

在 arc移民署產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅國發會,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【外國居民訂車票、網路購物、醫療掛號不再卡卡!】 #新式外來居留人口統一證號 110年1月 正!式!上!路! 外國朋友歷年來時常透過歐洲在台商會以及美國商會等團體,表達統一證號使用上的不便。 國發會為此與內政部移民署及相關各部會協調多時, 終於將自110年1月2日起,核發載有新式外來人口統一證號...

arc移民署 在 VanWang Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-25 09:31:10

上個月初悄悄的先登記了,在四月底順利取得居留證前心還是懸著不敢高調,中間也發生了一些事,想著再不說可能就會沒那個情緒跟大家分享了。 - 縱使知道與外國人在台登記過程繁瑣,但沒有想到會這麼費神,縱使能申請延簽,還是希望能在簽證到期前安然領到居留證(ARC)。 當晚把所有查到的資訊、文件項目、流程一一記...

  • arc移民署 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-02 10:00:00
    有 94 人按讚

    #新式外來居留人口統一證號 110年1月



    不但降低各種困擾,並增加對我國的歸屬感,外國朋友也能夠順暢地進行各類 #網路購物、 #訂票、 #醫療掛號 等與日常生活息息相關的各項服務🙌


    國發會亦將持續推動 #雙語國家政策 及 #攬才留才政策 等

    📍Introduction to the New UI No. of Foreign Nationals

    #新式外來人口統一證號 #友善外國人生活 #攬才


    【No more impediments for foreign residents using an ARC to book transport, shop online, or register to see a doctor!】

    January 2021 brings the official launch of a new UI No. format for foreign residents!

    In the past, foreign friends have often been vexed by inconveniences stemming from the UI No. format of ARCs, as has been communicated to the government through the ECCT, AmCham, and other organizations. The NDC has held multiple consultations with the National Immigration Agency and other relevant agencies on achieving a solution to this problem. Now, at last, from January 2, 2021, the problem will be solved by the issuance of a new UI No. format for resident permits!

    The new UI No. format matches the national ID card number format. Instead of beginning with two English letters, it starts with a single English letter followed by a nine-digit number, the same as citizen ID cards. Apart from removing all kinds of difficulties for foreign residents, it will also give them a stronger sense of belonging in Taiwan. The new UI No. can be used without a hitch to utilize all kinds of everyday services such as booking seats on public transport, buying things online, making medical appointments, and more.

    The NDC has made a strong commitment to helping foreigners fit into life in Taiwan. Besides setting up a platform for addressing problems relating to the use of ARCs, it has also orchestrated the amendment of various regulations to provide ARCs with the same legal validity as foreign passports for the purpose of identifying the holder. The NDC has also held numerous meetings over the past two years to secure funding and coordinate solutions to problems of ARC utility.

    The NDC will continue promoting the bilingual nation policy along with measures for talent recruitment and retention, to create a welcoming environment, give foreign friends a heightened sense of belonging in Taiwan, and make our country a gathering hub for talent from around the world!

    #New UI No. format #Foreigner-friendly #Talent recruitment

  • arc移民署 在 Daphne 劉倩妏 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-20 17:30:43
    有 262 人按讚


    但今年無法飛韓國拍證件照(韓國這方面真的超專業的,都會幫你美肌瘦臉放大眼睛,雖然都只是微調,但照片出來還是比較漂亮~ 🤣🤣🤣)

    現在只能在移民署B1那台證件快照機器拍,但好像也沒那麼糟,而且很便宜,8張照片120台幣⋯ 安いですね~ ☺️

    #劉倩妏 #台灣 #移民署 #證件照 #taiwan #arc #longday #longwait @ 台灣移民署

  • arc移民署 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-06 12:44:04
    有 7,882 人按讚

    【入境限制 #納入港澳 ✖️ 口罩實名制】(新制上路‼️)

    Entry restrictions on foreign visitors to #Taiwan have been extended from #China to #HongKong and #Macao. To stop the spread of the #coronavirus, the Central Epidemic Command Center has designated the two locations as Level 2 alert regions.

    Commencing Feb. 7, foreign visitors who have visited Hong Kong and Macao in the past 14 days will be temporarily not allowed to entry with the exception of residents holding a valid ARC. Such individuals will be granted entry but must self-isolate at home for 14 days and carefully monitor their health. No more visas will be issued even for urgent cases. The restrictions on foreign visitors who have been to China in the past 14 days remain in place.

    Regarding the mask purchase 😷, starting from Feb. 6, anyone wanting to get a mask can go to one of 6,505 NHI contracted pharmacies and buy two masks by presenting their NHI or ARC card. Visitors with neither of these may use their Entry/Exit Permit. The days you may purchase on are decided according to the final digit of your ID number, with everyone free to purchase on Sundays.
    Each person may only buy two per week, so please use them wisely!

    For further details including vendors and pricing, visit the MOHW website👉 https://bit.ly/2UxJlrk or Fan page👉 https://reurl.cc/M7pYLL.

    就說了這波疫情來勢洶洶咩 👾👾👾
    就在昨天 #2月5日
    我們已將中國全境「包含」#香港 #澳門
    全都列為 #重疫區 (二級以上流行地區)

    🔺 外籍人士只要 #14日內 曾經入境或居住於中國、香港或澳門,#暫緩入境 我國。即使有特殊原因,我駐外館處也 #不再受理 簽證申請。

    🔺 #已持有 我國有效居留證而擬返臺的外籍人士,若在14日內曾經入境或居住於中國、香港或澳門者,返臺之後將限制居住,並進行 #14日居家檢疫 措施。

    詳情可參考外交部新聞稿👉 https://bit.ly/31yHxjE
    延伸閱讀👉移民署針對中國大陸人士入境管制規則 https://bit.ly/394ZOHF


    今天 #2月6日 起 #口罩實名制 正式上路了 😷

    🔺 國人憑健保卡向 #健保特約藥局 購買
    (外籍人士憑 #健保卡 #居留證 或 #入出境許可證)

    🔺 每張健保卡可購買 #2片口罩 7 天內不能重購

    🔺 購買時間依 #身分證字號末一碼:

    🔺 委託代購者 #一人限代持一張健保卡 購買規則相同
    🔺 兒童口罩僅限 #12歲以下 兒童健保卡購買

    詳情可參閱衛生福利部專頁👉 https://reurl.cc/M7pre4

    #細菌病毒都害怕的洗手七式 👉 http://bit.ly/396B3uS

