admirable 的例句. admirable. In addition, an admirable introductory essay sets the scene. 來自Cambridge English Corpus.
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使用Reverso Context: I thought she squared up to the situation admirably.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"admirably"
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可讚美地;極好地. Dr.eye 譯典通. admirably. IPA[ˈædmərəbli]. 美式. 英式. adv. 令人敬佩地. 牛津中文字典. Mountain View Santa Clara更新疑難排解 · 會員登入.
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Cope admirably 释义: If you cope with a problem or task, you deal with it successfully. [...] | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
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admirably 例句. All emotions, especially love affairs were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. 對於他的強調理性,嚴謹刻板,令人欽佩 ...
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admirably中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adv. 美好地,極好地;令人欽佩地。英漢詞典提供【admirably】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
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金鐘(英語:Admiralty)位於香港中環東部、灣仔以西,屬中西區一部分,為香港的核心商業區及政治中心。金鐘的英文“Admiralty”是「海軍部」的意思,與金鐘曾設有英國 ...
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admirably中文 意思: admirably [] adv.極好地,美好地..., 學習admirably發音, admirably例句盡在WebSaru字典。
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Beyton is an admirable character. 貝頓是個令人欽佩的人物。 其他. 形近詞: admirably. 相關詞條. admirable.
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检查“ admirably”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中admirably的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 ... I think it's admirable how calm you are. 我认为你是令人钦佩的, ...
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English · 简体中文 · 繁體中文 · 한국어 ... and that is why he is admirably attached to the drum and hovers around Shizuka in the form of Tadanobu.
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... in OA over baseline on the Potsdam dataset. When compared to other advanced models, the STransFuse model performs admirably. 中文翻译: ...
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The work of Joan Lee admirably fulfills this need, as she concentrates on ... 蒙特瑞國際研究學院中文系教師、國立師範大學國語教學中心教師、《讀者文摘》中文版 ...
“Admire”中文是「愛慕」、「欽佩」、「欣賞」等意思。 ... (4) John acted admirably when he stopped to help his injured competitor during the ...
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Define admirably. admirably synonyms, admirably pronunciation, admirably translation, English dictionary definition of admirably. adj.
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#38關於Admirar的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: Diría que "to admire" es una traducción segura mas pudiera ser también "to appreciate (about)" "I admire his courage."
1,500 億美元,遠高於產出缺口。參見Summes, Lawrence (2021), “Opinion: The Biden Stimulus is Admirably Ambitious. But it Brings Some Big Risks, ...
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Japan win big on the world stage again! Pyledriver ran admirably for the Brits but it was Glory Vase as the Hong Kong Vase hero once more #HKIR #競馬 ...
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Pure luxury is essentially a question of detail, as this delightful brasserie so admirably illustrates! A flawless welcome and personalised service set the ...
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Hongdao Junior High School's rope skipping team represented Taiwan, and while it performed admirably, the team's coach and members lamented ...
#44AIT Director W. Brent Christensen's Farewell Speech
... unflinchingly bold yet admirably prudent; relentlessly ambitious and unceasingly generous – that sense of awe has not left me, ...
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John Huston's 1956 Moby Dick remains admirably faithful to its source. ... 字幕),法文(字幕),泰文(字幕),繁體中文(字幕),荷蘭文(字幕),葡萄牙文( ...
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... University of Queensland Press, published 1980, page 163: Fanny showed slow approval. 'Good on yer!' she said admiringly. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯) ...
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Find a translation for the admirably definition in other languages: ... Select another language: - Select -; 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified); 繁體中文 (Chinese - ...
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靶子,標的;目標; (嘲笑等的)對象;笑柄(for “admirable” 中文翻譯: adj. 1.可欽佩的,可佩服的,可驚嘆的。. 2.美妙的,極好的。. adv. -bly 可贊嘆地,美妙地。.
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admirably çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... admirably. listen to the pronunciation of admirably. İngilizce - Türkçe ...
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2017年6月5日 — Across the country, health workers fulfilled their duties admirably. As the injured flocked to hospitals at all levels, mass casualty ...
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Examples of using Admirably in a sentence and their translations · Admirably maintained area. · ممتاز مقام رکھتی ہے۔
#59Admirably Diverse (@admirablydiverse) • Instagram photos ...
