

在 advertise中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 入冬了,先加件衣服一起來讀 #BBC新聞 🎅紅白色聖誕老人的前世今生 The real reason Father Christmas wears red and white 🎄 Why, after all, does Santa Claus wear red and white? 聖誕老...

 同時也有80部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅Jonstyle,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle 🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT 歡迎您的贊助 😺 支持我就看完廣告吧^0^ 😺 歐付寶allpay : https://goo.gl/yRp...

  • advertise中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-21 07:10:02
    有 63 人按讚

    入冬了,先加件衣服一起來讀 #BBC新聞
    The real reason Father Christmas wears red and white

    🎄 Why, after all, does Santa Claus wear red and white?


    Many people will tell you that the modern Santa is dressed to match the red-and-white colors of a can of Coke, and was popularized by Coca Cola's advertising in the 1930s.


    A good story, but the red-and-white Santa himself wasn't created to advertise Coca-Cola - why, he was touting the rival beverage White Rock back in 1923. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was the one who was invented as a marketing gimmick.

    可口可樂公司當時的確有為宣傳可樂創造一個卡通人物,但那是紅鼻子馴鹿魯道夫,而不是身穿紅白衣服的聖誕老人──他1923年就已經誕生,當時是為了宣傳可口可樂的競爭對手White Rock汽水。

    🤶 The modern Santa Claus is actually much older, a patchwork character woven together from different sources. These include Saint Nicholas, a 4th Century Greek bishop - who famously wore red robes while giving gifts to the poor, especially children - and the English folk figure "Father Christmas", whose original green robes turned red over time.

    現代聖誕老人是用不同歷史人物的故事拼湊而成。這包括一名4世紀的 #希臘主教 聖尼古拉斯,許多神話都記載他身穿紅色外衣給窮人派禮物。另外,聖誕老人的部份特色來自英國神話故事人物 #聖誕神父,他原本身穿綠色外衣,但漸漸變成紅色。

    The Santa we know also owes much to the Dutch figure Sinterklaas - also based on Saint Nicholas - whose legend flourished in the once-Dutch city of New York, popular with prosperous Manhattanites such as Washington Irving and Clement Clarke Moore in the early 1800s.

    但對現代聖誕老人形象影響最深遠的,是受希臘主教聖尼古拉斯的一個荷蘭神話故事人物。他的中文譯名也是 #聖尼古拉斯,在曾經是荷蘭殖民地的紐約市十分流行,受歐文和穆爾等住在紐約曼克頓的作家歡迎。

    🎁 It was in the 1820s, too, that advertisements for Christmas presents became common in the United States.

    而在穆爾的同一個年代,美國零售商為了 #清理年末積壓下來的存貨,開始用廣告鼓勵大眾給其他人買聖誕禮物。

    By the 1840s, Santa himself was a frequent commercial icon in advertisements. Retailers, after all, had to find some way to clear their end-of-year stock. The gift-giving tradition took firm hold.


    In Boston in 1867, 10,000 people paid to see Charles Dickens give readings of his Christmas Carol - a story light on biblical details and heavy on the idea of generosity.

    1867年的底特律,約1萬人排隊買票,就是為了聽英國著名小說家狄更斯朗讀他的小說 #聖誕頌歌(又譯《小氣財神》),內容主要宣揚無私、慷慨解囊的精神。




    #拉著朋友徹夜不歸 #和另一半共享珍貴時光

  • advertise中文 在 民視新聞 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-27 14:00:28
    有 41 人按讚

    📽Masks printed with custom designs advertise ‘I come from Taiwan’

    Now we turn to a business owner who’s managed to find a niche in the mask market under the shadow of coronavirus. A custom print retailer is offering masks that let travelers advertise the fact that they come from Taiwan and not from China.

    #Masks #Taiwan #China #coronavirus

  • advertise中文 在 Tom Rook Art Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-09 19:19:06
    有 164 人按讚

    (中文底下) Thank you everyone who came to my talk introducing my work today at The Center. I didn't really advertise it as last time 70 people showed up and I freaked out a little. This was a nice size crowd and I'm definitely improving at this public speaking thingy. I have an exhibition of mostly Taipei related work there until September. The Tainan original is there too. 15% of each sale will go to the Center to support their mental health and outreach work. The address is Taipei, Zhongshan North Road sec.6, Lane 290, 25. Open Monday to Friday daytime.

    謝謝大家今天來我的演讲 (is 演讲 correct?)。我現在到九月有小的展覽在天母 (在 Community Services Center, 25中山北路6段290巷) 每個東西賣了會給15%對The Center的慈善机构。今天我太累寫中文哈哈😅 @ The Community Services Center - Taipei

  • advertise中文 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-17 23:47:48

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle 🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT

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    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

    #PokemonLetsgo #精靈寶可夢 #伊布 #皮卡丘 #夢幻 #精靈球

  • advertise中文 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-10-28 14:48:20

    🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT

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    以上若違規將禁言300秒! 就這樣囉~

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    - No negativity towards anyone
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    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

  • advertise中文 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-10-10 23:46:42

    🎪 馬上訂閱將將的Youtube頻道! ➔ http://goo.gl/SIGvfT

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    😺 歐付寶allpay : https://goo.gl/yRp6yi
    😺 Paypal: https://goo.gl/DivSnP

    ✦ 1.請尊重直播人員 (包括遊玩的夥伴)
    ✦ 2.不要到這邊找人
    ✦ 3.嚴禁劇透 (除非我真的卡太久)
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    以上若違規將禁言300秒! 就這樣囉~

    🚨Chat Rules
    - No negativity towards anyone
    - Do not come here to troll people
    - Don't ask to become Mod
    - Don't spam or use excessive caps
    - Keep it a family environment
    - Only whitelisted links allowed
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    - Do not advertise your stream
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    - Mods reserve the right to enforce additional rules as they see fit

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    4. 請幫忙分享影片與推廣,謝謝大家!



    ✦ Twitch直播台 ➔ https://go.twitch.tv/jonstyle69
    ✦ IG ➔ https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69/
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    ✦ GTA5 中文RP 警察模擬 ➔ https://goo.gl/oMg3vH

    ✦ GTA嬌羞小姐姐系列 ➔ https://goo.gl/PkCnta

    ✦ 神奇寶貝Tretta ➔ https://goo.gl/8iwPaB

    ✦ 傳說對決 ➔ https://goo.gl/fBZyjc

    ✦ 樂高漫威超級英雄2 ➔ https://goo.gl/vJypD9

    ✦ 樂高侏儸紀世界 ➔ https://goo.gl/wxYcWf

    ✦ 樂高超人特攻隊 ➔ https://goo.gl/bZD4tb

    ✦ 腐朽之都2 State of Decay 2 ➔ https://goo.gl/7JrnKF

    ✦ 底特律:變人 Detroit: Become Human ➔ https://goo.gl/eWs5wb

    ✦ 荒野行動 ➔ https://goo.gl/ph9nBF

    ✦ VLOG將 ➔ https://goo.gl/uTb9nb


    ✦ 工商合作: jonstyle69@gmail.com

