

在 also英文產品中有1676篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅COFFEE LOVER's PLANET,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💗〖Coffee Lover’s Tour〗💗 各位咖啡迷與日本愛好者們,UCC咖啡學院(日本)本次將推出線上導覽 #帶我去旅行~ 讓各位可以線上虛擬體驗包括UCC直營的夏威夷農園、位於日本神戶的UCC咖啡博物館等。 導覽內容包含簡單的沖煮教學,現在開始接受報名!#名額有限哦 ※全程採英文說明...

 同時也有682部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過239的網紅邱舒 ShuChiu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱 🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM 🔹英文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/GyAPQEhBp7U 無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉) White Drongo ( Adapted from ...

also英文 在 Jenny|Designer+Calligrapher?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 06:32:00

Art is long, life is short. No I just can’t argue with that!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the past few months, I’ve been working on a lot of things behind-th...

also英文 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 09:41:45

. 【2021閱讀計畫24/50】 #AdventuresInHumanBeing by Gavin Francis English below (not a direct translation) . 如果要以一句話來總結這本書,我想它應該可以說是一本「人體旅遊文學」。 作者是一名蘇格蘭的家庭醫師...

also英文 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

上週我買了一份Taipei Times報紙,讀到這個新聞。過了很多天,這新聞還是一直在我心頭上,忍不住找出報紙發個文跟大家分享一下。想看到全文英文報導的朋友可以Google "Taipei Times US senator praises Lithuania’s decision to suppor...

  • also英文 在 COFFEE LOVER's PLANET Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 09:00:15
    有 13 人按讚

    💗〖Coffee Lover’s Tour〗💗




  • also英文 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 19:00:10
    有 37 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】🌸9/30 ST MAKE+台日國際新創醫療研習營🌸


    此次 ST MAKE+ 與日本專業協助新創發展的「for Startups」公司合作,「for Startups」將介紹如何協助新創進入日本市場及募資;

    並邀請到日本兩家非常優秀的醫療相關“新創企業”「Qantum Operation」及「Triple W」,介紹其創新創業的歷程及未來希望尋找的國際合作夥伴,同時也邀請近期積極與新創及加速器合作之「秀傳醫療體系」,希望創造日本「新創」與台灣「醫院」互動合作火花。

    📅 時間:2021年9月30日(四)13:30-15:30
    📍 地點:線上進行(會議前一天mail寄送線上會議連結)
    🌎 語言:全場英文演說(問答時間會有中日文翻譯陪同,亦可用中文提問)
    🏢 指導單位:經濟部中小企業處
    🏢 主辦單位:ST MAKE+、工業技術研究院
    🏢 協辦單位:for startups、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、林口新創園
    💻 報名網址:https://pse.is/3nz96k
    📫 聯絡資訊:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901
    💰 費用:免費

    ST MAKE+「台日國際新創醫療研習營」9/30與你在線上相聚!🎌

    #經濟部中小企業處 #STMAKE+ #林口新創園 #TEEMA #工研院服科中心 #新創 #醫療 #ForStartups #QantumOperation #TripleW #日本 #秀傳 #醫院 #加速器

    【Startup Adventure】ST MAKE+ Taiwan-Japan International Startups Medical Workshop

    Although the global epidemic is still severe, the " startups " of various countries are still vigorously striving to break through the deadlock, hoping to break the barriers of national borders and cooperate with the world through a new type of "online" connection method.

    This time ST MAKE+ is cooperating with Japan "for Startups" company, which specializes in assisting the development of startups. "for Startups" will introduce how to assist startups in entering the Japanese market and raising funds;

    In addition, two excellent medical-related“startups”,“Qantum Operation”and“Triple W”in Japan were invited to introduce their innovation and entrepreneurship history and the international partners they hope to find in the future. At the same time, they also invited to actively cooperate with startups in the near future. "Xiu Chuan Medical System" of accelerator cooperation,
    Hope to create a spark of interaction and cooperation between Japanese "new creations" and Taiwan "hospitals".

