

在 ceremony意思產品中有42篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【畢業典禮的英文除了graduation ceremony,還有其他說法嗎?】 畢業季要到了,講到畢業典禮的英文,大部分的人會想到graduation ceremony,但其實還有一個單字也能表達一樣的意思,你知道嗎? #畢業季 #畢業 #英文 #撥穗 HOPE English 希平方學英文...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Tziaaa Tan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SHENGYIxTZIA Chinese wedding ceremony 农历八月初四 —— #翊佳人,迎娶记。 ? 已嫁,已娶;一經售出,概不退貨。 原来结婚的意思是;你多了一家人,所以更幸福了。 翊佳人的喜事,一家人的大事。 感恩,我們兩家人都覺得沒事麼比 「一家人,在一起」更重要。也因...

ceremony意思 在 ♥ ???? 安 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 22:00:43

《A Sense of Ceremony 🍒 儀式感讓你防疫期間不無聊》 嗨嗨各位,強迫症人終於發文了🎉 今天來說說亞洲地區近年來風靡的夯字 「儀式感」 按照慣例先來一段英文… A sense of ceremony can spice up your life and turn an ordi...

ceremony意思 在 KayLA Chang✖️張凱拉 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-06-02 15:00:37

《四個月Four Month》 . 收涎收答答 雙Z寶順事如意金勇健 Happy four month @lopezbros_zz . 在台灣寶寶滿四個月的這一天🇹🇼 最重要的習俗就是「收涎」儀式 意思是收起寶寶的口水 讓寶寶停止流口水並希望寶寶快快長大 而傳統上寶寶也會身穿藍色衣服代表聰明活潑💙...

ceremony意思 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-03 06:33:37

#Melody生詞教室 Phrase: Call off 大家見到 “call” 呢個字,可能會好容易聯想到「召喚」,但如果喺後面加 “off”,其實意思就完全唔一樣,係解作「取消」。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 例句:The graduation ceremony was called off due ...

  • ceremony意思 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-11 07:57:28
    有 10 人按讚

    【畢業典禮的英文除了graduation ceremony,還有其他說法嗎?】

    畢業季要到了,講到畢業典禮的英文,大部分的人會想到graduation ceremony,但其實還有一個單字也能表達一樣的意思,你知道嗎?

    #畢業季 #畢業 #英文 #撥穗 HOPE English 希平方學英文

  • ceremony意思 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-21 19:37:13
    有 1,444 人按讚

    【#JW特使 在帛琉🇵🇼 趴淑麗:就職典禮+1 】

    Alii ❗️ Alii❗️
    帛琉總統 #惠恕仁 Surangel Whipps, Jr.就職典禮隆重舉行 🎉🎉🎉

    #JW特使 應邀參加
    表達 #小英總統 及台灣人民誠摯的祝賀
    堅定 #台帛友好 的情誼不移

    部長現場也與 #理念相近國家
    如美國🇺🇸、日本🇯🇵及澳洲🇦🇺駐帛琉大使交流致意 (擊手肘 💪



    Congratulations to President Surangel Whipps, Jr., and J. Uduch Sengebau Senior of #Palau!

    Minister Joseph Wu attended the inauguration ceremony in person in his role as special envoy. And there'll be no time to rest, as this afternoon he’s set to head to #Ngaraard State to attend the ribbon cutting of a state community center before tonight’s inauguration celebrations!

    It’s great to see #democracy in action!

  • ceremony意思 在 群 Gun Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-17 00:00:56
    有 89 人按讚


    [Releasing water lanterns ceremony]
    Releasing water lanterns ceremony is part of the Chungyuan Pu Tu ceremonies( Hungry Ghost Festival ). It is used to give notice to the straight ghosts and lonely spirits whom wander in the water to come and receive the offerings of the Chungyuan Pu Tu ceremonies. The process of the releasing water lanterns ceremony varies depending on the area. Water lantern is made with paper to resemble a little house. Traditionally believe that materials would be transformed to a different world through burning. Before burning the water lantern, spirit money would be placed inside of the lantern, in the center of the house, along with candles and scriptures. Once the water lantern is lit, it will then being released in the water. It will gradually float down steam or into the ocean while it’s burning, then slowly sank into the water. It signifies the gifting of the houses to those lonely spirits and straight ghosts whom wander in the water to have a place to rest, and also means to shine a light on their way to the underworld.
    #中元節 #普渡 #水燈 #水燈頭 #道教 #傳統 #信仰 #習俗 #文化 #民俗 #taoism #waterlanterns #putu #chungyuan #taiwan #台灣 #台湾 #台湾文化 #ghost #spirit #darkart #art #guro #獵奇 #怪奇 #黑暗 #illustration #陣頭 #廟會

  • ceremony意思 在 Tziaaa Tan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-23 21:42:49

    SHENGYIxTZIA Chinese wedding ceremony

    农历八月初四 —— #翊佳人,迎娶记。 ?


    感恩,我們兩家人都覺得沒事麼比 「一家人,在一起」更重要。也因為這樣,就連這簡單的傳統過門儀式,都是愛滿滿,歡樂滿滿的!

    We got married on 01.01.2020. & yesterday was the first time we call each other parent’s — PA MA. Guess wedding is really incomplete without a traditional “GUO MEN” ceremony.

    I’m glad that we decided to fulfilled this tradition in our parent request, because now onwards, this day mark a very important, memorable and meaningful day for both of us, & our parents.

    Video by the one & only SANREN STUDIO.
    Thank you for capturing all the precious moments!

  • ceremony意思 在 VickyVickyChanChan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-09 21:43:40

    What's up, everyone! I've finally got this Pakistani Wedding vlog episode 2 ready!

    I know its been a while, so Click start and enjoy the vlog!

    Massive shoutout to Hashim & Alleyna for inviting me to their wedding! It was really a whole new experience for me and for sure one of the best wedding experiences I've ever had.



    這天是新娘要正式出嫁 離開自己的家裡
    搬去新郎的家裡 開始跟新郎一家的生活 所以會比較捨不得與感人

    第四天的儀式 Walima 瓦利瑪
    在結婚儀式之後舉辦, 意思是團圓團聚, 是新娘嫁去夫家後的第一餐請大家吃飯. 也是婚後家庭幸福的象徵.

    - Walima: The second of the two traditional parts of an Islamic wedding. The Walima is performed after the marriage ceremony. The word walima is derived from alwalam, meaning to gather or assemble.
    - Mehndi: A form of body art originating in ancient India, in which decorative designs are created on a person's body, using a paste, created from the powdered dry leaves of the henna plant.
    - Mehndi Night: The night before the wedding or just a few nights before and is called Mehndi-Ki-Raat, which literally translates into Mehndi night. A night when everyone dances and sings in the event.

    Filmed with: iPhone X
    Connect With Me!
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vickyvickyc...
    YouTube: https://goo.gl/6rbLNx
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vickyvickych...

    Partner with me: vickyvickychannel@gmail.com

