

在 armed中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,547的網紅Sam Tsang 曾思瀚,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Thanks to Jinny Lau, here's the youtube link if you're interested in the original source. https://www.youtube.com/watch… [Fake news in Canadian Chin...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅R. Y.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Chazz It Up! Duel Replay: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05ffb137b342c92c037df800a4851d4d42bef839e2 Decklist: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00...

armed中文 在 犀利檢座 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-10 07:22:09

湯景華縱火燒死6人案,最高法院今天「自為改判」,改判無期徒刑定讞。 理由是:……屬於殺人的間接故意,而不是直接故意,不符合判《兩公約》規定要處死刑啊要具備殺人直接故意的要件。所以本院依法撤銷原審判決,改判無期徒刑,褫奪公權終身。(最高法院刑事發言人徐昌錦庭長) 首先,我先看了《公民與政治...

armed中文 在 游智傑 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-21 13:22:41

The PM M1910 (Russian: Пулемёт Максима образца 1910 года, Pulemyot Maxima obraztsa 1910 goda or "Maxim's machine gun model 1910") is a heavy machine g...

  • armed中文 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-23 07:38:42
    有 241 人按讚

    Thanks to Jinny Lau, here's the youtube link if you're interested in the original source. https://www.youtube.com/watch…

    [Fake news in Canadian Chinese Media]
    UPDATE: 加港齊心之下,CSBC 已經收爆投訴!



    LIHKG Post詳情: https://lihkg.com/thread/1495186/page/1
    CSIS 電話即打: 613-993-9620
    CBSC都可以投訴埋: (最底有template)
    致:加拿大中文電台新聞及公共事務總監 Travena 李潔芝

    At approximately 9:20am on August 21, 2019, Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung, commented on the Triad Attack targeting Hong Kong civilians that occurred on July 21, 2019. According to his words, he reviewed all live feeds and put the blame on the civilians for provoking the “locals” to attack. Mr. Leung even went as far as calling the civilian’s defense against armed attackers with a fire-hose as “the action that started the whole incident” Mr. Leung has been very vocal as a Beijing supporter, and he had history of defaming victims, including a woman who suffered permanent blindness from police shooting in Hong Kong.

    Time to call CSIS: 613-993-9620
    And complain to CBSC

    In case you need a template for the complaint:
    I am very distressed by the false accusation and fake news broadcasted during radio program News Talk on AM1470 (CJVB Fairchild Radio, Vancouver). I am now writing to complain and express my displeasure with Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung’s irresponsible behavior, and demand CBSC to take action in preventing more slanders and lies being aired on AM1470.

    At approximately 9:20am on August 21, 2019, Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung, commented on the Triad Attack targeting Hong Kong civilians that occurred on July 21, 2019. According to his words, he reviewed all live feeds and put the blame on the civilians for provoking the “locals” to attack. Mr. Leung even went as far as calling the civilian’s defense against armed attackers with a fire-hose as “the action that started the whole incident”. There are many videos during the attack, including a reporter beaten live on camera by these white-shirt triad thugs that can be served as solid evidence that Mr. Leung’s statements are untrue. Furthermore, his blaming of the victims is disgusting and completely unacceptable.

    Mr. Leung has been very vocal as a Beijing supporter, and he had history of defaming victims, including a woman who suffered permanent blindness from police shooting in Hong Kong. I am seriously concerned about AM1470’s neutrality with the way they handle the anti-extradition protest in Hong Kong. I believe Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung is unfit to host or participate in any current event programs on AM1470, and demand of his immediate removal.

    #fakenews #freehkmtl #savehk #cansavehk #梁燕城fakenews事件 #梁燕城

  • armed中文 在 曼蒂英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-11 19:00:00
    有 83 人按讚


    A man killed 4 in a stabbing rampage that lasted hours. He was arrested at a 7-Eleven一名男子在持續數小時的亂刀殺人中砍死4人 最後他在7-Eleven被捕
    The victims killed included two people at the suspect's apartment complex, a 7-Eleven security guard and one more person at a Subway restaurant.

    The suspect was armed with "two very large machete-type knives," Lt. Carl Whitney of the Garden Grove Police Department told CNN, "and he was very brutal when he attacked his victims."
    Garden Grove警察局的Carl Whitney副隊長告訴CNN:嫌疑犯手持兩把非常大的彎刀式刀具, 當他襲擊受害者時,他非常冷血。

    "Again, multiple scenes going on at the same time," Whitney said. "I've worked here for 30 years. This is the first time I've ever seen something like this where we have a suspect kill four people in one day and attack other people that are just innocent victims. It's pure evil."
    副隊長說: “我在這里工作了30年。這是我第一次看到這樣的事情,我們有一個嫌疑人在一天內殺死了四個人並攻擊了其他只是無辜受害者的人。真的很邪惡
    1 我中英都仔細看完了
    2 我只看中文
    3 我只看英文 不用看翻譯
    4 我還加碼看了完整內文
    5 我還加碼看了完整內文 和影片

  • armed中文 在 MedPartner 美的好朋友 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-10 18:00:00
    有 448 人按讚

    醫療保健 #假新聞(?) 近期有朋友私訊來問,#PornHub 真的跟 #美軍 達成協議,將開放 SIPR (Secret Internet Protocol Router Network) 讓美軍可以在軍中 #看A片 是真的嗎?
    我們去查了一下消息源頭,是來自一個《Duffel Blog》的軍事消息網站,但內容看起來很怪,他們說要跟美軍簽一個叫做 「OPSUCK」的協議,滿足駐外美軍長年的生理需求。
    最搞笑的是,他們在文內提到一段,「這些情色內容主要來源都是從蓋達組織還有 ISIS 戰士俘虜取得的檔案」。
    ''Pornhub has stated that most of its explicit material will initially consist of pornography the U.S. military captures from Al Qaeda and ISIL fighters by the U.S. military and confiscated under the laws of armed cockflict.''
    其實這個《Duffel Blog》網站常常發布這類莫名其妙的假消息,連維基百科上都註明這是一個專門 #寫惡搞文 來 #諷刺時事 的媒體,但國內媒體這次還真的一堆沒查證就跟著抄了...請大家幫忙分享一下,這是個假消息喔...
    👉 https://www.medpartner.club/benign-prostate-hyperplasia-ca…/
    美的好朋友 #訂閱集資計畫 ▶︎ https://tinyurl.com/yak2hmkw

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