

在 afterward中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過21萬的網紅里先生 MrMiles.hk - 里數攻略 信用卡酒店旅遊優惠情報,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【里生識唔到女奇遇記+Mileslife 99間香港新餐廳清單】 🎯清單→ MrMiles.hk/mileslife-list/ 我自己覺得個Mileslife app入面個介面唔係咁容易睇,因為佢焗你一係用英文,一係就簡體字。英文選餐廳對我講好大問題...俾個例子,有間日本料理叫「磯野水產...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Song written and sang by Nate Olson 黄智祥 Check out his Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natezhixiang/?hc_ref=SEARCH 中文: That's right, 我真的这么帅 你没有看过这么...

  • afterward中文 在 里先生 MrMiles.hk - 里數攻略 信用卡酒店旅遊優惠情報 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-08-17 15:23:31
    有 94 人按讚

    【里生識唔到女奇遇記+Mileslife 99間香港新餐廳清單】
    🎯清單→ MrMiles.hk/mileslife-list/

    我自己覺得個Mileslife app入面個介面唔係咁容易睇,因為佢焗你一係用英文,一係就簡體字。英文選餐廳對我講好大問題...俾個例子,有間日本料理叫「磯野水產」,嘩睇個名就諗返起日本間「磯丸水產」嘅美味宵夜,睇個中文名我真係恨不得今晚就去食試下乜咩...但睇個英文名「Isono Suisan」。OMG, What is this? 我相信好快唔睇就skip咗呢間。用簡體字? 唔係唔得,但佢做緊個4X promotion一定要用英文介面先有bonus...要轉嚟轉去個setting language 搞煩丫嘛...好...咁就整張list出嚟方便大家都方便我自己搵佢嘅餐廳。

    是咁的,我昨日去咗間文青cafe食晚飯🍽️試下app又賺下Miles,chisin入面8成係女,仲要10個有9個係靚女(包括店員)😱,最慘係俾我見到隔嚟枱幾個靚女張單成$1,800蚊...但佢只係拎咗渣打Asia Miles卡俾錢而無用Mileslife俾錢...(因為果到有個free flow wine trolley俾$180可以任飲)飲多咗兩杯🍷🍸我有點醉意好有衝動同隔嚟枱講...
    (but payme afterward...)

    現時大部份餐廳有$0.5=1里真心玩得過。用HSBC VS可能仲有14X(未返單未有結論)。未有app嘅可以睇返 MrMiles.hk/mileslife 點裝或者直接去 MrMiles.hk/mileslife-download

    #唔洗問喇間cafe叫NINETYs #自己入張list到search
    💢唔想好似隔離枱靚女咁錯過最新賺里數消息記得Like完Mr. Miles facebook page要改埋搶先看see first先睇到,呢到改→ MrMiles.hk/see-first

  • afterward中文 在 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-04-25 19:03:37
    有 194 人按讚




    ==== Press Release: A protest against political censorship by Sing Tao Chinese Radio (AM1400) ====

    Agnes Chow 周庭, who was disqualified in the Hong Kong LegCo by-election in January this year, was invited by Stanford Hong Kong Student Association to attend the Cantonese Awareness Week in mid April. Northern California Hong Kong Club had coordinated with the hosts of a current affairs talk show 焦點訪談 of Sing Tao Chinese Radio (AM1400) to arrange Agnes Chow and another ex-Scholarism member appearing in the 4/17 (Tuesday) show.

    Everything went smoothly and there were good interaction among the host, the guests and the audience. As usual, the program recording was archived in the show web site (http://www.chineseradio.com/…/%E7%AF%80%E7%9B%AE…/cm-f09-10/) in the same afternoon.

    Alerted by a friend, however, we noticed that the recording of this particular episode has gone through sequences of editing and censorship afterward.

    1) The title of the episode has changed from "04/17/2018 香港眾志常委周庭闡述香港自決主張" to "04/17/2018 訪問香港眾志常委周庭".

    2) Starting from 4/19 (Thu) afternoon or earlier, the link of this episode no longer works while all other older and newer episodes work just fine. (See the attached screen capture: singtao_0421.png.)

    In fact, we found out only the MP3 file of this episode (http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180417_09-10.mp3) is removed or renamed. The episode one day before (http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180416_09-10.mp3) and one day after (http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180418_09-10.mp3) are still accessible.

    3) We notified the host on 4/19 (Thu) about this issue. Later on, we filed a formal complaint through its official contacts with email and online message board. Not only do we not get any official response, but the operation to block this episode also seems to step up.

    4) Starting from 4/23 (Mon) afternoon or earlier, even the web page of the whole talk show archive is removed (screen capture: singtao_0423.png) and a new archive page is created (screen capture: singtao_0424.png). In this new page, however, the 4/17 episode disappears and all other episodes have no title. Besides, this talk show is missing in the archive page of all cantonese programs (screen capture: singtao_cantonese_0424.png). All these appear to be a cover-up for the removal of the episode involing Agnes Chow.

    So far, we do not receive any official explanation. Based on the sequences of events, the only logical conclusion is that the blocking is an intended political censorship and not a technical error.

    Let us be clear that we had had good working relationship with the hosts in the past. We appreciated their openness and professionalism to invite different spectrum of view points to their program.

    We suspect this post-censorship is an intervention from the senior management of the Sing Tao Group, as the political leaning of the owner and the editor in chief of the Sing Tao Group is well known.