Admirably Diverse. Personal blog. We are the Whiddon-Greene family. We hope and pray that through our pictures, videos, and words, we can bring a little ...
#60China-Japan Hospital workers serve admirably in Wuhan
Members of the medical team from Beijing's China-Japan Friendship Hospital visit a novel coronavirus pneumonia patient in an ICU ward at ...
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日語-中文(繁體). Search. 詞語 漢字 句子 語法 日語 - 日語. 細節. admirably. null. 自動翻譯. 建議詞. 沒有數據。 關於Mazii. Email: [email protected].
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A 500-case lot of equal parts Syrah and Grenache, it is the greatest Vinsobres I have ever tasted, and it admirably demonstrates the potential that exists ...
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Admirably clear, concise, down-to-earth, and powerful--all too often, legal writing embodies none of these qualities. Its reputation for obscurity and ...
#64News Release (Volume 32 Issue 4) - Research Express@NCKU
Admirably, she transferred the WSSV diagnostic technologies that she worked so hard to develop to civilian commercial companies under very ...
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#66Six Admirable Failures That Inspire You to Keep Going
Some of the worst things in life are inevitable. Yes, there's always death and taxes, but more generally, there's also … failure.
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“admirable target” 中文翻譯: 令人羨慕的目標“aerial target” 中文翻譯: 空中目標“aim at a target” 中文翻譯the goal intended to be attained (and which is ...
#68Dubs Do It Again; Third Quarter Proves the Difference in Win ...
Livingston Fills in Admirably for Curry as Dubs Win 7th Straight ... Veteran guard Shaun Livingston filled in admirably for the two-time MVP ...
#69Margaret Cameron-Ash, Lying for the Admiralty - Gale
Margaret Cameron-Ash, Lying for the Admiralty: Captain Cook's Endeavour voyage ... Further, the author's admirably wide reading of the sources is used to ...
#70Mbappe, Messi and the European Team of the Season
The 22-year-old also performed admirably in his defensive duties, winning over 60 per cent of his tackles and in excess of 50 per cent of ...
#71USA speedster Brittany Bowe's eyes on the prize ahead of ...
... to the difficulties she's endured in arriving where she finds herself today – on the cusp of Olympic glory – she's admirably direct.
#72First and Last | City's meetings with the Tangerines
In front of 10,000 fans at Bloomfield Road, City stepped up admirably to continue their positive start to the season, securing a fantastic ...
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admirable bolete 中文Matsutake. Matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake = syn. T. nauseosum = syn. Armillaria ponderosa) is the common name for a highly sought ...
#74Speaker Adrienne E. Adams Delivers Testimony at New York ...
... in bonuses for certain front-line health care and direct-support workers, who have admirably and tirelessly served our communities.
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admirable 的法语解释汉语翻译a. 可钦佩的, 极好的, 令人惊奇的词型变化:副词:admirably 名词:admirableness 英语解释: 形容词admirable: deserving of ...
#76What the National League adding the DH could mean ... - MSN
4 天前 — ... with David Ortiz obviously filling the position for the majority of that time and J.D. Martinez taking the mantle admirably since 2018.
#77Line-ups Debate: How many changes to the XI? - Manchester ...
Paul has performed admirably in recent weeks, but he has just come back from a three-month lay-off so may need to be looked after.
#78Adweek Reviews Super Bowl Ads During First Half and Halftime
... FTX's historically themed spot is an admirably non-salesy way for a crypto brand to put itself in front of its biggest audience ever.
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Against the major indices, Micron is performing admirably so far in 2022, which bodes well for the coming months which will be all about ...
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You can also check other dicts: admirable (English , 中文解释 ), wordnet sense, Collins Definition. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] ...
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Shiba Inu price action has outperformed a good chunk of the altcoin market. SHIBA has performed admirably despite experiencing intense ...
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US English · 中文 · Español · Français · Русский ... fair number of Afghan youth who were being cared for admirably with a lot of attention, ...
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TheDynamic IranianAll-rounder had a disappointing season, but performed admirably against the ThalaivasTo remind everyone of his qualities.
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We hope that this design performs admirably, functions as planned, and proves to be a success.“ D'Art's Sr. Brand Manager Mr. Zahir also ...
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