    💻Register link:https://pse.is/3nz96k

    📅 Time:2021/09/30(Thu) 13:30-15:30
    📍 Location:On-line(the meeting link will be sent the day before the meeting)
    🏢 Adviser:SMEA,MOEA
    🏢 Organizer:ST MAKE+、ITRI
    🏢 Co-organizer:for startups、TEEMA、Startup Terrace
    📫 Contact:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901

    #SMEAMOEA #STMAKE #StartupTerrace #TEEMA
    #starup #Japan #hostipal #Accelerator

  • also英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-26 19:30:10
    有 883 人按讚

    [演講技巧] 用對的語言,說給對的人聽:看蕭美琴的 ALEC 演講

    Presentality再次幫同學分享政治人物演講技巧。這次Andrew Yang 分析的對象是現任駐美代表蕭美琴 (Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao)!


    這幾天看到網路上很多人稱讚蕭美琴在美國給的一場演講,是在 American Legislative Exchange Council 大會給的。Youtube 上還有完整的影片。


    Ok, let’s go. First, the speech video itself: https://youtu.be/5ozMcauCjbs


    📌 連開頭都跟傳統台灣官員不一樣

    她一開頭,就用一種很 personal 的方式回應主辦單位的介紹:

    Thank you Karen for that kind introduction…

    畢竟用人家的 first name,就感覺比較親切對不對?通常外交場合,都是用 last name 的。


    📌 而且她跟台灣大部分官員用英文演講的時候有一個很不一樣的地方:

    她講話的時候,是看著聽眾的 lol。

    你可能會覺得搞啥啊,講話不是就要看著對方嗎?但其實很多台灣官員可能是語文能力關係,或是沒時間把稿子弄熟,演講的時候大部分的時間是盯著稿子的,所以跟聽眾的 connection 真的就會打折扣。


    📌 另外一個小細節,就是她的節奏。

    台灣很多官員不只是唸稿,還唸的斷斷續續,不停的卡住,蕭美琴就不一樣,講的算是非常流暢,尤其到後半段整個進入一個很好的 flow。



    📌 講「對的字」,給對的聽眾



    I’m so honored to be able to be here in person, to use this occasion to express my gratitude… to the so many outstanding freedom-loving legislators around the United States.

    還有這裡,講到主辦單位 ALEC 頒獎給蔡總統,她說:

    It is also recognition for the freedom-loving people of Taiwan, and our determination to keep Taiwan free.


    對,就是 “Freedom-loving”。

    我在美國住十幾年,從大學到研究所到華府工作,周圍的朋友大多都是左派的,我不記得他們之中有任何人,任何一次,說過 “freedom-loving” 或甚至強調 freedom。這代表蕭大使真的很會對「對的人」說「對的話」。



    她也不忘用 “side-by-side” 的語法,來強調台灣跟美國的價值。很多台灣官員都只會制式的重複:We share with you the values of freedom and democracy, blah blah blah…


    I often say that you are living in the land of the free.

    We are living on the island of the free.

    Good line,又迎來一些掌聲。

    *Btw, 為什麼是 “land of the free” 而不是 land of free 或是 free land?因為自由的不是土地,而是「人」,所以美國人才會說 “we are a free people”。所以 “the free” 代表的其實是「自由的人」。


    📌 掌控敘事 (Narrative)


    We also believe that it is only in societies that respect the freedom of speech, where true innovation can propel technology that advances human progress, instead of technology that is abused and used for surveillance and controlling their people.




    這就是敘事 (narrative) 的重點:不是只是提供一大堆 information 給大家 (this is what most people do),而是告訴大家要怎麼去「詮釋」這些資訊 (跟我們時常在說的 “framing” 有關)。

    絕大部分台灣官員出去演講的時候,是完全沒有核心論述的,就只有提供一堆人家沒興趣也永遠不會記得的 information。

    Can you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?



    I’m an ambassador now, I work in Washington, DC, but I used to be like you, I came from a legislature in Taiwan, I understand that all politics are local. And when we go back to our constituents, we wanna deliver on economic progress, we wanna deliver on the common values that we share.


