在 bore意思產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《打豆乜東東(上)——色彩繽紛的鹽水豆》 上一會說到產婦打豆,不少讀者都有在文章或私下回覆打豆的「慘痛」經歷,看來很有共鳴喔!其實也可以介紹一下鹽水豆是乜東東,讓大家touchwood要住院也能對自己所受的治療有更多認識。 鹽水豆,就是一個小裝置讓醫護人員能隨時可以將藥物注射到靜脈裡的血液中,以...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 我有一個單身27年的朋友,每天嚷嚷著想結婚,但既然這麼想結婚,為什麼從來沒交過女朋友呢?這天終於邀請他來上節目分享這些年間他是如何保守自己、預備自己、認識自己的~(但真心祝福幼稚的他可以變得符合實際年齡些) 你怎麼看待單身呢?會不會有點害怕、有點著急?有時候覺得自由自在,但...
- 關於bore意思 在 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young Instagram 的最讚貼文
- 關於bore意思 在 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於bore意思 在 吸管英語?跟著蘇蘇學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文
- 關於bore意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於bore意思 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於bore意思 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於bore意思 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於bore意思 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳解答
bore意思 在 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-08-12 03:00:33
👵🏼秀娥:Hi👋🏻你好!Where are you from? 這件襯衫,萬吉說還記得是一位女性顧客拿來洗的,但不知道為什麼,就只來過這一兩次,也沒有再來拿衣服,不知道是否也是外地來工作的人呢? 附帶一提,萬吉在拍照的時候一直問說:「會不會一直拍,大家就覺得不稀奇,就不想看了?」,我跟他說不會,但他...
bore意思 在 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-08-12 03:00:33
❤️ 10,000 Followers!萬吉和秀娥謝謝大家!! 剛剛跟萬吉秀娥說他們有10,000個人追蹤時,他們一直聽不懂追蹤的意思,後來我跟他們說「這就是叫訂報紙啦!有10,000個人訂你們的報紙要看你們了!」,他們才恍然大悟,然後說「那麼多人要看我們喔?」 感謝大家喜歡萬秀,給他們的生活多了...
bore意思 在 吸管英語?跟著蘇蘇學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-04-04 17:46:22
🎉bear fruit 努力有了成果 bear 在這裡可不是「熊」!bear、bore、born是「生」這個動詞的三個詞態,像是 mothers bear children(媽媽們生小孩),所以這邊的 bear fruit 字面上就是「生出水果」那麼對於植物來說當然就是「結果實」啦!也就是中文説的...
bore意思 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳解答
2021-09-10 07:00:12歡迎光臨~我是樂筆!
Welcome to Sunlight!
My friend, single for 27 years, is always yelling that he wants to get married. Why he never gets a girlfriend although he wants to get married? Finally I ask him to share how he keeps himself, prepares himself and knows himself these years~(Wish him meets the actual age)
What do you think about singledom? Are you a little afraid of or anxious? Sometimes you feel free but sometimes feel worthless? Being single doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, instead, meaning that it’s not quite ready yet. No matter you’re single or not, you’re always worthy of love! Get your to-do list down ASAP when you’re single, and “debug” your life! Hope you guys become mature first and then take off the single, bless others and found families.
Lastly, I’m sorry! Because we’re so familiar that we talk trash too much. I’m trying hard to delete so there are only 30 minutes left in the episode. 😂😂😂
Note: If you’re Christians, you may find that Ethan is wrong for saying “Sarah bore Isaac when she was 99 years old.” Isaac was born when Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 years old. It’s a slip of the tongue. Hope his group members, friends, fans(?) and the wife in the future believe his professionalism(Well, I’m forced to add it.)
Genesis 17:19 King James Bible
And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨
- - -
- - -
主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
翻譯 Translator:Youli -
bore意思 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳解答
2020-10-30 18:00:10【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。
【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。
‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.
‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.
During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.
I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…
‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.
‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.
I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.
We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.
I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.
See you in the cinemas on November 20!
【你是豬|BABI】購票連結 Ticketing Link: https://www.ezding.com.tw/movieInfo?movieid=1fb7e4b914af42a3b44c268aba72fa75
【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲【Happy Family】https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8
【你是豬|BABI】解釋 Penjelasan:https://bit.ly/3mog7ps
配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼
黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!
除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 ?
