

在 athletic籃球產品中有79篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過61萬的網紅籃球地帶,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 充滿Green與Thompson特色的對話 #fanpiece...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅Happy Kongner,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⇀HappyKongner 香油錢錢箱在此:https://streamlabs.com/happykongner ⇀HappyKongner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happykongner ⇀HappyKongner Instagram: https...

athletic籃球 在 Le Petit Prince Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-03 05:20:45

The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret. 六年前後對比,個人認為除了雙腿以外分別不太大,磅數差不多,體脂應該有明顯嘅分別。每當比賽嘅時候,我會覺得等同派成績表,每次見到新一張成績表亦都會有遺憾,遺憾就係飲食和休息咗做得...

athletic籃球 在 Yang.AT|運動訓練?健康知識分享 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 22:06:16

你看過有人跑步是倒著跑的嗎?🏃🏻‍♀️⏩​ 這不單純是為了娛樂性質​ 其中也是有科學根據的喔!​ ​ 今天就來聽🐑老師說說倒退跑吧!​ -​ Backward running(倒退跑),簡稱BR,和forward running(向前跑動)一樣,都是一種可在球場上觀察到的移動型態。​ ​ ⛹️‍♀️...

  • athletic籃球 在 籃球地帶 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-24 10:30:50
    有 78 人按讚


  • athletic籃球 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-26 20:27:20
    有 541 人按讚

    【本校防疫訊息 配合防疫警戒降為二級調整各項防疫措施】
    NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Preventive Measures in the Upcoming Alert Level 2




    總務處公告:( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )



    課外組公告:( https://osa_activity.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/2132)




    心輔中心公告:( https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/142 )


    保健中心公告:( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )

    (1) 8月2日上午8時起恢復開放讀者入館,7月27~30日期間,仍維持現行閉館窗口服務及開放時間。

    圖書館公告:( https://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/node/4052 )


    新體公告:( https://ntusportscenter.ntu.edu.tw/#/ )
    體育室公告:( https://pe.ntu.edu.tw/?tid=96#/news/2366/news )




    人事室公告:( https://ann.cc.ntu.edu.tw/asp/Show.asp?num=82539 )


    國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上


    Dear NTU students and colleagues,

    According to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the current alert level will be lowered to Level 2 starting July 27. In response to this, the University is asking all of you to fully comply with the newly adjusted measures as follows.

    1.Starting July 27, the Main Campus will be accessed via the current three to seven gates, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The campus can only be accessed in the evenings through the three gates. Level 3 access control will continue to be implemented to all university premises.
    Click the link for more information
    ( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )

    2.Summer courses will continue to be taught remotely. If necessary, applications for in-person classes may be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs. To this end, each in-person class should accommodate no more than 50 people. Rental of the University’s lecture buildings remains unavailable.

    3. Club events are strongly advised to be held online. In compliance with the regulations during the lowered alert level period (July 27-August 9), in-person events with no more than 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors may be held (the number is reduced to 20 people indoors and 40 people outdoors for sports events). In-person music club events should not be held if the mask-wearing mandate cannot be enforced. For other types of sports and leisurely events where physical contact cannot be avoided or masks cannot be worn at all times (e.g. accommodation), the organizing clubs will be instructed to strictly abide by preventive measures such as reducing the number of participants and following the one person per room policy.

    4. The Student Activity Center will reopen student club offices and open rental of its spaces. However, the food and beverage club will remain closed before resumption of dining-in is announced by the Taipei City Government.

    5. The Student Counseling Center (including the Disability Support Services) will resume counseling services and reservation as of the day of the lowered alert level. Click the following for more information
    (https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/en/board/detail/sn/144 )

    6. The morning Family Medicine clinics at the Health Center will continue. First-time registration is allowed for non-NTU members. Click the following for more information
    ( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )

    7. Preventive measures at the NTU Library are as follows:
    1) The library will reopen to the general public beginning 8 a.m. August 2. From July 27 to 30, it will remain closed and only the circulation service is available.

    2) All floors will reopen (including the B1 study rooms). The opening hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. through Fri. The library is closed on weekends.

    3) Criss-cross seating will be implemented in the reading areas and study rooms. The library may accommodate up to 400 people in its reading areas (1st to 5th floors). The reading rooms may accommodate up to 394 people. Click the following for more information

    8. The Athletic Department will reopen the outdoor Sports Field, baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts and volleyball courts. Indoor ball courts and the fitness center at the NTU Sports Center and the old Sports Center will be reopened to all members of the NTU community. Please wear a mask at all times when you play sports. Clustering in these locations is strictly forbidden. For more information, please contact the Athletic Department or refer to terms of use at every venue.

