

在 associate名詞產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🔔 單字筆記最快九月中就會開放販售,請留言的學員隨時留意動態哦! 📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】 🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 日本 🇯🇵 📰 Shinzo Abe Will Resign as Japan’s Prime Minister, Citing His Health The 65-...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,日本初のダチョウ料理専門店、 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ 大阪府堺市美原区北余部469-6 TEL&FAX072-361ー3171 http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html ●絶版★改 ハイパフォーマンスマシンと化し、 今なお愛され...

associate名詞 在 師大廖 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-10-17 07:10:47

#這篇理論很硬 #沒事不要點進來 #地方感 sense of place ❓Meaning:feelings evoked among people as a result of the experiences and memories that they associate with a pla...

associate名詞 在 Fake 文青 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-22 04:17:16

我們一人一句回憶剛入firm 的瑣碎事: 「果時每日check retain 好刺激,睇下有無落到wok job。 」 「雖然表面好驚落wok job,但心入面不知幾想試下,想睇下自己有無能力handle 到?仲有一種自豪感。」 「落左booking,就check 下有無靚女senior。」 ...

  • associate名詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-01 20:00:01
    有 491 人按讚

    🔔 單字筆記最快九月中就會開放販售,請留言的學員隨時留意動態哦!

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 日本 🇯🇵

    📰 Shinzo Abe Will Resign as Japan’s Prime Minister, Citing His Health
    The 65-year-old leader has long suffered from an intestinal condition called ulcerative colitis

    📌 這篇文章是關於日本首相 (Prime Minister) 安倍晉三 (Shinzo Abe) 辭職 (resign)一事。副標題道出首相的健康狀況:潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis),是個醫學專有名詞。

    TOKYO—Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he would resign because of a painful intestinal condition, ending his rule after he held the top job longer than anyone else.

    Mr. Abe, 65 years old, said he would stay in office until a successor is chosen, likely in September. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has the power to make the choice—likely in a vote by party lawmakers and other leaders—because it controls a majority in parliament, which elects the prime minister.

    📌 這段除了重複標題和副標題的内容外,它指出安倍晉三是在任首相中最長久的,他會留任到後繼人 (successor) 被選出。執政的自由民主黨 (the ruling Liberal Democratic Party) 有權做出選擇,因為它控制國會的大多數 (a majority in parliament)。

    With its first new leader in nearly eight years, Japan faces a challenge in maintaining the ties Mr. Abe built with President Trump. The two leaders played golf together five times and have met in person or spoken on the phone more than 40 times, earning Mr. Abe some jealousy among other would-be Trump friends, and Tokyo cemented its position as the leading U.S. ally in Asia and bulwark against the rise of China.

    📌 這段講述日本將要面對的挑戰 (challenge) ,即保持 (maintain) 與美國總統川普的關係 (ties)。cement 在這裡是動詞: 鞏固的意思,在新聞寫作常用到。

    “Japan hasn’t suffered the wrath of Trump. Japan isn’t seeing the unilateral withdrawal of U.S. troops like Germany. We could say that is one of Abe’s successes,” said Shihoko Goto, senior associate for Northeast Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington.
    “I want to pay my highest respect to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a very great friend of mine,” Mr. Trump said Friday night after a rally in New Hampshire. “We’ve had a great relationship and I just feel very badly about it, because it must be very severe for him to leave.”

    📌 這段引述一位學者的意見和川普的話,目的是支持安倍晉三跟川普之間緊密關係的論點。川普說他要向安培晉三致以最崇高的敬意 (pay my highest respect)。

    On the economic side, Mr. Abe’s legacy is more mixed. After the blow from the coronavirus pandemic this year, the Japanese economy, the world’s third-largest, was smaller in the April-to-June quarter than it was when Mr. Abe retook the top job in 2012.

    Working nearly without a break on the pandemic response this year took a toll on the prime minister’s health. He has long suffered from ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune condition that can result in painful ulcers and sores in the large intestine.

    📌 這兩段針對安倍晉三在經濟方面的遺產 (legacy),以及他因為忙於處理冠狀病毒大流行病 (coronavirus pandemic) 而對自己的健康產生不好的影響 (take a toll on)。


    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Peter Landers and Alastair Gale
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    💁🏻‍♂️ 每日多了解一些國際時事,豐富您的世界觀,邊看新聞邊學英語,語言能力更上一層樓!

