

在 also代替產品中有137篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 來來回回的疫情,其實有時我也會感到很無奈也很無力!有時候會有一種不知道該辦的感覺!有時候也會覺得很累,應該是心累!因為不知道這個疫情到底什麼時候會結束會穩定下來? 但想到未來,想到以後!我們大家真的不可以氣餒的心態,因為我相信其實還有很多人為了這個疫情而不斷的努力著,有著不放棄的精神!那我們大家就...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Follow Alana,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Alana在本集節目中,帶著觀眾親身體驗狗醫生訓練課程,跟著狗醫生出任務,看看狗醫生如何出診。同時,Alana也來到專門收容流浪狗的機構,幫助流浪狗尋找永遠的家。 Dogs are not only human's best friends, they are also a good compan...

also代替 在 鄭凱中 Lukas Ridge Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 01:50:06

來來回回的疫情,其實有時我也會感到很無奈也很無力!有時候會有一種不知道該辦的感覺!有時候也會覺得很累,應該是心累!因為不知道這個疫情到底什麼時候會結束會穩定下來? 但想到未來,想到以後!我們大家真的不可以氣餒的心態,因為我相信其實還有很多人為了這個疫情而不斷的努力著,有著不放棄的精神!那我們大家就...

also代替 在 鄭凱中 Lukas Ridge Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 11:22:44

疫情的情況一直不穩定, 相信大家的心情和生活压力一定會受很大的影響! 現在我們除了做好自己的本分,還有就是要包著正面的希望,給自己滿滿的正能量! 相信接下來的路會是一路波折艱難的, 大家不要害怕和恐慌,因為有我和大家一起陪伴你们大家加油努力! 在這艱難的路上,你是不會覺得孤單的! The si...

  • also代替 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 07:29:48
    有 44 人按讚



    With the epidemic going back and forth, sometimes I feel helpless and powerless! Sometimes there is a feeling of not knowing what to do! Sometimes I feel very tired! Because I don’t know when the epidemic will end and will stabilize? But thinking of the future! All of us really should not be discouraged, because I believe that there are actually many people who are working hard for this epidemic and have the spirit of not giving up! Then we all work together not to give up or have the idea of ​​giving up! Everyone encourages and cares for each other! come on! Also say "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival" to everyone early!





  • also代替 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-12 19:41:20
    有 22 人按讚

    除了健身運動跑步之外,吸收免費又不用錢大自然的維他命D也是很健康和非常重要 的一個環節!

    In addition to fitness gym workout training and exercises , absorbing natural vitamin D fis also a very healthy and very important link!





  • also代替 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-03 06:45:07
    有 31 人按讚




    The situation of the epidemic has been unstable,I believe everyone's mood and life pressure will be greatly affected!Now, in addition to doing our own duty, we also have to wrap up positive hope and give ourselves full of positive energy!I believe that the next road will be ups and downs and difficult,Don't be afraid and panic, because I will accompany you all to work hard!On this difficult road, you will not feel alone!





  • also代替 在 Follow Alana Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-21 00:15:03


    Dogs are not only human's best friends, they are also a good companion for people. In this episode, Alana leads us to go on the mission with dogs and find out how dogs help people in different ways. Besides, Alana introduces a charity who helps stray dogs finding homes.

    ★訂閱《Follow Alana》YouTube頻道 好片不漏接
    ★Subscribe《Follow Alana》for upcoming videos

    #FollowAlana #愛遊台灣 #台灣 #旅遊 #旅遊節目 #Taiwan #travelprogram #AdoptDontShop #領養代替購買 #狗醫生 #DoctorDog

  • also代替 在 This Family Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-09 19:22:25

    Green Curry Clams by Jimmy’s Table

    I love this dish because it’s so simple to make and goes well with rice. There are a few variations for making this, but I wanted to share with you my version of green curry clams.

    Ingredients 食材:

    Soup 湯汁:
    1 can of Coconut milk (椰⼦奶)
    1 can of Green curry paste (綠咖喱醬)
    1 cup of Chicken stock (雞湯)
    1 tablespoon fish sauce (⿂露)
    1 cup garlic (切片⼤蒜) - sliced
    1 tablespoon sugar (糖)
    1 Large “non-spicy” red chili - (⼤紅辣椒-非辣)
    1 Spicy Red Chilis (⼩辣椒) - sliced and used if you want it spicy(若是你想吃辣的⼝味可以加入)

    Fresh Herbs Ingredients 新鮮香草:
    2 cups Kaffir Lime Leaves (卡菲爾⽯灰葉) - if you can’t find kaffir lime leaves, you can use lime zest or lime juice. (可以⽤青檸檬⽪或者青檸檬汁來代替)
    1 cup Cilantro (香菜) - leaves only
    1 cup Basil (九層塔) - leaves only

    Main Food 主食:
    1 kg of Clams - be sure to soak them in cold, salt water for 30 minutes to get rid of the sand from the clams (1公⽄蛤蠣) *記住蛤蜊需要預先泡鹽⽔30分鐘來吐沙

