

在 bilingual用法產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [專頁公告] 英文學習「生態系」更新 English Learning Ecosystem Update As I began exploring Instagram, I struggled to find a way to deliver useful academic content. ...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅Chen Lily,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【特別版】Lingoda 語言超級衝刺班: https://bit.ly/Sprint_ChenLily 連續 2 個月,每月上課 30 天,即可獲得學費「100% 退回」! 輸入Lily專屬優惠碼 “LILY20 ” 折抵 20 歐元 (8/25之前報名可折抵訂金,8/25 後使用則是折抵第一個...

bilingual用法 在 Dallas Waldo∣阿龍 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 17:50:16

我今天花了2小時學成語,所以我要盡量用最多的成語告訴大家一件!你們看得懂成語嗎?希望我寫這篇文章不是在對牛彈琴!👴🎹🎵🐂 已待在車水馬龍的台北六年了,我絕對不是那種走馬看花的老外,更不用說住在這裡12年的吳鳳,他比我還值得被稱為識途老馬!跟他出外景後才發想其實這傢伙的個性膽小如鼠,怕東怕西,雖然如此...

bilingual用法 在 Chen Lily - 英文學習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 12:16:36

今天是我在蒙特婁語言學校教課的第一天,黑板上是大家破冰後,整理了所有人的國籍、會說的語言、去過的加拿大的城市、還有對加拿大的印象。 我和另外一個加拿大的女生一起co teach。這個班今天加上老師只有十個人,卻來自八個不同的國家,加總起來說八種語言(我就貢獻四種?什麼?我會講台語,還會用日文問路,...

  • bilingual用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-07 14:16:28
    有 273 人按讚

    [專頁公告] 英文學習「生態系」更新

    English Learning Ecosystem Update

    As I began exploring Instagram, I struggled to find a way to deliver useful academic content. Instagram posts typically focus on images, short clips, and concise text, which are attention grabbing but not always entirely conducive to language learning. I looked over the posts of established Instagram English learning accounts, and experimented with vocabulary posts and even news posts for a couple of weeks. Not wanting to post just images, I thought about creating something new even with the rigid format of the platform.

    當我開始研究怎麼用IG,我想盡了各種辦法,希望能提供大家一些實用的學術內容。 IG 的特色著重在圖片、短片以及簡潔的文字,這樣的方式雖然很容易引人注目,卻不全然有助於語言學習。我瀏覽了 IG 上英文教學網紅的貼文,並在這幾週嘗試發了一些學術單字與新聞相關的文章。我並不想只是發一些圖片,而思考著要如何在既有框架下創作一些新的東西。


    A tenet of using tech in education is to engage students with what they are familiar with, not give them an entirely new platform that is difficult to use. So, how could I create a new series of Instagram posts that is both educational and unique? I thought about my goal to disseminate academic English resources, and how I could leverage my experience as a curriculum writer and voice recording artist for public school textbooks.

    一個使用科技進行教育的原則是用學生熟悉的方式與他們互動,而非用了全新的平台卻使他們難以學習。那麼,我應該如何創作獨特且具教育意義的一系列全新 IG 發文呢?我想到了我傳遞學術英文資源的目標,以及思考到該如何發揮身為教科書編輯者與音頻錄製者的經驗。


    So far, this is what I have at the moment. I will post Word of the Day (每日一詞), high frequency vocabulary words that you see in academic texts and sometimes on the news. These Tier 2 academic vocabulary words are not exclusive to a single domain and complement the theme-based approach I’ve taken with my mind-mapping vocabulary class. You can find other vocabulary learning methods here.

    這是我目前所想到的內容:我會發布「每日一詞」,也就是學術文章或是新聞中有時出現的高頻字彙。這些Tier 2學術詞彙並不限於單個領域,更補充了我在心智圖詞彙攻略課程中採用的主題式學習法。你還可以在下面網站找到其他詞彙學習方法。

    🎓 詞彙學習方法:http://bit.ly/2JGXKvK

    In these posts, I added the pronunciation, collocation, and example sentences of each word for students. These words will be helpful to university-level students who often read academic texts and the news. Students can access them by simply clicking on the hashtag 學術英語單字.


    🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091


    To help students use more precise and common academic phrases, I then added Academic Phrases (每日一句), set phrases that appear in both academic speech and writing. These phrases have varying functions from introducing a topic to comparing and contrasting ideas. There is a difference between speech and writing, so I picked words that could be used for both. If one is used only in a specific context, I will make note of it in the video recording. This series of posts will help students with language output, and can be found under the following hashtag 學術英語片語.

