

在 apparent中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【外國月亮不是特別圓】 投入國際連結工作好一段時間,有時覺得大家也會期望「外國月亮總是特別圓」,但其實西方國家政治人物支持香港,從來不是理所當然,當中亦會涉及不少商業利益考慮和國際壓力,以及部份左傾政客仍會不知何故地,對中國共產政權抱有良好幻想,這種情況在歐洲較為明顯。 德國左翼黨的國會議...

apparent中文 在 JK English 傑嗑英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-22 13:21:56

三段笑話簡稱 #三笑 ._. 👈記得左滑 #看三笑 ._. ------------------------------ dad joke 有人直翻老爸笑話 類似中文的冷笑話、爛笑話 或那種廢到笑的笑話 ._. 通常會用到 #雙關 (pun) 且笑點時常很好猜到或很爛 ._. - 那為什麼要叫 da...

apparent中文 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 12:48:31

相信大家作議論文或者說明文,都一定有機會形容某樣野係「顯然易見」,例如 “It is obvious that…”,但無理由下下都淨係用obvious架嘛!今日就教大家一啲常用嘅variations~ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Evident 明顯的 e.g. The threat of inflatio...

  • apparent中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-14 21:08:45
    有 938 人按讚





    早前睇一份德國國會內嘅辦論,有位Die Linke嘅議員話要支持中共,因為大家都是左翼共產主義支持者,不用分得那麼細。我見內容有所偏頗就寫左篇文。中文翻譯見下文。
    Recently, a MP from Die Linke made some remarks about HK, and say they should support CCP as they are friend of Coummunism. I find the claims rather inaccurate hence I wrote this article to provide some rebuttals. Please scroll down for the English translation.

    Article in German: https://www.google.com/…/Hongkong-Krise-Pekings-Regierung-b…

    近日德國國會內, 一位Die Linke的國會議員Stefan Liebich對香港的事作出評價,這些評價實在令人難以茍同。

    Liebich指「Die Linke理應支持我們在北京的共產朋友」。但中國共產黨除了名字內有「共產」兩個字外,其實際行動與共產理念差天共地,實在不是Liebich想像中共產主義的好朋友。

    中國共產黨是一個極權,除了擴張政治與經濟勢力外,中國共產黨什麼都不會理會。不論是無產階級的死活,或者是工人階級,對於中國共產黨來說只是擴張實力的工具,隨時可以為了經濟或政治利益犧牲或捨棄。 中國共產黨實質上是由一群搜刮民脂民膏致富而滿肚腸肥的黨員領導。中國共產黨甚至對自己的人民進行全天候的監控,打壓、拘捕異見人士。

    由此可見,中國共產黨本質上是一個極右政黨,而非Liebich以為的左翼。 北京政府不是以共產理念管治中華人民共和國,反而是以物質主義操縱國民。中國背後並沒有一套穩固的價值觀支撐,唯有金錢才是中國人和中國政府信仰的理念。中國的任何行動,從來都不是由價值推動,而總是由金錢和利益推動。







    Recently, in the German Bundestag, Stefan Liebich made a few remarks regarding Hong Kong. Mr. Liebeich says his party Der Linke should support their communist friends in Beijing. “Logisch, dass Der Linke Liebich seinen Kommunistenfreunden in Peking wieder den Rücken stärkt.(It is logical that Die Linke Liebich should again support his communist friends in Beijing.)” In my point of view, the Chinese Communist Party is just a party named itself as the “Communist”, what it does in China or in the world is in no way communistic.

    PRC is a dictatorship that only takes the expansion of its economic and political power into regard, workers or its people are at its disposal whenever it sees fit. The “Communist” party cares neither about the people, nor the grassroots, it only cares about the economic benefit it gains from its business activities inside and outside PRC. The party leaders are all sitting in their offices with their pockets full of what they gain from exploiting the Chinese workers.
    They carry mass surveillance 24/7 throughout China, arrests and detain descendants. Frankly speaking, the CCP is rather right than left.

    The Peking Government is not running Communism, but materialism. The only thing the Chinese and the Chinese government worship is the dollar sign, nothing else. They do not take any values or ideology into account. The people are not motivated by values or beliefs, but by the economic benefits they see.

