

在 cardboard中文產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過39萬的網紅換日線 Crossing,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【helper of circular economy model】#cardboard grannies Cardboard collectors. Cardboard grannies. These familiar yet ostracized groups ripples heart ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Jing Jing Beh 妗妗,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#thejingproductions #christmasgift #voicerecording This is a special edition Speak4U Voice Recording Robot. Is a limited stock handcraft by me for th...

cardboard中文 在 ??????? ·͜·♡ 讀書帳 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 09:54:37

💫 最後有詳細影片! 1. 26 hole Far East Pape rules Brew system binder Blue Slim B5 (綠色的活頁本) 這款是我比較喜歡的活頁本 然後有分粗款跟細款的 打開的方式很簡單就是橫桿下拉而已 最喜歡分隔頁的設計 !! 而且這種資料夾分隔頁...

  • cardboard中文 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-29 22:00:31
    有 21 人按讚

    【helper of circular economy model】#cardboard grannies
    Cardboard collectors. Cardboard grannies. These familiar yet ostracized groups ripples heart wrenching sentiments to every Hong Konger’s hearts.
    “They collect about 20% of Hong Kong’s cardboard waste; almost 200 tonnes of cardboard per year...but are neglected and looked down upon.” Together with Unity One Charitable Association, V Cycle is providing relief packs distributions for the elderly waste pickers and street cleaners to combat the effects of Covid-19.
    Tackling environmental issues is never one man’s job.From V Cycle’s objectives, we are each and individually key playmakers to the change.→
    ●這裡看中文版:香港「紙板奶奶」:被社會遺忘的他們,卻是循環經濟的重要貢獻者! >> https://bit.ly/3wJo8uF
    ▍Email 訂閱《全球事件簿》接收世界消息 >> bit.ly/2PfOGnb
    ▍新刊上市《走進真實矽谷》>> bit.ly/3uLqf0q
    ▍2021 全年份季刊一次訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW

  • cardboard中文 在 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-22 13:39:14
    有 5,605 人按讚


    感謝外交部昨天(10月21日)發表首部中文、英文的防疫虛擬實境(VR)影片「關鍵三布局」。影片介紹「臺灣模式」(Taiwan Model)成功對抗武漢肺炎(COVID-19)的應對策略及關鍵作為,審慎以對、迅速反應及超前部署的防疫三布局及措施,與全球民眾一同體驗臺灣成功防疫的故事。同時彰顯我國在疫情中,維持自由民主與延續堅韌的臺灣精神。





  • cardboard中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-05 08:00:06
    有 220 人按讚


    🔥 Baseball Is Back in Taiwan—With Cardboard Cutouts Instead of Fans

    - cardboard cutouts 人型立牌
    ✍️ cardboard是厚紙板,cutout是剪下的圖樣(尤指可豎立起來的)

    ⚾️ The Chinese Professional Baseball League is one of the only pro sports leagues in the world currently operating. They even have bench-clearing brawls.

    - Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) 中華職業棒球大聯盟,簡稱中華職棒、中職
    - brawl鬥毆、大打出手
    ✍️ bench-clearing brawl(清空板凳的大亂鬥)可說是職棒文化的一塊,激烈的比賽中難免有衝突發生,「清空板凳」指的是衝突發生時,雙方球員都衝出休息區,在球場上對峙的狀況。

    😝 There are no spectators, save for cheerleaders and the fake fans in the seats. But it’s baseball nonetheless. And for the players adjusting to their strange new reality, it’s proof that sports behind closed doors is better than no sports at all.

    - spectator(體育賽事的)觀眾
    - behind closed doors 直覺會讓人想到中文的「閉門造車」,但其實就是「秘密地,不公開地」的意思
    ✍️常見的還有close-door meeting 閉門會議(不對外公開的保密會議)

    ✨ People are seeing it, not just in Taiwan, but in the U.S. Eleven Sports Taiwan has been live-streaming an English-language version of some games. A broadcast of the Monkeys taking on the Fubon Guardians on Twitter earlier this month that began early in the morning in the U.S., drew more than a million views.
    不僅台灣球迷可以欣賞到球賽,台灣壹拾壹體育網(Eleven Sports Taiwan)透過線上直播,用英語轉播部分球賽,讓美國的觀眾也能共襄盛舉。本月初在推特上轉播的樂天桃猿對上富邦悍將的球賽,吸引了超過一百萬次的觀看數。

    - live-streaming 線上直播
    - Monkeys 指的是 Rakuten Monkeys 樂天桃猿(球隊名)
    - Fubon Guardians 富邦悍將(球隊名)
    - draw 吸引,引起(興趣、注意)
    ✍️ 這裡的drew可不是畫畫的意思喔,而是「吸引」,常見的表達如draw someone’s attention(吸引某人的注意力)


    p.s. 本文的圖片是樂天桃猿隊的投手Ryan Carpenter在觀眾席上擺著未婚妻臉孔的立牌。
    Ryan Carpenter, a pitcher for the Rakuten Monkeys, poses with cutouts of his fiancée’s face in the stands.


    ❓Quiz: The baseball players from both teams went into a ____ because of a hit-by-pitch. The ___ were also fired up.

    A. bros/Super Mario
    B. bench-clearing fight/spectacular
    C. bench-clearing brawl/spectators


    #獨家 華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 Line 群組,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    目前已超過 #百人 加入,倒數 3 天,再等就沒了 🤭
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • cardboard中文 在 Jing Jing Beh 妗妗 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-11-14 19:31:02

    #thejingproductions #christmasgift #voicerecording

    This is a special edition Speak4U Voice Recording Robot.
    Is a limited stock handcraft by me for the sake of Christmas :)
    It is build with a GOLD Cardboard. I add on the LED Light to make your Christmas gift looks alive ~~

    1. 可录音 • Voice Recording
    2. 可播音 • Play Back
    3. 可放入照片 • Instax Mini Photo Frame
    4. 可轉動 • Flexibility
    5. 手工制作 • Handmade Robot

    1. Christmas Gold Robot only RM88
    2. FULL Set with LED Light (White or YELLOW) RM98
    3. Christmas PWP. You can buy the Gold Robot with only RM55 with you purchase a Speak4Uv2 RM98

    Check out this website for more info

    For enquiries
    1. Add wechat ID (微信) : ryejoe
    2. Whatsapp: wasap.my/+60164005360/goldrobot

    #speak4u #voicerecording #christmasgift #handmade #goldgift