    為了幫助學生使用更精準、更道地的常見學術用語,我們接著會進入「每日一句」,也就是在學術演說與寫作中常見的用語。這些片語具有不同的功能,範圍涵蓋介紹主題到比較、對比想法等等。而演講和寫作之間也有不同,所以我選擇了都可以使用的片語。如果只能在特定情況下使用,我會在影片中特別說明。該系列文章將會幫助學生提高語言輸出能力,可以在 # 學術英語片語找到。

    🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP


    Last, I will follow up with an abridged version of breaking news (時事英文) with high frequency collocations and audio recordings. This will provide students with the input of not only individual words, but how to use them in output (speech and writing) with context. While all these news posts might seem independent at first, I will eventually link and organize them by theme when there are enough posts. Along with my news class, these extra posts will help students stay aware of current events, acquire set phrases used in journalism, and develop critical thinking. These posts can currently be found under the hashtag EEL時事英文.

    最後,我們會跟進精簡版的「時事英文」,其中包含高頻搭配詞與錄音資料。這些內容不僅可以提供你們輸入單字,而且可以幫助你們知道如何搭配情境輸出,再將這些內容使用在口說與寫作中。這些貼文一開始雖然看似獨立,當素材足夠後我會再將他們進行連結與整理。這些貼文和我的新聞課程將幫助學生維持對時事的敏銳度,掌握新聞中使用的固定用法,並養成批判性思維。這些貼文目前可以在 # EEL時事英文。

    🎓 批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

    🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv


    There is a lot more I want to do to create an ecosystem of free academic English learning materials. I will continue modifying our post format to meet your needs, but these are my plans for Instagram thus far. Join us on our journey to make bilingual academic English resources more readily available to all! Let’s continue to learn and grow together!

    建立免費的學術英文學習系統是件大工程,我會持續修改我們發文的格式以符合你們的需求與習慣,這些只是我目前 IG 學術英語學習計畫的一部分。加入我們的旅程來讓雙語的學術英文資源更加普及!讓我們一起學習與成長!


    🎓 學術英文單字: https://bit.ly/3cxH091

    🎓 學術英文片語: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP

    🎓 EEL時事英文: https://bit.ly/36tDusv

    🎓 批判性思考問題大全:http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

    🎓 該如何學習英文?http://bit.ly/3inxdCP

  • bilingual用法 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-26 21:00:57
    有 20 人按讚



    然後就The economist最小氣不讓人試閱,​

    今天文章:Part Bookstore, Part Retail Theater, This Tempe Business Became a Local Mainstay​

    剛開始,書店化身為storyteller的空間,幫助bilingual跟deaf children,​
    後來慢慢的也化身為教室,教導一些aspiring authors,如何寫作、如何出版?​
    同時也是增加community events(例如音樂會等等)、二手書交易,​
    They display a set of mixing bowls next to The Joy of Cooking.​



    adj.時, 慣用為:be subject to ​
    1: owing obedience or allegiance to the power or dominion of another​
    a: suffering a particular liability or exposure: subject to temptation​
    b: having a tendency or inclination : PRONE: subject to colds​
    3: contingent on or under the influence of some later action: the plan is subject to discussion​
    --Merriam Webster ​

    當作動詞時,特別需要比較的是這個意思時to cause or force to undergo or endure,​
    慣用語會是be subjected to,​
    例句:He was subjected to constant verbal abuse.​

    本文例句:They were titles about politics and environmentalism--subjects the idealistic young founders hoped would open minds and change attitudes.​


  • bilingual用法 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-14 16:30:18
    有 154 人按讚

    【🎉 國發會就業金卡方案延攬國際高端人才來臺🎉 】



    我們會繼續努力!讓臺灣成為國際人才的第二個家 🏠

    #國發會 #NDC #就業金卡 #EmploymentGoldCard #外國專業人才延攬及僱用法

    【🎉 The National Development Council Employment Gold Card program attracts international talents to Taiwan🎉 】

    The Employment Gold Card is a card targeting at international talents. With the card, foreign special professionals can work, start a business and reside in Taiwan with more flexibility. To honor the employment gold card holders, the National Development Council (NDC) held an exchange event. About 160 cardholders participated in the event.