    The CCP is not a communist party as Mr. Leibich conceived it is. The CCP is very good at creating the illusion that it represents the Marxist ideas. We should be very careful in examining the differences between those who claim to be communists and those who are communists.

    Mr. Leibich also made reference to the history of the Eight-Nation Alliance in the late Qing Dynasty, saying that“ Auch Hongkong ist durch die britische Armee militärisch China abgepresst worden.(Hong Kong has been militarily squeezed out of China by the British army.)” and “Bei aller notwendigen Kritik an der chinesischen KP sagen ich: Es ist gut, dass dieses koloniale Unrecht zu Ende ist. (Despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, I say: It is good that this colonial injustice has come to an end.)”

    It is worth clarifying that during that time of History, China was ruled by the Manchus, who were considered as foreigners at the time. China at the time was not the Republic of China we know today. Therefore, Hong Kong was not military squeezed out of PRC but was being colonized by the British in substitution of the Manchus at that time.

    Historically speaking, the successor of the Qing Dynasty is the Republic of China, which later was relocated to Taiwan due to the Civil War between 1927 and 1949. And Mr. Leibich’s claim that it is good that colonial injustice has come to an end is inaccurate, too. In this case, Hong Kong, ought to be returned to Taiwan (the Republic of China) but not China (People’s Republic of China), to end the colonial injustice.

    What is more, Hong Kongers were supposed to be able to exercise our right to self-determination and really being able to be free from colonialism. Yet Hong Kong was actually removed from the U.N. list of Non-Self-Governing Territories upon PRC’s request.

    And clearly, under PRC’s rule, injustice is more than just apparent in Hong Kong currently. Mr. Leibich’s remarks of “despite all the necessary criticism of the Chinese Communist Party”, I truly hope that he is not suggesting that one would neglect the millions of ethnic minorities being detained in re-education camps, those who died in the JuneForth Masaccare, the two young Hong Kong boys who were shot by live rounds, the Chinese who were placed under surveillance 24/7 and all my fellow Hong Konger who are fighting for fundamental rights with their lives, but support the CCP’s action because it claims to be a communist party.

    I see of no reason, why anyone should support a dictatorship that would brutally murder its own people. CCP is totally going against what most political ideologies in the world stand for, and I do believe we can all agree on the fundamental rights of all members of the human family that ought to be respected as that is the foundations of human civilization.

  • apparent中文 在 麻利 malisheep Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-17 21:49:54
    有 424 人按讚



    #沸點直擊#已是夜深 【煲底下的法國人 范偉樂神父】
    與青年一同祈禱,談 #修身齊家治國平天下

    「大家好!明顯地,我不是香港人,我是一個法國人,希望你們聽懂我的廣東話。你們知道嗎?我們在法國罷工罷課,是很專業的!我在這裡,見到那些穿黃背心的朋友,你們或許會知道。不過,在法國罷工罷課,不像現在這樣,很多時人們只是維護自己利益,有時更會發生暴力,就好像「黃背心」(示威行動) 一樣,我們在法國會這樣罷工的。







    故此,我們要關心「治國」問題,也要先「修身」和「齊家」,保持這樣的精神才能有真正的平安。真正的自由不單是外在的自由或政治的自由,也是內心的自由。所以我們要向我們的天父祈禱,因為我們的力量有限制,有時會不知該怎樣做,所以我們投奔天主 ,求祂幫助我們。

    仁慈的天父,我們今晚在此聚集一起,因我們相信在困難中、在黑暗中,祢時常會與我們同在。求祢賜給我們團結共融的精神,好好保護祢賜給我們的愛和平安,亦為香港社會祈禱,或許香港社會人與人關係有點複雜,但無論我們在哪兒,也求祢讓我們造和平的工具,去做一些小事、 說一句話, 把大家的關係修好,使人與人之間的關係,可以互相包容和幫助。



    Hello, everyone. It's apparent that I'm not a Hongkonger. I'm French. Hope you can understand my Cantonese.
    Well, you know, when we're on strike in France...stop working or going to classes...we're very professional. I see lots of you here wearing a yellow vest. May be you know. However, in France, when we're on strike, it's not like here. People try to protect their own interests and would even gone violent sometimes...just like the Yellow Vest Movement. We would strike like that in France.
    But these few days in Hong Kong, lots of people hold onto each other, not for their personal interest but for the future of Hong Kong, for justice, for freedom, for peace...express their opinion and care. I'm really moved.

