

在 between用法時間產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,686的網紅Sabrina 英文小教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✨寫作必備工具 ➡️右滑推薦的語料庫及使用方式 別忘記幫我☑️分享☑️珍藏☑️按讚 讓蘇蘇能夠幫助更多人🧡 ⁡ 🔍語料庫是透過大量文本分析單詞用法建立而成的資料庫,學習外文時常常會需要語料庫讓我們確認自己的理解是否也是外國人常用的用法,藉此避免掉中式英文的問題。當家教已經快要四年了,我從大一上就接...

between用法時間 在 Sabrina英文小教室|英文教學·英文學習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 16:04:42

✨寫作必備工具 ➡️右滑推薦的語料庫及使用方式 別忘記幫我☑️分享☑️珍藏☑️按讚 讓蘇蘇能夠幫助更多人🧡 ⁡ 🔍語料庫是透過大量文本分析單詞用法建立而成的資料庫,學習外文時常常會需要語料庫讓我們確認自己的理解是否也是外國人常用的用法,藉此避免掉中式英文的問題。當家教已經快要四年了,我從大一上就接...

between用法時間 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-08 03:36:43

今日就講吓一pair你可能成日都用但好多機會用錯嘅字。冇錯!就係大家小學已經開始學嘅報歲數, 總係好多Trap位😂 - 大家最基本一定會識嘅就係”X years old”, 例如: “Dai Dai is 22 years old.”,呢度唔嘥時間討論啦,大家都用慣用熟。但到你大個、上到中學嘅時候你...

  • between用法時間 在 Sabrina 英文小教室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-07 16:25:13
    有 5 人按讚


    例如:dilemma 兩難
    正確:記憶dilemma 的collocations
    正解:be caught in / be faced with / confront the moral dilemma 面臨兩難

    🟨Poorly run meetings do not just waste time, they jeopardise the ability to meet deadlines, adding to workers’ stress. Long meetings should have breaks, which the manager should take responsibility for enforcing. And any meeting should be 20 or 50 minutes long, rather than 30 minutes or an hour, to allow for a gap between sessions in an hourly schedule.

    Poorly run meetings do not just waste time, they jeopardise the ability to meet deadlines, adding to workers’ stress.
    1️⃣jeopardize the ability to…讓…不能…
    = put…in jeopardy

    Long meetings should have breaks[, which the manager should take responsibility for enforcing. ]And any meeting should be 20 or 50 minutes long, rather than 30 minutes or an hour, {to allow for a gap between sessions in an hourly schedule.}
    2️⃣切子句[ 標註 ]
    3️⃣ … rather than … 而不是




    #學測 #111學測 #英文筆記 #英文 #podcast

  • between用法時間 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-24 19:07:46
    有 477 人按讚

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國🇺🇸

    Trump Administration Turns Up Pressure on China on Several Fronts

    WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is intensifying U.S. pressure on China, piling on visa bans, sanctions and other restrictions that are battering already unsettled ties between the world’s two largest economies.

    📌 文章第一段就以這個主題為切入點,施壓的領域包括簽證禁令、制裁和其他限制。

    🖋 intensify pressure on 的意思就是 turn up pressure on。pile on (堆積),在修辭學裡有「轉化」的作用(將虛擬實)。ban (禁令)、sanction (制裁) 和 restriction (限制)常於國際新聞出現的詞語。

    Attorney General William Barr, in a speech Thursday, warned U.S. businesses that they are at risk of collaborating with a Chinese government that ultimately seeks to supplant them in its expanding state-run economy. Administration officials are also discussing banning travel by China’s Communist Party members and their families to the U.S., people familiar with the matter said.

    📌 文章第二段引述美國司法部長在一篇演說中對企業家的警告:中國政府最終或許取締他們!這段也提到美國官員考慮禁止中國共產黨員和家屬去美國。

    🖋 Attorney General (司法部長)是美國高級官員,他想美國企業發出嚴厲的警告,用at risk of + noun phrase 來表達。administration official 是常用的片語,指政府官員。

    Discussions are in early stages, with no timeline for being put into effect, the people said. If put into policy, advisers and policy analysts said the ban would strike at the legitimacy of the increasingly powerful party.


