

在 arise三態變化產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【51歲了,看八字還有用嗎?】 At Age 51, Is Bazi Analysis Still Relevant? 曾經有人問過我類似以上的問題。 我的答案是:人生已過了一半。如果目前沒有您無法解決的難題,對於未來您也沒有什麼想要實現的夢想,不需要指導,那倒不如好好學佛,消業增福,為將來百年...

  • arise三態變化 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-07 00:20:18
    有 1,121 人按讚

    At Age 51, Is Bazi Analysis Still Relevant?
































    Someone once asked me the question above.

    My answer: You have lived half your life. If there is no insurmountable issue at the present and you have no further ambition for the later years, it would be wise to focus on the Dharma diligently to eradicate your karma and prepare for your eventual passing.

    After all, you cannot tell which will come first, tomorrow or death.

    The female client who provided this testimonial is past 50 years of age and faced plenty family issues. The one which pained her the most is her relationship with her son. Her son is impatient when talking to her and does not heed her advice and teachings, unlike in the past when he would at least hear her finish her sentence.

    Many mothers who faced the same dilemma would ask me for ways to improve the attitude of their children.

    My answer to them all: Change yourself first.

    To change another person is a tiring chore and often goes unappreciated. In the eyes of the other person, he would feel that you are forcing him. But when you can change yourself, the energy fields of your body will start to transform.

    The dynamics in a relationship, simply put, is a game of the five elements and the chemistry reaction that arise when two energy fields come together.

    The incompatibility in energy fields between you and your child stems from both of your Bazi.

    From the Chinese Metaphysics viewpoint, there are three ways to improve the parent-child relationship: Change of the Chinese name, Bazi Analysis and/or alter the Feng Shui of your house.

    As you change your own energy field in the positive direction, new paths will open up for problems seemingly hard to resolve and conflicts lessen with people whom you could not get along with.

    Of course things would improve doubly quick if both parties are willing to change.

    The female client told me that her child could even joke with her now.

    I advised her, based on her Bazi, to donate blood regularly. She said a health examination in 2018 revealed that she was anaemic. But this Bazi should not have such a condition. I believe that was due to her using the wrong elements as well as her dietary habits.

    She followed my advice for a month, and a health check in March showed that all was well and that she could donate blood.

    One type of medicine does not necessarily work for everyone as all of us have different disposition. Most people would assume that drinking red dates tea improves anaemia.

    But from the perspective of Chinese Metaphysics, this may not work well. The best cure is the one that is customized to the client’s Bazi.

    Older clients tend to be more resistant and stubborn to change. Some clung onto their views so tightly due to their many Bazi analysis with different masters.

    This client of mine managed to break the resistance to change. This shows that there’s still hope!

    Sometimes I would get questions from clients during Bazi consultation asking about their parents’ health.

    Honestly, rather than asking bits and pieces, be generous (if you can afford) and pay to have their Bazi read. I am unable to offer real improvements to your parents’ lives with sparse advice here and there. That would be trying to pull a fast one on you but I can’t be analysing 3 Bazi when you only paid for one.

    The client will then ask who should be their priority for Bazi analysis: their child or their parents?

    Parents. No two-way about this. Where would you be without them?

    Their time in this world is dwindling as each birthday passes.

    Filial piety is the foremost of all virtues. Don’t remember this only on Mother’s Day.

    If you truly can garner merits from your filial piety virtues, why worry that your child will be disobedient and unable to make the mark?