    We have to ask the Sing Tao senior management:
    - Why are you so afraid of a 21-year-old activist has to say?
    - The director of HK ETO in San Francisco was willing to attend the panel discussion in Stanford on the very same day (4/17) to debate Agnes Chow head on. Where is your courage?

    Although the majority of the mass media in Hong Kong has been influenced directly or indirectly by mainland China or pro-establishment interest, it is a whole different matter when such political censorship happens in the United States. According to the Foreign Agents Registration Act, an organization and persons have to disclose the related activities and finances if they act "at the order, request, or under the direction or control" of a foreign power. As such, we would like to remind our media friends in the United States about the potential consequence of your action.

    Northern California Hong Kong Club

    [Background information]
    梁建鋒 (Editor in Chief of Sing Tao Group): 百無小政客

    维基百科: 何柱國 (Owner of Sing Tao Group)

    Foreign Agents Registration Act
    ==== 4月17日是怎樣被星島中文電台消失的 ====




    1)當日節目重温標題,由原先的“04/17/2018 香港眾志常委周庭闡述香港自決主張”,後被改為“04/17/2018 訪問香港眾志常委周庭”。

    2)從4月19日(星期四)下午或更早的時候開始, 當日節目重温連結失效,然而所有其他較新或較舊的節目重温連結仍正常工作。(參閱屏幕截圖:singtao_0421.png)

    我們發現只有這一集的MP3語音文件(http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180417_09-10.mp3)被刪除或重新命名。 之前一天(http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180416_09-10.mp3)和之後的一天(http://archive.chineseradio.com/Archive/C20180418_09-10.mp3)的文件則完好無缺。


    4)從4月23日(週一)下午或更早的時候開始,整個「焦點訪談」節目的原有重温網頁亦被删除(參閱屏幕截圖:singtao_0423.png),而新建了一個重温網頁(參閱屏幕截圖:singtao_0424.png)。在這個新的網頁中,4月17日消失了,而其他日子亦沒有題目。另外在羅列所有粤語節目的網頁中 (singtao_cantonese_0424.png),「焦點訪談」亦不見了。種種動作,似乎是對周庭訪問重温被消失作掩飾。




    - 為什麼你們如此害怕一個21歲的年青人的言論?
    - 舊金山香港經貿辦主任,就在同一天(4月17日)願意出席史丹福大學的香港問題討論會,面對面與周庭同場討論。為何你們沒有這個勇氣?



  • afterward中文 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-11-17 08:30:31

    Song written and sang by Nate Olson 黄智祥
    Check out his Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/natezhixiang/?hc_ref=SEARCH

    That's right, 我真的这么帅

    That's why, 你每一次说嗨

    But I, 不想把你伤害
    So baby 让我告诉你我为什么我的心只能够因为你而感觉这么高兴 yeah


    我也希望你不会有压力,哦,baby yeah-ah

    Now I, 根本离不开


    I know you know that we're gonna take it slow
    but I just wanna know
    baby where we gonna go
    我们一起走, please我们一起走

    So why, 你暂时还不在
    我的身边come on baby girl don't be shy
    我们一定会很幸福 and I really don't believe you
    当你看着我说 I guess I'm just not meant to be with you

    我也希望你不会有压力,哦,baby yeah-ah

    做好你的男生 thats really what its all about

    我也希望你不会有压力,哦,baby yeah-ah

    That's right, I really am this handsome
    You've never seen a foreigner as amazing as I am
    My Chinese isn't bad, I can say most anything
    Obviously lots of girls are trying to chase me

    That's why, whenever you say hi
    I pretend I dont spend every day
    Thinking of your eyes and your face and
    Make you think that you and I aren't that close

    But I, dont want to hurt you
    And definitely dont want you to think I want you to leave
    So baby let me tell you why my heart can only feel this happy because of you

    Only with you here, can I feel alright
    Money, other women could never make me want to leave
    I'm completely yours and I'm waiting here for you
    Hope you also wont decide to give up on us

    And I hope you wont feel any pressure, oh baby yeah-ah-ah
    In the end it's all your own decision
    But you already know that I could never leave you
    So I'm asking you to accept my heart

    Now I, could never ever leave
    So I hope that one day you can understand
    Me and you together, have to see how my luck goes
    But I believe it will definitely be a reality

    Trust, it represents my love
    Just like the moon in the last generation
    Ask me how deep I love you, ask me how many degrees I love you
    And if you really want know I'll tell you again and again

    I know you know that we're gonna take it slow
    but I just wanna know
    baby where we gonna go
    So let's go together, please, let us go together

    So why, you still arent here
    Standing by my side, come on baby girl don't be shy
    We will definitely be real happy, and I really don't believe you
    When you look at me and say I guess I'm just not meant to be with you

    And I hope you wont feel any pressure, oh baby yeah-ah-ah
    In the end it's all your own decision
    But you already know that I could never leave you

    I want to say that I couldn't love you anymore,
    But thats something I've wanted to say before
    Afterward I realize, back then it wasnt near as much
    Being your man, thats really what its all about
    I'll give you my heart, as long as you are willing
    I'll be here, patiently waiting for your final choice
    Every day, every hour, every minute,
    Always have to keep you in my heart
    This is the only good thing

    And I hope you wont feel any pressure, oh baby yeah-ah-ah
    In the end it's all your own decision
    But you already know that I could never leave you
    So I'm asking you to accept my heart

    -Logan Beck Inc. Films-

