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在 assailants產品中有40篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I feel sad that my friend Syed Azmi is being viciously cyber-bullied. I have worked with Mi on some cases and he's been very diligent and patient with...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅まっつん,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▼装備詳細 [武器] 水槍・ブレスオブクレータ(祝福槍) [スロ] ①HP+5% ②会心+15% ③会心ダメージ+20% [練磨] 攻129(S)・防37(A)・会15(A)・属280(S) [指輪] ①リアーナの首飾り ②クマのぬいぐるみ [石板] キングキメラ 【Twitterフォローはこちら...

assailants 在 R O Z Z ™ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-14 01:01:21

A few years ago, when news broke about the Jussie Smollett assault case, I chose to err on the side of caution and believed what he was saying, until...

assailants 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-04 20:34:05

[時事英文] Anti-Asian Racism Isn’t New 針對亞裔的種族主義並非新鲜事 The United States has had a surge in violence against Asian-Americans during the pandemic. Betwee...

assailants 在 MMG 馬米高 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-28 02:19:40

To all my followers and friends: Last night was the DARKEST night we had in HK. What happened went beyond having different political views and what t...

  • assailants 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-15 10:04:45
    有 1,932 人按讚

    I feel sad that my friend Syed Azmi is being viciously cyber-bullied. I have worked with Mi on some cases and he's been very diligent and patient with my late night calls and has been a great mentor helping me with Humarap and the work I do with single mothers and babies.

    When MoM and Humarap set up a Kitafund last year to help the vulnerable communities and children in Sabah, I set the fundraiser to RM20,000. The moment I shared it, he rang and asked for more info. It wasn't too long before PUAKPayong, an NGO that he spearheads, transferred the total amount. I then raised it to RM50K and with the help of other kindred souls, we hit the target and more.

    Reading some of the nasty and unconstructive comments with regards to #JusticeForBella makes me ponder about the actual intention of some individuals. The word JUSTICE has strayed from the main concern in ensuring the best interest of the teen, is safeguarded.

    He may have overlooked, he may have been seen as not being persistent enough, but I can assure you, he is NEVER malicious and I know this for a fact.

    He has helped many, many people. I've been privy to some of the sensitive cases he has to deal with and as an observer from the side taking notes whilst he conducts these one on ones, I see compassion and perseverance in standing up for the most needful in the society.

    Picking up from a conversation with another friend who knows Mi personally too, I echo her sentiments.

    "He did what he did, said what he thought, without even insinuating anyone when there were many times he could have, even now. When he attempted to share his side of story, not just he was unfairly adjudicated, bits and pieces were extracted and used against him with no mercy, without looking at those excerpts in totality."

    Azmi has newly acquired knowledge in criminal justice, so he spoke with greater caution than before, not mentioning names, not giving minute details as all these may have negative repercussions on the investigation process.

    Let's hope Bella's assailants will be successfully prosecuted because too much have been out in the media which may be detrimental to the case - potential witness statements out in the public; documents and evidence likewise.

    "People forget, burden of proof in a criminal case is beyond reasonable doubt. Chain of evidence must be absolutely intact to secure conviction."

    And that is why I hope the dialogue for wanting justice can progress into something that will help. Let's encourage other witnesses to have the courage to tell their stories with accuracy to strengthen the case. Let us mount pressure to not just get legal procedures done swiftly, but to also ensure other caretakers of shelter homes do what they were entrusted to do - to take care of the being of the residents of their home...and more.

  • assailants 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-13 13:00:01
    有 16 人按讚

    About 30 people hid in toilets from a violent mob of white-clad assailants armed with wooden sticks to beat passengers inside Yuen Long station in July, 2019, a Hong Kong court heard on Friday.

    Read more: https://bit.ly/2PQ7fhw

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  • assailants 在 ROZZ Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-10 08:46:46
    有 15 人按讚

    A few years ago, when news broke about the Jussie Smollett assault case, I chose to err on the side of caution and believed what he was saying, until I saw proof that made it apparent he was lying. I am not ashamed that even though I was wrong, I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt, first. That's the kind of person I want to be. Because I don't think I could live with myself, if his claims turned out to be true, and all I had for him was doubt and ridicule.


    But I have a lot of friends here, many of whom have been victims of racially motivated attacks, hate crimes and even sexual assaults. And the first thing they see, when they gather the courage to speak out against their assailants should not be, "Nah that never happened," or worse, "You're just seeking attention."

    I guess that's how I feel about Meghan Markle right now. She basically just told the world that she's harbored thoughts of ending her own life because of what she's been put through by her own family, and her husband's, especially. And the response from people is dubiousness. We've seen irrefutable evidence of how the British tabloids have been dreadful to her. And please don't insult my intelligence by telling me it had nothing to do with the fact that they are racist. Yet everybody feels so easy to dismiss her claims.

    Slimy lowlife degenerate Piers Morgan stormed off the set of Good Morning Britain today because he couldn't stand to be confronted about his rampant sexism and racism. He found the experience to be so traumatic that he had to remove himself from the situation. But when Harry and Meghan, the very people he constantly attacks, remove themselves from a traumatic situation, they're being ungrateful and disloyal to the Royal family?

    Whether you think she's a gold digger, an attention-seeker or a fake or whatever other ridiculous assumptions you wanna make about her, I think we can agree that she's going through a very rough time. Yet most people would rather believe the gaslighting words of the gossip-mongering rags. And yes, many of you who are making these unfounded, vilifying presumptions about her still insist it not because you are racist. I bet a bunch of you didn't even wait to watch the Oprah Winfrey special - you've probably drawn your negative conclusions about this Mulatto, the minute you heard that she had the audacity to marry a white prince.

    Why wouldn't she want to go, UNPAID, on Oprah to tell her side of the story?

    Also, stop treating The Daily Mail like it's the paragon of journalistic integrity.