    🖋 timeline (時間表)是常用用語,其他常見的用語包括 policy、adviser、policy analyst。legitimacy (合法性)是個高階字,在有關政治的文章常常出現。

    The administration has amped up a broader confrontation with Beijing in recent weeks by imposing sanctions on a member of the Communist Party leadership, signing legislation that targets other Chinese officials and holding full-scale military exercises in the South China Sea.


    🖋amp up (放大) 是個轉化的修辭片語,impose(施加)跟sanction搭配的,legislation是law的同義詞,target在這裡是及物動詞,千萬別加at。

    All this has come after President Trump for months has blamed China for covering up the initial corona virus outbreak that his administration has struggled to contain in the U.S.


    🖋 blame 是基本的動詞,要記住它的用法,cover up (掩飾) 很常用,另外,contain在這裡的意思不是包括,而是遏制。


    📰 全文請至

    📰 作者
    Andrew Restuccia and William Mauldin

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    💁🏻‍♂️ 每日多了解一些國際時事,豐富您的世界觀,邊看新聞邊學英語,語言能力更上一層樓!

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    📮 翁秀雯
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    🎁 領獎期限: 07/26 20:00

  • between用法時間 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-23 11:08:06
    有 609 人按讚

    【讀WSJ學英文 l 美國撤離駐中國外交官對中美關係之影響 】


    面對Monday blue,最好的方法就是學點有趣的時事英文!

    WSJ在 3/21有篇文章標題為:

    U.S. Drawdown of China Diplomats Cripples Ties at Critical Moment



    drawdown的意思就是抽回或減少,在本文的脈絡就是「把原本派駐在中國的外交官調回美國」,在此可以用withdrawal 代替。

    cripples ties 就是傷害(雙方)關係, cripple在本句為主要動詞,跟「傷害」同義的還有damage, harm等字。


    搭配:critical moment 關鍵時刻 (呼叫跟我完全沒有血緣關係的劉寶傑)

    cripples ties at critical moment 唸起來有押韻的節奏感,感覺到了嗎?

    critical 這個字很好用,它可以指重大的、關鍵的或批判的。

    例如當一個人發生重大車禍或生病時, in a critical condition 意思就是「命在旦夕」。


    The consulate general in the city of Wuhan, where the pandemic began, closed in late January. Missions and consulates in Shenyang, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou are at 20% to 30% of their staffing levels, according to people familiar with the matter. Most of those employees are local Chinese.



    consulate 領事館
    consulate general 總領事館

    上述這兩個館館長,我們稱為head of mission。


    在總領事館的總領事,英文就是Consul General。

    新聞中常看到「知情人士指出」,「知情人士」就是people familiar with the matter。

    The emptying out of American diplomatic outposts came as relations between the U.S. and China descended to levels of rancor not seen in decades, fed by a two-year trade war and, more recently, finger-pointing over responsibility for the severity and origin of the coronavirus threat.



    diplomatic outpost 就是diplomatic mission,這是新聞英文常見的替換語詞。

    empty out 跟標題的drawdown,意思接近,可以解釋為「使領館只留下少數人力,所以變得中空」。

    relations between the U.S. and China descended to levels of rancor not seen in decades 這句寫得很文雅,考生直接背起來吧!


    rancor (n.) 仇恨,憎恨,深仇
    rancorous (a.) 深仇大恨的

    rancor 比 hatred 的意思來得更強。

    not seen in decades 前面省略了which have not been,完整寫法是 levels of rancor which have not been seen in decades。

    fed by 這個子句,前面省略了which is/was/has been。

    feed 原意是 餵養,在此的修辭方式是「因為XX原因導致XX」。

    finger-pointing over responsibility 互相指著對方,叫對方負起責任。這也是很實用的用法。

    Now's not the time for finger-pointing. 現在不是彼此指責的時候。