    但她這麼說,可是有目的:把聽眾的注意力帶到 “economic progress for constituents” 之後,她馬上用大家可以理解的數字,提醒聽眾台灣對美國「地方經濟」的重要性:

    We’re in the State of Utah now, [Taiwan’s] size is only 15% the size of Utah, but we are the 8th largest consumer of US agricultural products in the world.


    Which means, per capita wise, each Taiwanese citizen is the second largest consumer — per capita wise — the second largest consumer of American agricultural products.



    📌 需要完整分析的同學請留言「用對的語言,說給對的人聽!」。

    還有, 快快訂閱Presentality,即時收到這些精闢分析!!!

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3u6mHpL

  • also英文 在 邱舒 ShuChiu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 23:43:34

    9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱

    🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM

    無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
    White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )

    作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
    作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
    演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu

    文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu

    The lyrics are inspired by “The Vimalakirti Sutra” and the Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo”.

    A black drongo is a highly territorial bird often seen resting on the back of a cow in the countryside. “Vima” in Sanskrit language means clean and pure, which is why the song is named “White Drongo”.

    The Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” is used in an important part of the film “The Child of Light”. Hummed by different characters without the accompaniment, it expresses how our lives and feelings are interrelated. With the rotatory and straight forward lyrics, we know how it feels when you’ve lost your parents and try to find something but in vain, which is what the protagonist of the film has been through and in accordance with the core of “The Vimalakirti Sutra”.

    A cluster of foam, a bubble, a flame, an illusion, a dream, a shadow, a cloud and lightning in the lyrics show us how transitory life is while the nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” itself describes an ordinary daily routine. The former is unreal while the later is real. When the spirituality meets the reality, endless questions arise ubiquitously.

    “White Drongo” is the ending song of the film “The Child of Light”. The initial conception about ending song is to deliver the feelings of going forward and fading away eventually. We expect that the ending shows the sense to nature and the impermanence of sutra expending to the unlimited ambit, and also provides people the power of inspiration and mind-curing.

    影片封面相片 / 楊鈺崑 攝影

  • also英文 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-24 19:56:29

    Introducing Aden!
    OPEN FOR MORE INFO 打開我有更多資訊

    ✧ Extra Notes 補充內容

    想了你6次 Dena 版 Version
    music & lyrics by Aden & Dena

    Baby come here to be my only
    我受夠了只是想妳 這道選擇題他很簡單
    Money 再多我也選擇妳 我|在這里等妳
    喔! 請妳不要想太多 簡單點請妳跟我說

    Is it real or tell me if it’s all just in my head
    Oh I can’t sleep, cus every time I start to think about us
    The way you grabbed my hand and told me
    You wanna go out and let’s eat
    I can’t breathe cus you’re exactly what I need aye

    They say I’m falling too fast
    But I don’t mind
    Cus it you that I’m falling into you
    Something about you makes me feel
    Like we can build sth brand new
    I’m exactly what you need aye

    Baby come here to be my only
    我受夠了只是想妳 這道選擇題他很簡單
    Money 再多我也選擇妳 我|在這里等妳
    喔! 請妳不要想太多 簡單點請妳跟我說

    喔 那麼多的feelings get involved
    喔 我纏了線讓妳操控我
    喔 今天想了妳6次
    哎 我可不想裝沒事
    So 請妳不要想太多 我在這, 等妳跟我說

    Music Prod: ADEN
    Video Prod: Dena

    ✧ What's On Me 我身上的

    Suit Set 套裝:


    ✧ Listen to my original“July” 來聽Dena的新歌
    Youtube MV: https://youtu.be/sEJypi8BIls​​
    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/u83d2ckk​​
    KKBOX: https://tinyurl.com/3sr2bd76​​
    iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d​​
    Apple Music: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d​​


    ✧ Social Medias 社群
    https://www.instagram.com/dena_chang/​​ @dena_chang

    ✧ Business Inquiries 工作洽談
    [email protected]

    ✧ About Dena 有關Dena

    Hey peeps! It's Dena here! I'm a singer/songwriter/producer based in Taiwan! Ok and apparently I also make videos about what I love and my life! Welcome to my world!!

