加龐大,巴黎巧克力展特別為他們開闢了一個日本專區「espace Japon」,我們也在此欣賞到了和菓子大師三堀 純一 junichi mitsubori的現場剪菊與練切示範。

    最近實在忙得焦頭爛額,還有很多照片與影音來不及與大家分享(例如世界巧克力大師比賽與今年巴黎的聖誕節蛋糕),更別提要整理並寫成文字。要請大家暫時多加注意我的Instagram @applespoon,上面會有最新、最快的分享與各種直播!我還有很多新消息想和大家upate!

    👉🏻👉🏻🍰 https://www.instagram.com/applespoon

    #yingspastryguide #yingc #paris #salonduchocolat

  • chocolates中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-04-08 21:22:41
    有 208 人按讚

    [pastry news / 甜點新聞] Valrhona launches two new cuvée chocolates Bali & Haïti / Valrhona 法芙娜推出兩款新產地巧克力Bali(巴里)與Haïti(海地)(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    Got invited to Valrhona's event last Tuesday introducing its two new cuvée chocolates, Bali (68%) and Haïti (66%). I was really excited to meet Frédéric Bau, the head pastry chef and creative director at Valrhona, who is one of the best pastry chefs and chocolate specialists in the world. The event was held at Bistrot du Sommelier Philippe Faure-Brac, owned by Philippe Faure-Brac, who won the title of the best sommelier in the world in 1992. We were presented of course the two chocolates that were paired with different wines, finger food (savory), and pastries.

    Since it was a collaboration between the top pastry chef and sommelier, you could imagine how exquisite the experience could be. Both of the two chocolates are very characteristic, but I personally prefer the Bali. Lightly acidic and round, it has an incredible fragrance of banana flambée and notes of caramel. Haïti is very chocolaty with beautiful nutty flavors and some hints of red fruits.

    Pairing chocolates with savory food is not very familiar to me but I was really amazed with everything that we tasted that evening: roast chicken, roast mushrooms, steak, and foie gras. Their deliciousness was completely the next level, elevated by those two chocolates.

    Mr. Bau has prepared 6 mini desserts for us and they were presented in the beautiful cave of the bistrot. The chocolate mousse (in fact a ganache montée) was definitely the best I've ever had. I think I'll just have to get his book to discover more secrets.

    Although I didn't really had much wine because of my allergy to alcohol, It was really an extraordinary experience. Thanks so much to Valrhona! I'm sure the two chocolates would inspire many pastry chefs and chefs alike.

    More information on the two chocolates: https://goo.gl/GPcvhL

    法芙娜上週發表兩款新的產地黑巧克力「Bali」(巴里,68%)與「Haïti」(海地,66%),我應邀參加其中一場公關活動。這個活動由法芙娜的甜點主廚與創意總監Frédéric Bau(同時也是全球最佳甜點師與巧克力師之一)和曾經獲得全球最佳侍酒師的Philippe Faure-Brac合作,將這兩款巧克力設計應用在四款鹹點和六款甜點中,並與不同的酒互相搭配。

    本來收到這個活動邀約時我有點猶豫,因為我一向不在晚上及照明不足的場所拍照、且對酒精過敏,不過可以參加難得的法芙娜新品發表、又能見到知名主廚還是非常動心。到了現場發現活動在地下室舉行,我又只帶了iPhone 6,心裡暗叫不妙,結果果然照片品質不佳事後也很難調整(只能跟大家說抱歉),但活動結束後真心覺得:「還好我有來!」

    這兩款巧克力都是個性鮮明的黑巧克力,其中Bali有著不可思議的甜美與圓潤,和Muscat紅酒搭配,會在口中綻放出香甜的蘭姆酒烤香蕉味,非常適合搭配熱帶水果與香料;Haïti則有著堅果香氣與一些紅莓果酸調,與黑啤酒搭配會出現奇妙的烤蘑菇香氣。巧克力搭配鹹點雖然在一般場合較為少見,但是不少高級料理餐廳會使用,這兩款巧克力不管是與烤雞、牛排還是鵝肝搭配都非常美味,將這些食材完全提升到另外一個層次。甜點當然是不用說了,這次真的很幸運能品嚐到Bau主廚的巧克力甜點,有輕盈異常的巧克力慕斯(本體應該就是打發甘納許)、傳統巧克力慕斯、絲滑的巧克力凍、充滿奶油與巧克力香氣的巧克力小塔等,每一種都令人驚豔。我想我應該會找空去翻翻他的食譜書「Envies - Chocolat」,一定有很多值得學習的秘訣。


    🍫 更多這兩款巧克力資訊(英文):https://goo.gl/GPcvhL

    👉🏻👉🏻 想更快看到我的巴黎近況與活動消息,記得追蹤Instagram @applespoon: https://www.instagram.com/applespoon

    #yingspastryguide #paris #ValrhonaChocolate

  • chocolates中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-03-23 16:00:00
    有 163 人按讚

    [Voyager mag / EVER RICH 昇恆昌機場誌] Taste of Taiwan / 台灣之味(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    I interviewed Yu-Hsuan, the owner of Yu Chocolatier and an old friend for VOYAGER magazine at the end of January. VOYAGER is EVER RICH's Chinese-English bilingual publication distributed in Taoyuan International Airport. It discovers and introduces to international travellers the essence of Taiwan. This issue portrays four groups of young people returning from abroad with visions and aspirations. Yu-Hsuan is one of them.

    It was a real pleasure listening to a professional talking about his passion and beliefs and seeing how he applies all of this into daily routines. I wish him all the best bringing his chocolates back to the city of light and to the whole world.

    I also helped translate the interview of Hero Restaurant in this issue. Many thanks to Hao-Yuan Weng, the editor of Voyager, for giving me a chance contributing to this beautiful piece.

    The magazine is available in EVER RICH's duty free shops. Don't forget to get one when you travel or when coming back home!

    🛬️ Not traveling? Read it online: https://goo.gl/SXjESN

    感謝昇恆昌機場誌《Voyager》邀稿,在最新一期(No.17)中,我訪問了老友畬軒,Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作的主人,並負責中英文撰稿。訪談中再一次為畬軒的真誠、在巧克力中注入的心意和理念感動,衷心希望今年能在巴黎見到畬室的作品!

    畬室訪談前一則,是訪問台中Hero Restaurant ヒーロー レストラン的兩位主廚。由本雜誌主編Hao-Yuan Weng親自採訪撰寫,我幫忙翻譯成英文。還沒來得及去英雄體驗,但也因此有機會光從文字中神遊了一番、在腦中品嚐了一次花草紛呈的精彩菜式。


    🛬️ 無法去機場也能線上閱讀:https://goo.gl/SXjESN