    I came to Hong Kong four years ago. I'm a Catholic priest and I came to serve Hong Kong. Four years ago, I don't know Cantonese. The Hongkongers I came across then gave me a feeling that they're fond of individualism and consumerism. They don't even want to greet each other...apparently a bit cold. But what happened these few days told me that I was wrong then about Hongkongers. Hongkongers can devote their sweat and blood not for their own self benefit but for their ideal, for the future of Hong Kong, for peace and freedom. As Bishop Ha said: Hongkongers, you should be proud of yourselves. Keep this spirit. We should treasure this spirit.

    For the first two or three years when I first came to Hong Kong, I'm not quite sure about the identity of Hongkongers.
    Hongkongers are Chinese but doesn't really like the identity of being Chinese. Hence, I'm a bit confused. But for the past few days, I begin to understand better the identity of Hongkongers. So many people hold onto each other in solidarity to protect the most valuable notions: freedom, peace and love. Thank you everyone to be part of this massive scale movement.

    I'm still learning Chinese. Recently, I learnt a saying...I'm sure you all know that saying: improve your own self, manage your family, govern your country and then peace for all.

    'Peace for all' means we all need peace. We're here these few days because there's a bit of problem about 'governing'.

    This discrepancy in governing makes everyone worry about the future...worry about the freedom of gathering, the freedom of religion like what we're having now will be gone.

    It's because of this discrepancy in governing, people come out to voice their opinion. But please remember, 'govern your country' is only at the third place. The first one is 'improve your own self'. That means, you should first have peace and safety...to protect the relationship between us and God...to protect the love between us and the others.

    The second one is 'manage your family'. It's true that we have different opinion in the family. Sometimes, we argue...we have conflicts. But we have to protect the love within our family, accommodate each other, forgive each other so that we can make up to the discrepancy in 'governing'.

    Hence, if we're going to care for 'governing our country', we have to, first of all, 'improve our own self' and 'manage our family'. With such a spirit, we will have real peace. Real freedom is not just a superficial freedom or political freedom. It's the inner freedom in our heart. We must pray to our heavenly Father. Our strength is limited. Sometimes, we don't know what to do. We must go to our God and beg for His help.

    Merciful God, we're here tonight...we believe that when there is hardship, when we're in the dark, You are with us. Please grant us the spirit of solidarity, so that we can protect the love and peace you gave us. We pray for Hong Kong. May be the relationship among Hongkongers are a bit complicated but wherever we are, please let us be the instrument of peace...do something, may be very small, say a word or two to repair the relationship among us...so we can be accommodative and help each other.

    We thank you...for the past few days, lots of people are sacrificing for justice, freedom and love. Although we don't know if in the future, we can pray or express our opinion like what we're doing now, please let us keep up with this spirit of solidarity and peace.

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Nicolas de Francqueville

  • apparent中文 在 暢玩天下 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-23 21:29:07
    有 1 人按讚


    剛錄完《暢快讀書會》第一季最後一集,壓軸的《Tribe of Mentors》,書中 Tim Ferriss 問全球大師以下 11 個問題,各位也一起來回答看看吧:(中文我簡單翻)

    1. What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
    (你最常送別人的書,為什麼?影響你人生最深的 1-3 本書?)

    2. What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? My readers love specifics like brand and model, where you found it, etc.
    (最近半年買過 100 美金以下,很有幫助的東西)

    3. How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?

    4. If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? It could be a few words or a paragraph. (If helpful, it can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)

    5. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)

    6. What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

    7. In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?”

    8. What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore?

    9. What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?

    10. In the last five years, what have you become better at saying no to (distractions, invitations, etc.)? What new realizations and/or approaches helped? Any other tips?

    11. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what do you do? (If helpful: What questions do you ask yourself?)”