    #想了你6次 #cover

  • also英文 在 Teri Timeout Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-15 22:00:12

    本年度最陽剛又最性感的MV就是Lil Nas X了😆
    Hey all!
    Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel and RING THE BELL so you don’t miss anything from me.
    -TERI xx

    【完整翻譯】Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow - Industry Baby

    Baby back, couple racksCouple Grammys on him, couple plaquesThat's a fact, throw it backThrow it back
    我回來了 帶著滿架子的獎牌
    葛萊美拿了好幾座 白金唱片得了一堆
    And this one is for the championsI ain't lost since I beganFunny how you said it was the endThen I went did it again
    踏上路以來 我從來就未曾迷失
    你不覺得好笑嗎? 酸民說我玩完了
    但我回來了 又大獲全勝

    I told you long ago on the roadI got what they waiting for
    I don't run from nothing, dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em I ain't layin' low
    早在那條老街上 我就說了吧
    所以告訴你的大軍 我沒有要低調引退的意思
    You was never really rooting for me anywayWhen I'm back up at the top, I wanna hear you sayHe don't run from nothin', dogGet your soldiers, tell 'em that the break is over
    當我重返榮耀 我要聽到你說
    所以集結你的大軍 告訴他們休息時間結束了

    Need to get this album doneNeed a couple number onеsNeed a plaque on every song
    Need mе like one with Nicki now
    Tell a rap nigga I don't see yaI'm a pop nigga like Bieber
    I don't fuck bitches, I'm queer
    But these niggas bitches like Madea
    告訴嘻哈饒舌仔 我眼裡根本沒有你
    我就像小賈斯汀一樣 流行到爆
    妹子?我沒興趣 我是酷兒

    let's do it
    I ain't fall off, I just ain't release my new shit
    I blew up, now everybody tryna sue me
    You call me Nas, but the hood call me Doobie
    我沒有跌落神壇 我只是新歌還沒發
    我一夕爆紅 現在每個人都想告我
    你們叫我Nas 但我家鄉的人叫我Doobie

    [Jack Harlow]
    My track record so clean, they couldn't wait to just bash meI must be gettin' too flashy, y'all shouldn't have let the world gas me
    我沒拿什麼獎 他們等不及就說我沒實力
    我肯定是太招搖了 你們不該讓全世界噴爆我
    It's too late 'cause I'm here to stay and these girls know that I'm nastyI sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her ass cheek
    太遲了 因為老子我已經要在這裡待下

    City talkin', we takin' notesTell 'em all to keep makin' postsWish he could, but he can't get close
    OG so proud of me that he chokin' up while he makin' toasts
    I'm the type that you can't control, said I would, then I made it so
    謠言四起 我們做著筆記
    他只是羨慕 但他永遠趕不上我
    嘻哈大老們為我驕傲 他敬酒的時候還在哽咽
    我完全不受控 我就是說到做到

    I don't clear up rumors, where's y'all sense of humor?
    I'm done makin' jokes 'cause they got old like baby boomers
    Turned my haters to consumers, I make vets feel like they juniors
    Say your time is comin' soon, but just like Oklahoma
    我從來沒在闢謠的 你們難道都沒幽默感嗎
    我也不想在開玩笑了 不然怎麼講都是老梗
    把我的酸民變粉絲 讓老兵變年輕
    Mine is comin' sooner, I'm just a late bloomerI didn't peak in high school, I'm still out here gettin' cuter
    All these social networks and computersGot these pussies walkin' 'round like they ain't losers
    但我的時代來的更快 我是大器晚成
    我在高中不受歡迎 但現在我越來越討喜
    這些鍵盤戰士 總是故意說著妹子怎樣 顯得自己比較不魯

    Giva Divas:goo.gl/pVSAiC

    ☾ INQUIRIES 合作邀約:[email protected]

    ☾ This is not a sponsored video.

    0:00 歌曲背景
    3:59 歌詞解析
    11:34 Industry Plants爭議
    13:59 總結