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    🎁 領獎期限: 09/03 20:00

  • associate名詞 在 FAKE 文青 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-17 21:15:17
    有 97 人按讚

    我們一人一句回憶剛入firm 的瑣碎事:

    「果時每日check retain 好刺激,睇下有無落到wok job。 」

    「雖然表面好驚落wok job,但心入面不知幾想試下,想睇下自己有無能力handle 到?仲有一種自豪感。」

    「落左booking,就check 下有無靚女senior。」

    「以前仲期待女神senior,宜家女神teammate 就唔期待,只求隻job 唔好wok。」

    「都係做左幾年姐,到底點可以由對咩都充滿好奇嘅fresh grad,變成宜家無晒熱情嘅senior?」

    「因為你唔再好似fresh grad 咁,咁天真,你終於明白咩係audit。」


    即使過了多久,有時我還會想起剛入firm 每時每刻查看retain 既興奮又緊張的心情。

    當有一個batchmates 有booking,我們就七嘴八舌:

    「呢隻job 係十大wok job 入面?」

    「聽講個senior 好衰唔肯教。」

    「呢隻job 要日日做到凌晨三點」


    十大wok job這個名詞,我很久沒有再聽過,以前總以為真的有十大wok job list,事實上有job 輕鬆嗎?即使不是wok job, 可能是wok 人,也許到現在才明白,遇到wok 人比遇到wok job 更糟糕,至少在wok job,我們可以選擇說着笑捱過這個peak session,但遇到wok 人卻沒有一刻不想逃離。

    做了數年,你沒有剛入firm 的天真,你沒有認真做audit 的執著。你更明白什麼是audit,所有的audit procedures 都經不起試驗,所以你最好不要翻看associate 做過的vouching,因為你只會看到一堆的飛機✈️,做了數年,個個都train up 成一個出名的飛機師,甚至穿梭機師。


    但理智的你知道最好還是不要去想有的沒有的,不然,如果你發覺一切的audit procedures都沒有意義的時候,難度你捨得你的人工而resign 嗎?





    IG: Fakemanching1607

  • associate名詞 在 粘拔的幸福碎碎念 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-21 20:43:20
    有 2,668 人按讚





    就職Biogen擔任Associate Director的Jie Li,在美國已經被確診了COVID-19,她「不滿意」美國的醫療手段,違反醫院提出的隔離要求,聽說中國治療COVID-19迅速且免費,於是從Massachusetts 一路來到Los Angeles(一路上不知道有多少在美國的人被她禍害)。3月12日,她和家人隱藏自己的病症,乘坐CA988回中國。


    Jie Li的年薪約為20W美元,丈夫在美是大學教師,家庭收入不低。按照常識,她的醫療保險應該覆蓋她90%以上、甚至更多的醫療費用,Out of pocket的費用最多不會超過1000美元/年。何況,她公司的Workers' compensation通常可以解決另外的1000美元。Biogen附近的Massachusetts General Hospital是美國最好的醫院之一(肯定在前三),目前被確認治療COVID-19有效的Remdesivir,就在Massachusetts General Hospital做臨床。以MGH醫生普遍高水平的醫德,不會視而不見看著病人死。

    Jie Li和丈夫都有美國綠卡,但同時保有著他們的重慶市戶籍和身份證,他們之所以置自己和他人安危於不顧,執意回到中國,無非是想把所有的便宜都佔盡,什麼虧都不能吃。機關算盡太聰明,反算了卿卿性命——他們落地中國後,美國宣佈免費檢測病毒、提升聯邦政府對各州醫療補助項目資金;同時中國一改之前的免費政策,宣佈對在中國沒有醫療保險的患者治療自費。


    由於未如實申報自己的健康信息,Jie Li從麻省到加州再到中國,一路上給同機人員造成了傳染風險,北京警方開展調查取證,順義公安分局以涉嫌妨害傳染病防治罪,已經對黎女士立案偵查。

    2.Bayer 的梁女士

    Florence Liang,華南理工大學畢業後留學澳大利亞併入籍,負責Bayer的Business Intelligence&Automation,之前就職過Pfizer和AstraZeneca,在藥廠的智能與自動化部門。


    Florence Liang3月14日由首都機場入境北京,工作居留許可有效期到2020年9月5日。她一定知道,所有境外回到中國的旅客,需要嚴格居家隔離14天,目前全世界很多國家也有這樣的要求。

    Florence Liang租住在北京市朝陽區東三環向軍北里,入境後她與社區簽署了隔離的協議,然而,3月15日下午,她憋不住在家裡悶著,出門稱要跑步。社區防疫人員勸說她,她不但不聽,還大喊「叫你們領導來,你算老幾?我是澳大利亞人!」 「救命」、「你騷擾我」。視頻的全程,社區防疫人員保持了鎮靜,倒是她,情緒異常激動,大喊大叫。

    隨後,由於Florence Liang一直不配合防疫人員的要求,有警察到場,要求其嚴格遵守疫情防控相關規定,梁女士終於安靜下來,表示服從管理。








  • associate名詞 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-12-10 06:23:13


    今週の車両はKAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 "H1"

    1982年、赤/黒のカラーリングとヨシムラ管を装着して衝撃的なデビューを飾ったインパルス。当時のプロダクションレーサーを強く連想させるこのマシンは、多くのライダーに愛された。'86年の二代目はデザインをハンス・ムートが担当。KATANAに勝るとも劣らない斬新なデザインで、再び衝撃を与えた。'94年には待望の青/白ワークスカラーが登場。さらに'96年には1980年のヨシムラスズキGS1000Rイメージのカラーリングが発売された。 '99年モデルにはブレンボ社製4ポットキャリパーが採用され、2004年にはアルミサイレンサーが装備されるなど"走り・質感"ともさらに磨きがかけられた。

    初代インパルスを彷彿させる赤/黒のカラーリングと書体ロゴのサイドカバー、「TSCC」ロゴを配したクラッチカバーなどが採用され、最新テクノロジーにノスタルジックな雰囲気が融合された"インパルス400 SPECIAL EDITION"が登場!!