11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00
11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30
11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30
11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00
11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30
11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
bore意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
鹽水豆,就是一個小裝置讓醫護人員能隨時可以將藥物注射到靜脈裡的血液中,以便我們不用每次要注射藥物都要重新找血管重複針刺,也同時能讓藥物或其他液體可以較長時間地打進血液裡。「打豆」似乎是很本土的說法,有時候看台灣的醫療專頁,似乎會叫這個裝置叫IC(應該是intravenous cannula的簡寫),似乎這樣說正統一點但對於病人來說又沒有如此形象化。當然,「打豆」一詞往往對長期住院的病人來說毫不陌生,但也有好多「good past health」的病人,聽到我說「要幫你打個豆」,還是會一頭霧水的。
此外,原來不同醫院或部門對於「打豆」都有不同的叫法。就在我短短工作半年多,已經聽過護士叫我打hep block / cap / drip / HB ,原來全部都是打豆的意思。最搞笑的是,每個新地方的護士都會理所當然的覺得自己的叫法才是正確,有時候我衝口而出說了「上一水」的叫法,他們總會一臉狐疑的看著我,滿臉問號。這個現象,原來有一位師兄/姊都曾經發現過。(註)
黃色對上的就是藍色、紅色,繼而綠色、灰色。(橙色的太粗了吧,我沒有在醫院見過呢!)越粗的豆可以容許越大的流量,所以要輸血、下顯影劑、甚至急救「落快水」等,往往需要打「large bore catheter」,即是打較粗的豆。醫學生時,往往未能記住不同顏色豆所代表的粗度(如果紅橙黃綠青藍紫這樣排列,不是易記很多嗎?),以致被教授訓斥我們懶散又少上病房。現在工作起來天天要打豆,卻發現這些基本知識非常重要,能方便我們和病房護士好好有效溝通。
至於我這個「侯士民」的打豆learning curve又是怎樣的呢?我們下回分解😆。
= = =
同步更新的MeWe page:https://mewe.com/p/一個平凡醫生的成長日常
bore意思 在 Namewee 黃明志 Facebook 的最佳解答
【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。
【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。
‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.
‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.
During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.
I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…
‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.
‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.
I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.
We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.
I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.
See you in the cinemas on November 20!
【你是豬 | BABI】電影預告 Youtube 高清版: https://bit.ly/2HOjfwj
黃明志電影【你是豬 | BABI】金馬世界首映會
11/06 (五) 19:40 信義威秀13廳
11/07 (六) 17:00 信義威秀13廳
【你是豬 | BABI】電影主題曲【Happy Family】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdnfe3lALd8
配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼
黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!
除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 🙌
11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00
11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30
11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30
11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00
11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30
11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
bore意思 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文
📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 香港🇭🇰
📰 Hong Kong Media Baron Jimmy Lai Released on Bail
Supporters of outspoken newspaper founder waved copies of his Apple Daily as he left police station
📌 這是一篇關於香港的大新聞。香港媒體巨頭 (media baron) 黎智英 最近被拘捕,後來被交保獲釋 (released on bail)。據報導指出,他為人坦率的(outspoken),當他獲釋離開警局時,他的支持者 (supporter) 揮動 (wave) 他所創立的蘋果日報 (Apple Daily) 副本 (copy)。
記者用了不同方式描述他:media baron 和 outspoken newspaper founder,這是常見的寫作手法。
HONG KONG—Pro-democracy media baron Jimmy Lai was released on bail after his Monday arrest led to a public show of support for the outspoken critic of Beijing among Hong Kong’s opposition.
📌 這段改寫 (paraphrase) 標題和副標題的内容,當中加了一些細節:1. 黎智英是於星期一被捕 (arrest) 以及 2.他批評了北京(即中國政府)。記者重複了outspoken 此字,顯示是一個重點。
As the founder of the Apple Daily newspaper left the police station in the passenger seat of a black Mercedes early Wednesday morning, he gave two thumbs up to crowds of people waiting for his release, many of whom were waving copies of his newspaper and chanting, “Support Apple until the end!”
📌 這段補充黎智英離開警局情況之細節:坐黑色賓士車 (black Mercedes) 離開、向支持者竪起大拇指 (give thumbs up) 和支持者詠唱 (chant) 口號。
Mr. Lai was among 10 people arrested Monday. All of them have been released on bail, including another well-known pro-democracy activist, 23-year-old Agnes Chow, local media reported.
📌 這段說明黎智英外,還有9位人士被逮捕,包括23歲著名的(well-known) 積極分子(activist) Agnes Chow。
Mr. Lai’s arrest was the most high-profile yet under a new national security law China imposed on Hong Kong. Scenes of police officers searching Apple Daily offices, which were streamed live by some of the newspaper’s staff Monday, heightened fears about the future of a free press in Hong Kong.
📌 這段交代黎智英的高調 (high-profile) 逮捕跟在香港實施的國安法(national security law) 的關係,人們更害怕自由傳媒(free press) 在香港的未來 (future)。
His arrest galvanized support around the city. Scores of Hong Kongers lined up early Tuesday to purchase copies of the daily, which bore the front-page headline, “Apple Daily will fight on.”
📌 他的逮捕刺激了 (galvanize) 市民的支持。scores of 的意思是很多,也是常用說法。
The stock price of Next Digital Ltd., which publishes the newspaper, surged after Mr. Lai’s arrest to its highest level in more than seven years, up 1,150% this week. They were helped by opposition supporters’ calls to rally behind the stock. The company’s market capitalization now stands at around 2.9 billion Hong Kong dollars ($374 million), larger than USA Today owner Gannett Co. ’s $241.26 million.
📌 這段針對時間對出版蘋果日報那家公司的股價 (stock price) 的影響。surge (急劇上升)、level (水平) 和up (增加了)常常用來描述趨勢。
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Natasha Khan
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