    Step 1
    Prepare sliced large “non-spicy” chilies and sliced garlic to be added into the curry later. 步驟 1 將不辣的辣椒切成薄長片,蒜頭也切成薄片,備⽤。

    Step 2
    Heat up a pot and add in 1/2 can of coconut milk to heat up until the coconut milk starts to reduce and turn a bit into coconut oil mixed with coconut milk. This takes about 5-10 minutes. 步驟 2 將鍋⼦加熱後,放入1/2罐的椰奶,持續加熱⾄椰漿 收汁並且呈現椰⼦油跟椰奶的狀態,⼤約需要煮個 5-10分鐘左右。

    Step 3
    Add in 2 spoonfuls of green curry paste and stir in, and then add in 1/2 cup of chicken stock to dilute the curry and make it more soupy. You can use the chicken stock saved from the pomelo chicken salad dish, or if you don’t want to make chicken stock, you can buy pre-made stock from any grocery store. 步驟 3 在鍋中加入2湯匙的綠咖哩醬攪拌均勻,接著再加入 1/2杯的雞⾁⾼湯(湯⽔)來稀釋湯汁。(你可以使 ⽤先前煮雞胸⾁所使⽤的湯⽔加入或是購買雞⾼湯來 加入)

    Step 4
    Stir in garlic slices. 步驟 4 加入⼤蒜片後攪拌。 

    Step 5
    Add in 1 tablespoon of fish sauce for extra flavor. 步驟 5 加入⼀湯鑰匙⿂露醬汁,可以增添鹹的風味。

    Step 6
    Stir in large “non-spicy” chilies. If you like it spicy, you can add in a few slices of spicy chili peppers. 步驟 6 將不辣的辣椒片放入鍋中,如果想做辣的綠咖哩蛤蠣 ,可以切⼀些會辣的⼩辣椒加入。

    Step 7
    Add in 1/2 cup of the coconut milk and taste. If it needs more curry flavor, add more curry paste in. If it needs to be more salty, add in more fish sauce. Also, if you like your curry a little sweeter, you can add in a tablespoon of sugar at this time. 步驟7 將剩餘1/2罐的椰奶加入鍋中,若是想要咖哩味道重 ⼀些,可以再依喜好⾃⾏調整加入咖哩醬,若是想 要鹹⼀些,可以加⿂露。若是想要有甜的風味,可 以在此步驟加入⼀湯匙的砂糖。

    Step 8
    Add in the clams as they cook very fast. 步驟 8 蛤蠣因為很快就會熟了,所以現在才適合加入鍋中。

    Step 9
    When the clams start to open up, add in kaffir lime leaves, cilantro and basil. These herbs turn brown if you cook them too long, so they are added towards the end. 步驟9 當蛤蠣開始開⼝熟的時候,在鍋中加入卡菲爾⽯灰葉、 香菜以及九層塔。香草容易變黃,不能煮太久,所以都 是在要起鍋之前才加入喔!

    Step 10
    Stir for 1 minute and serve directly out of the pot! 步驟10 再稍微煮⼀下就可以起鍋摟!
    Edited by Apple

  • also代替 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-06-08 03:00:08

    welcome back to EP.3 of my home cafe! 🥭 A cup of refreshing mango calpis with mango layer cake makes the perfect afternoon dessert in the summer. For the layer cake, I baked the sponge cake using a basic recipe, but you can also replace the cake with white toast or any cake you already have at home!

    home Cafe系列第三彈,今天用的是夏日水果🥭酸甜酸甜的芒果。芒果可爾必思加上鬆軟的芒果蛋糕盒,當作炎熱夏天的下午茶真的太適合了!芒果蛋糕用的是在家裡簡單烘培的海綿蛋糕,也可以用其他現有的蛋糕來代替,如果沒有蛋糕的話也可以用去邊的白吐司喔。

    Mango Pudding Recipe:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8soqNhejOJs

    1. Mango Pudding 果粒芒果布丁
    2. Mango Layer Cake 芒果蛋糕盒
    3. Mango Calpis 清爽芒果可爾必思

    Ingredients 材料
    ♡ riped mangoes 芒果
    ♡ whipping cream/heavy cream 鮮奶油
    ♡ gelatin 吉利丁粉
    ♡ sponge cake 海綿蛋糕
    ♡ mango calpis 芒果可爾必思
    ♡ sugar 砂糖
    ♡ hot water 熱水

    *I used popsicle container for the mango calpis popsicle, but you can use regular ice cube tray if you don't have one

    Connect with Me!
    ♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
    ♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
    ♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com

    Long Lost Sunday Morning by Tep No
    Support the Artist: https://soundcloud.com/tepno/long-lost-sunday-morning

    Frannie (Instrumental) - Josh Woodward

    What I use:
    ♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
    ♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
    ♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro