

在 cartilage中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,478的網紅尹俐 Julia,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 看新聞學英文:發現三十萬年前古老的人類化石 👶 fossil (n.) 化石 👶 remains (n.) 遺體 👶 Homo sapiens (n.) 人類 延伸字 Homo erectus (n.) 直立猿人 👶 skull (n.) 頭骨 👶 jaw (n.) 下巴 👶 dig...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅[email protected],也在其Youtube影片中提到,Nasal Fractures - Dr. Hung Che Wai [email protected] Source: https://www.finddoc.com/en Background: Mr. Ko's face was hit by a basketball while he wa...

cartilage中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:20:17

📍台北市 台北小巨蛋站 ❤️九屯咖哩 Kyutamuro 👉🏻 @kyutamuro ⠀ 🌐台北市 Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 餐飲硬底子出身,老闆堅持自家熬煮 咖哩醬!💪 難怪🍛九屯咖哩🍛的咖哩真夠香, 每份咖哩都是真材實料!👏👏👏 ⠀ 寒風冷颼颼,用熱呼呼的燉牛肉咖哩 好好犒賞...

cartilage中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-08 14:00:40

【台北美食】【輔大站】 💁🏼‍♂️柒串燒屋 👉🏻 @chsh100200 ⠀ 📍新北市 New Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 五顆星💫銅鈑美食在這裡 美味燒烤店🏮柒串燒屋🏮 最適合三五好友宵夜聚聚👯 ⠀ 經典牛🐮豬🐷雞🐤肉串必吃! 刷上獨家限定德州風味醬🤠後燒烤 讓串燒吃起來有炸過...

cartilage中文 在 James Au, PT, CSCS Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 12:43:17

💥 Shoulder Clicks (附中文) “ How to fix my shoulder” - 🎯 There has been an increasing number of clients coming in to my clinic to check on their shoulder...

  • cartilage中文 在 尹俐 Julia Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-06-08 17:57:57
    有 43 人按讚

    👶 fossil (n.) 化石
    👶 remains (n.) 遺體
    👶 Homo sapiens (n.) 人類
    延伸字 Homo erectus (n.) 直立猿人
    👶 skull (n.) 頭骨
    👶 jaw (n.) 下巴
    👶 digital (a.) 數位的
    👶 reconstruction (n.) 重建 (stru = build)
    👶 evolve (v.) 進化
    collarbone (n.) 鎖骨
    rib (n.) 肋骨
    spine (n.) 脊椎
    pelvis (n.) 骨盆
    femur (n.) 股骨
    skeleton (n.) 骨骼
    muscle (n.) 肌肉
    joint (n.) 關節
    cartilage (n.) 軟骨
    ligament (n.) 韌帶
    osteoporosis (n.) 骨質疏鬆症

    Ps. 看到化石剛好想到今天看到的,皮克斯即將在年底推出的電影Coco (中文是:可可夜總會)
    Ps2. 每次貼新聞都花很多時間~請大家認真看完!感謝!

    The oldest fossil remains of Homo sapiens, dating back to 300,000 years, have been found. This is 100,000 years older than previously discovered fossils of Homo sapiens http://cnn.it/2r6x3Uz

  • cartilage中文 在 La Dolce Vita in Oz 澳洲微甜人生 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-06-17 18:04:59
    有 55 人按讚






    1. 再娶另一個台灣老婆
    2. 學中文才能看懂阿基師教學影片


    A Taiwanese quote: if you loved someone, you will finish the dishes they prepared for you.

    My hubby just proved it by devouring my pork cartilage Kyoto style dish in 10 mins. Btw, he hates meat!

  • cartilage中文[email protected] Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-02-10 09:52:33

    Nasal Fractures - Dr. Hung Che Wai Terry@FindDoc.com
    Source: https://www.finddoc.com/en

    Background: Mr. Ko's face was hit by a basketball while he was playing basketball with his friends. Mr. Ko started having nosebleed and feeling pain shortly after the hit. He thought he could recover after some rest; however, after two days, Mr. Ko was having persistent nasal congestion. He also noticed that his nasal bridge was slightly out of position.

    (1) How can one distinguish between a minor nasal injury from nasal fractures? How can the doctor diagnose? 0:25

    (2) What sequelae could develop from nasal fracture? 2:26

    (3) What treatments are available for nasal fracture? 3:45

    (4) If Ken’s nose is hit again after recovery, will it complicate his recovery? 5:03


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