    9.On-campus food locations provide take-outs only; off-campus restaurants will follow the announcements by the Taipei City Government. Talks with the food providers on resuming operation is still ongoing.

    10. The current method for delivering official documents will continue.

    11. Starting July 27, not more than ½ of all the staff in a given academic/administrative office should work from home. Those that do should have their internet phone set up and abide by the one-hour flextime (clock in 8-9 a.m.; clock out 5-6 p.m.).

    For details of other preventive measures, please refer to online announcements of respective competent offices.

    Sincerely yours,
    NTU Epidemic Prevention Team

  • athletic籃球 在 籃球地帶 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-05 16:30:30
    有 741 人按讚

    我們已開設 MeWe 專頁和群組,快加入我們吧:
    專頁: https://mewe.com/p/fanpiece籃球地帶
    群組: https://mewe.com/join/basketballfanszone

  • athletic籃球 在 Happy Kongner Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-07-29 20:00:13

    ⇀HappyKongner 香油錢錢箱在此:https://streamlabs.com/happykongner
    ⇀HappyKongner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happykongner
    ⇀HappyKongner Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/happykongner/
    ⇀米迦 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/micahcheng/


    訂閱 Happy Kongner 快活角落頭:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_n_gfIv4HhRqCk8EnRhJA





    All videos on this channel are only used for commentary, criticism, research, scholarship, teaching, comment, and news reporting. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

    0:00:00 前言簡介
    0:00:20 Happy Kongner 新節目時間表
    0:01:22 內容簡介
    0:02:53 正式開始今集「美帝的籃球」
    0:03:30 復賽時間表與賽季安排
    0:04:58 NBA Bubble園區
    0:05:54 NBA 防疫措施
    0:09:04 園區生活
    0:09:51 口罩問題
    0:10:42 二十二隊參與球隊陣容變化簡介
    0:11:08 東岸第九 - 華盛頓巫師
    0:12:03 東岸第八 - 奧蘭多魔術
    0:12:59 東岸第七 - 布魯克林籃網
    0:14:25 東岸第六 - 費城76人
    0:15:46 東岸第五 - 印第安納溜馬
    0:16:40 東岸第四 - 邁阿密熱火
    0:17:40 東岸第三 - 波士頓塞爾特人
    0:18:56 東岸第二 - 多倫多速龍
    0:19:42 東岸第一 - 密爾沃基公鹿
    0:20:58 西岸第十三 - 鳳凰城太陽
    0:21:45 西岸第十二 - 聖安東尼奧馬刺
    0:22:55 西岸第十一 - 薩克拉門托帝王
    0:23:49 西岸第十 - 新奧爾良塘鵝
    0:24:50 西岸第九 - 波特蘭拓荒者
    0:25:54 西岸第八 - 孟菲斯灰熊
    0:26:49 西岸第七 - 達拉斯牛仔 (獨行俠)
    0:28:12 西岸第六 - 侯斯頓火箭
    0:29:36 西岸第五 - 奧克拉荷馬雷霆
    0:30:40 西岸第四 - 猶他爵士
    0:31:44 西岸第三 - 丹佛金塊
    0:32:53 西岸第二 - 洛杉磯快艇
    0:33:58 西岸第一 - 洛杉磯湖人
    0:35:18 總結
    0:36:49 中意嘅記得Like Subscribe Share 喇

    #NBA #NBABubble #NBA復賽

  • athletic籃球 在 William Lo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-05-02 22:52:41



    A lot of our friends in the instagram world have asked us about squatting and its correlation to vertical jumping. For most of us who have worked out for a while we know that being able to produce force is a must when improving any athletic movement. But being strong is only one part of the equation. Remember Power= Force x Velocity and too often we only look at one part of the equation. Speed of execution is also critical when it comes to developing power.

    Today we will being talking about different squat variations that will take your vertical jump and explosiveness to the next level. We have even provided a periodized approach into how to use these squat over a 13 week period.
    Have fun guys and please be sure to let us know if you have any questions.

  • athletic籃球 在 William Lo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-30 12:37:47

    1) 面向對手,第一時間作出反應
    2) 快速轉向
    3) 身體保持準備狀態和平衡
    The Lateral Shuffle is a movement that is seen not only in basketball but all sports.
    There are pros and cons to each movement. But the lateral shuffle allows you to
    1.) Face up to your defender
    2.) Change directions with ease
    3.) Stay in an athletic and balanced position
    The progression that we teach the shuffle is:
    1⃣Single Shuffle
    2⃣Double Shuffle
    3⃣Hip Turn into Shuffle

    The progression allows the athlete to feel the need to push the floor aggressively, as well as combine different movements into the shuffle, to make it as game like as possible!

    Instagram @Willvlo