    First ostrich dish specialty store and Raidarzcafe MACH? in Japan3171-..
    Yo 469?6 TEL&FAX072?361.. V Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara Ward
    north .... http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html

    - Discontinuation *
    It turns into the high performance machine.
    This corner where it introduces discontinuation vehicle that keeps
    being still loved now.
    This week's vehicle introduces the pronoun of two "H1" monster of
    KAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 stroke machine.
    With HP of the program

    Impulse that installs coloring and Yoshi irregular tube red/black and decorated impact debut in 1982. This machine that made a production racer at that time strongly associate it was loved by a lot of riders. Hans Mut takes charge of the design at the second generation of the '86 years. It struck close to home again by a novel design in no way inferior to KATANA. A long-awaited blue/white works color appears in year of the '94. In addition, coloring of an irregular SUZUKI GS1000R image of Yoshi in 1980 was put on the market in year of the '96. The polish was put further as the adoption of four jar made by Brembo company caliper in the '99 year model, and the equipment in 2004, etc. with the aluminum silencer , saying that "Running and feeling of quality".

    And, 2008.
    The clutch cover etc. to which the side cover of coloring and a style of type logo red/black that is reminiscent of the founder impulse and "TSCC" logoes are distributed are adopted, and "Impulse 400 SPECIAL EDITION" being united for nostalgic atmosphere appears in the latest technology.

    It presents to "Those days' riders" that gets to know the founder model and "Modern rider", and
    the last impact (Impulse) : here now.

    The fourth generation impulse 400

    * Debut in 2004. Present type. It appears along with the production stoppage of Inazma. Not only the model and the engine model but also exteriors, etc. are changed, and it can be said another model though it is a design that follows the GSX400 third generation impulse. Moreover, this model is .."GSX400".. ..crown.. formal.

  • associate名詞 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2008-08-31 20:09:25


    今週の車両はKAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 "H1"

    1982年、赤/黒のカラーリングとヨシムラ管を装着して衝撃的なデビューを飾ったインパルス。当時のプロダクションレーサーを強く連想させるこのマシンは、多くのライダーに愛された。'86年の二代目はデザインをハンス・ムートが担当。KATANAに勝るとも劣らない斬新なデザインで、再び衝撃を与えた。'94年には待望の青/白ワークスカラーが登場。さらに'96年には1980年のヨシムラスズキGS1000Rイメージのカラーリングが発売された。 '99年モデルにはブレンボ社製4ポットキャリパーが採用され、2004年にはアルミサイレンサーが装備されるなど"走り・質感"ともさらに磨きがかけられた。

    初代インパルスを彷彿させる赤/黒のカラーリングと書体ロゴのサイドカバー、「TSCC」ロゴを配したクラッチカバーなどが採用され、最新テクノロジーにノスタルジックな雰囲気が融合された"インパルス400 SPECIAL EDITION"が登場!!


    First ostrich dish specialty store and Raidarzcafe MACH? in Japan3171-..
    Yo 469?6 TEL&FAX072?361.. V Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara Ward
    north .... http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html

    - Discontinuation *
    It turns into the high performance machine.
    This corner where it introduces discontinuation vehicle that keeps
    being still loved now.
    This week's vehicle introduces the pronoun of two "H1" monster of
    KAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 stroke machine.
    With HP of the program

    Impulse that installs coloring and Yoshi irregular tube red/black and decorated impact debut in 1982. This machine that made a production racer at that time strongly associate it was loved by a lot of riders. Hans Mut takes charge of the design at the second generation of the '86 years. It struck close to home again by a novel design in no way inferior to KATANA. A long-awaited blue/white works color appears in year of the '94. In addition, coloring of an irregular SUZUKI GS1000R image of Yoshi in 1980 was put on the market in year of the '96. The polish was put further as the adoption of four jar made by Brembo company caliper in the '99 year model, and the equipment in 2004, etc. with the aluminum silencer , saying that "Running and feeling of quality".

    And, 2008.
    The clutch cover etc. to which the side cover of coloring and a style of type logo red/black that is reminiscent of the founder impulse and "TSCC" logoes are distributed are adopted, and "Impulse 400 SPECIAL EDITION" being united for nostalgic atmosphere appears in the latest technology.

    It presents to "Those days' riders" that gets to know the founder model and "Modern rider", and
    the last impact (Impulse) : here now.

    The fourth generation impulse 400

    * Debut in 2004. Present type. It appears along with the production stoppage of Inazma. Not only the model and the engine model but also exteriors, etc. are changed, and it can be said another model though it is a design that follows the GSX400 third generation impulse. Moreover, this model is .."GSX400".. ..crown.. formal.

