為什麼這篇chaperone意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在chaperone意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者xination (XINATION)看板GRE標題[字彙] 今日podcast -- chap...
Dear 今天的單字是 chaperon
會選一個字 來當作隔日的podcast的題目唷
chaperon (=chaperone)
n.(陪伴未婚少女上社交場所的)年長女伴 [a person, usually a married or older
woman, who, for propriety, accompanies a young unmarried woman in public or
who attends a party of young unmarried men and women.]
v. 護送 [protect, escort]
延伸閱讀:Four and a half years ago, Vladimir V. Putin came up with an idea
to help re-establish Russia as an important player in the Middle East: The
country would sponsor a peace conference in Moscow, invite all the major
parties in the conflict and chaperone them toward a settlement.
chaperon是從法文來的,chape是cape(披肩; 斗篷)的意思,而後面的-eron是個代表名詞
的字尾。這個字最原始的意思是給老鷹用的似風帽的東西(before 1400)。而後就發展成
protector, protect, escort的意思了,因為戴帽帽有保護的意思在。
字源:1350–1400; ME < AF, MF: hood, cowl, equiv. to chape cape 1 + -eron
n. suffix; figurative sense < F (18th century)
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