

在 associations中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅彭博商業周刊 / 中文版,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【人手短缺】女司機填補美國貨車行業缺口 幾十年來,留住運輸業界內的司機一直是個難題,而且疫情令運輸需求積壓,因此長久以來主要由男司機組成的車隊現在希望讓更多女性掌握方向盤。預計到2023年,貨車運輸行業內的司機缺口將達到10萬名,招聘女性的現象越來越普遍。 美國貨車運輸協會(American T...


associations中文 在 ♎︎ AKA 常定祥 ?????1002 ✈︎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-11 16:44:18

꧁༒☬ 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕓𝕚𝕘 • 𝔹𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 •𝕕𝕠 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 ☬༒꧂ . . ⌛️Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery ⏳but today is a gift that is why it is call "Present...

  • associations中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-27 08:00:21
    有 60 人按讚



    美國貨車運輸協會(American Trucking Associations)的數據顯示,2019年, 只有6.7%的在職司機為女性,這個比例幾乎已經20年未曾變過。為改變這種情況,非牟利組織、政府以及行業組織資助了針對女司機的免費認證計劃。美國5500億美元的基礎設施計劃中有一項就是研究如何招募更多女司機。一些公司甚至下廣告招聘夫妻兩人組成的駕駛團隊,以緩解司機在外奔波的壓力。

    非牟利組織女性貨運組織(Women in Trucking)行政總裁沃伊(Ellen Voie)說,部份因難的地方在於改變女性對貨車司機的固有印象:駕駛18輪大型貨車的中年男子。她的非牟利組織會製作女童軍的布貼徽章,讓女童軍成員了解供應鏈中的各種職業,還製作了一些繪本,如《謝爾比的大貨車日》(Shelby’s Big Rig Day),還有一個名叫克萊爾(Clare)的毛公仔,該組織的網站上稱這個公仔是「駕駛的年輕女士」(driven young lady)。沃伊估計,過去14年裡,她與400至500位招聘人員、貨車駕駛學校經營者以及司機交談過,她敦促這些人士訓練和聘用更多女性。她提到,有數據顯示,整體上女貨車司機在駕駛車輛時更謹慎。沃伊說,女司機發生交通意外的機率較低,而且就算發生意外,嚴重程度也更低。— Shera Avi-Yonah;譯 汪澤

    #美國 #女司機 #貨車 #人手短缺 #學費補貼


  • associations中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-27 10:58:53
    有 1,974 人按讚

    #Twitter戰線【天下制裁方向:科技產品、紅色資本、白手套 —— 請立即Retweet】



    #眾志國際連結 #國際戰線

    Reuters and Bloomberg just confimed that the US is likely to sanction China if it approves the hugely controversial bill that damages HK's autonomy. When Beijing insists on ignoring international responses and breaching international norms and rules, it is time for China to face the grave consequences and international backlashes for its irresponsible act of scraping an UN-filed Joint Declaration.

    In fact, the world has already expressed concern over the evil and ill-defined national security law that will kill democratic movements in HK and harm global business interest in the city. But China keeps dismissing all doubts from world leaders, business sectors and even bar associations. This law is even eviler than the extradition bill last year. China’s poor human rights records have already proved that it will undeniably use the law to crush HK’s civil society and dissents.

    For a long time, Hong Kong has been treated by Beijing as a white glove port for importing sensitive strategic commodities. Once the law is implemented, a secret police agency and a CCP-led China’s court will be imposed upon this global business centre. At that time, HK will fall into Beijing’s direct rule, and de facto becomes another city of China. Hence, all special treatments granted to HK need to be subject to reconsideration.

    In fact, countries starts to realize the changing role of Hong Kong in a bigger picture of China’s global strategy. For example, Israel’s security officials just rejected a bid from CK Hutchison Holdings for the potential security risks of Chinese involvement in a plant construction in the disguise of "HK companies”.

    To safeguard the city’s freedoms and urge China to stop further misconduct, world leaders, not only the US, should consider sanctions on China as the only effective strategic option to send a warning signal to Beijing. The sanctions should not only be restricted to personal sanctions like travel bans and asset freezes (since China won’t really realize the severity), but also partial sanctions on pro-CCP companies and dual-use technology.

    Democratic values and the virtue to respect treaties are the foundation of democracies. If China’s flagrant breach of Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty at the United Nations, is tolerated, it will set a bad precedent to all other treaties and agreements alike.



  • associations中文 在 良醫生 Dr Ares Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-14 22:33:28
    有 241 人按讚







    蕭醫生對醫學界、教育界,以致社會各階層均貢獻良多,於2018年獲頒中大榮譽院士銜, 是首位醫學院畢業生得此榮譽;亦是首屆香港中文大學傑出醫科校友獎(卓越成就)的得主。


    【Mourning Dr SIU】With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Dr SIU Wing-tai on 29 September 2019. Dr Siu was a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) and was a distinguished surgeon who had contributed greatly to the development of minimally invasive surgical skills.

    Dr Siu’s story as a brilliant medical practitioner began when he graduated from the medical faculty in 1989. Even as a medical student, he gained prominence by winning many awards and honours, including the City Lions Club Gold Medal Award for the best overall performance in professional examinations in his graduating year.

    Dr Siu was known to his colleagues, patients and staff as a compassionate and caring physician. As he had always humbly said, he “just wanted to be a good doctor”.

    Dr Siu served on many societies and associations, either as a board member or president. But his love for his alma mater is unparalleled. He wholeheartedly supported the Faculty development by offering invaluable advice and through generous donations.

    He made significant contributions to strengthening the bonds between the alumni and Faculty. He was directly involved in the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association and was a Council Member of the Association since its foundation, and its President between 2011 and 2014. He was instrumental in establishing the Faculty’s signature Medical Alumni Buddy Programme in 2016. The programme is aimed at providing a mentoring and support network for medical students and young practitioners, as well as helping to cement the relationship between alumni and the Faculty. In 2018, he became the first winner of the CUHK Distinguished Medical Alumni Award for Global Achievement.

    Dr Siu took extreme pride in his work as a surgeon and imparted whatever wisdom he could to his peers and younger doctors. His distinction as a surgeon brought him respect from his peers and the community and earned him numerous accolades.

    In appreciation and recognition of his work, he was conferred Honorary Fellowship by The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, becoming the first CUHK medical graduate to receive such an honour.

    Professor Francis KL Chan, Dean of Medicine, expressed his great sorrow at the passing of Dr Siu. “Dr Siu is a highly respected person who has dedicated himself to caring patients, giving back to his alma mater, and shaping the future generations of medical students. He has indeed achieved his ambition as being ‘a good doctor’.” Even in his illness, he attended Faculty events as much as he could to show his full support to the staff, students and alumni. Dr Siu’s passing is a great loss to the medical profession, CUHK and society. He will be dearly missed by his peers, his patients, and all of us from the Faculty. He will always be remembered for his selfless devotion to serving the community, and for his unfailing support to the Faculty. On behalf of the teachers, students and alumni of CU Medicine, may I offer our deepest condolences to Dr Siu's family.”

  • associations中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • associations中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • associations中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