    Minister Kung especially showed appreciation to the cardholders of their support for the Employment Gold Card policy. He emphasized that cardholders are the elites among the foreign professionals in Taiwan. Cardholders are Taiwan and NDC’s family. He encouraged cardholders to have more connection with Taiwan society.

    Minister Kung also mentioned that in addition to keep promoting the bilingual nation policy, NDC has been revising the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals. Hopefully, the revision can attract more international talents to work or start businesses in Taiwan.

    In the evening reception, the cardholders interacted with each other and exchanged working, living and start-up experiences delightfully, which stimulated innovative ideas and collaboration opportunities on the spot.

    After the evening reception, many cardholders messaged us, saying that the Employment Gold Card program is a good policy to drive internationalization of Taiwan. They will help NDC to promote the Employment Gold Card program among their international friends and attract them to Taiwan. We were deeply moved!

    We will continue to work hard to make Taiwan a second home of international talents.

  • bilingual用法 在 Chen Lily Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-12 21:00:19

    【特別版】Lingoda 語言超級衝刺班: https://bit.ly/Sprint_ChenLily
    連續 2 個月,每月上課 30 天,即可獲得學費「100% 退回」!
    輸入Lily專屬優惠碼 “LILY20 ” 折抵 20 歐元
    (8/25之前報名可折抵訂金,8/25 後使用則是折抵第一個月學費)

    ✏️ 領取今天的影片講義:https://bit.ly/chenlily
    ▸ Lily英文聊天術課程:https://speaking.cool
    ▸ Lily新制托福課程:https://bit.ly/2GIs3mC​​
    ღ 課程問題請聯絡: [email protected]
    ღ 合作邀約請聯絡:chenlilyofficial@gmail.com
    我是Lily Chen.加拿大McGill University語言教育碩士
    希望能藉由應用語言學的知識,讓更多人成為自信的bilingual (雙語者)

  • bilingual用法 在 Chen Lily Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-08 21:00:16

    這期間,我都在用搭載 Intel EVO 平台的 ASUS VivoBook S14 (S435)
    讓我在家都能維持「高效生活」,想了解這台筆電,看這裡→ https://viraln.co/IntelEvoLCYT
    #IntelPartner, #IntelEvo, #Vivobook, #S14, #S435, @inteltaiwan, @asus_taiwan

    p.s. 9:59 變色龍 chameleon 拼錯啦~

    ✏️ 領取今天的影片講義:https://bit.ly/chenlily
    ▸ Lily英文聊天術課程:https://speaking.cool
    ▸ Lily新制托福課程:https://bit.ly/2GIs3mC​​
    ღ 課程問題請聯絡: [email protected]
    ღ 合作邀約請聯絡:chenlilyofficial@gmail.com
    ღ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/chennlilyy/
    ღ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/chennlilyy/
    我是Lily Chen.加拿大McGill University語言教育碩士
    希望能藉由應用語言學的知識,讓更多人成為自信的bilingual (雙語者)

  • bilingual用法 在 Chen Lily Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-10 21:00:22

    🎉2021暑期 Lingoda語言超級衝刺班 報名時間延長🎉
    Lingoda 語言超級衝刺班: http://bit.ly/ChenLily_Lingoda06
    連續 3 個月,每月上課 30 天,即可獲得學費「50% 退回」!
    輸入Lily專屬優惠碼 “FAST23 ” 可享 20 歐首月費用折扣,報名截止日期現在延長到2021/7/27囉

    ✏️ 領取今天的影片講義:https://bit.ly/chenlily
    ▸ Lily英文聊天術課程:https://speaking.cool
    ▸ Lily新制托福課程:https://bit.ly/2GIs3mC​​
    ღ 課程問題請聯絡: [email protected]
    ღ 合作邀約請聯絡:chenlilyofficial@gmail.com
    ღ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/chennlilyy/
    ღ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/chennlilyy/
    我是Lily Chen.加拿大McGill University語言教育碩士
    希望能藉由應用語言學的知識,讓更多人成為自信的bilingual (雙語者)

    00:00 前言
    2:29 You’re breaking up
    3:23 Not in my book
    3:45 I’m an open book
    4:29 Now you’re talking
    4:44 You don’t say
    5:46 Pardon my French
    6:31 English, please?
    7:20 Let your hair down
    7:56 Pull my hair out
    8:40 I don’t buy it

