

在 additive化學產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,404的網紅雷囡媽媽,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #雷囡媽媽開心share #giveaway送大禮 今次送出蜜蜜工房 新鮮羊肚菌醬 日日煮咁多還真係好攰, 如果有個好味又真材實料嘅醬,咁就煮多幾餐都話咁易啦! 今次試呢款蜜蜜工房 新鮮羊肚菌醬, 全港首創嘅【頂級羊肚菌素醬】 米芝蓮酒店師傳星級秘方,配乜都好食! 用上矜貴嘅羊肚菌、冬茹、...

additive化學 在 營養師Ann | 羽康生醫。保健。營養。美食。減重。 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 18:19:29

上一篇 我們知道了原型食物的意思、天然的定義 生活中常聽到的「天然、有機、手工⋯」 但是有無添加不是隨便標榜就可以相信的(食安意識要有 📖閱讀起源📖 1993年開始,美國FDA(食品和藥物管理局) 允許製造商只要食品不含通常不會添加的人工或合成物 其食品標籤上可呈現「天然」字樣,但這爭議很大 使民...

additive化學 在 蓉蓉????♡♡♡ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 13:47:21

拍美照需要美景❕ 喝調酒需要基底❕ 那麼喝湯呢⁉️ 高湯是所有料理的靈魂,不論是港式煲湯、韓國人蔘雞湯、清朝宮廷御膳佛跳牆,自古便是使用珍貴的老母雞作為煲湯底材; 每次吃火鍋還是雞湯店,我一定會把湯喝光光,我絕對是三餐不能沒有湯的那種人😆超級愛喝湯的程度🔝🔝🔝 在沒把握市售的湯品或火鍋店,讓自己喝下...

  • additive化學 在 雷囡媽媽 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-07 01:51:45
    有 155 人按讚

    #雷囡媽媽開心share #giveaway送大禮

    今次送出蜜蜜工房 新鮮羊肚菌醬
    日日煮咁多還真係好攰, 如果有個好味又真材實料嘅醬,咁就煮多幾餐都話咁易啦!

    今次試呢款蜜蜜工房 新鮮羊肚菌醬,

    簡簡單單用嚟撈麵、拌意粉🍝、炒飯炒菜都好夾。一打開已經好香嘅菇菌香味 , 味道香而唔會過咸,好味😋

    成份:羊肚菌, 日本白菇, 大啡菇, 冬菇, 蒜蓉, 乾蔥, 欖菜, 純正花生油

    ✓ 素食適合 Suitable for vegetarian
    ✓ 無人工化學添加劑 No artificial chemical additive
    ✓ 新鮮手工製作 Freshly handmade
    ✓ 100% 香港本地製造 Made in Hong Kong
    ✓ 不添加防腐劑 No preservatives added

    想試? 跟足以下方法就有啦🥰

    1️⃣ Like Fb Page https://www.facebook.com/mugmugkitchen/
    + #雷囡媽媽

    i: follow IG: 👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/mugmugkitchen/
    ii: Like n 追縱
    2⃣ 讚好+分享呢個Post (設定為公開)
    3⃣ 在留言位置回答問題: 「#雷囡媽媽送出羊肚菌醬 」並tag 5位朋友

    ❤名額: 2位
    ❤獎品:每位 1罐
    ❤截止日期: 7月12日10:59分


    #giveaway #送禮 #送禮活動

  • additive化學 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-09-28 18:16:21
    有 188 人按讚

    【有關這些事 】你有聽過這些傳聞嗎?
    1/ 事後用可樂清洗?
    2/ 打孖上更安全?
    3/ 女性事後小便防感染?
    4/ 性交後跳兩下防懷孕?
    5/ 花生油當潤滑劑?
    6/ 男人一輩子只有2公升?
    7/ 經期間性交不會懷孕?
    8/ 沒有性交也會感染性病?
    Sex related myths and facts
    There are a lot of myths surrounding sex. Have you heard of them? And do you know if they are true or not?
    1/ Douching with Coke after sex? 
    "There are rumors that women can use cola to clean your vaginal area to kill sperm and reduce the chance of pregnancy."
    Coke is actually a sweet carbonated drink. Although the contact does not hurt with the skin, it does not have the effect of killing sperm. No one enjoy a bath with sweet cola, let alone washing the most delicate parts of the body,l. The sugar is likely to remain in the vagina, and the humid environment will allow bacteria easy to breed easily, which may actually lead to vaginal inflammation!
    2/ Is it safer to wear two condoms?
    "Wearing a condom is not safe enough? Two condoms have stronger protection!"
    In fact, one is much safer than two! Wearing two condoms is more likely to cause them to fall off and break in the process due to friction, so it is not necessarily good to wear extra condoms!

    3/ Urinating after sex can prevent infection?
    This is correct, because of women's natural body structure, urethra, vagina and anus are very close to each other, so it is easier to be infected with urethritis by bacteria, and more likely to bring outer bacteria into the body during sexual intercourse. Urinating after sex can douch the bacteria in the urethra to reduce the chance of urethritis.

    4/ Jumping twice after sex to prevent pregnancy?
    "Jumping a few times after sex can take out the sperm and you will not get pregnant."
    There is nothing to explain. Choose the correct method of contraception!

    5/ Peanut oil as a lubricant?
    "There is no lubricant in the house. Peanut oil is also a vegetable oil that can be used instead!"
    The edible peanut oil is extracted, and the taste is strong. However, since the refining process is based on consumption rather than external use, it is not recommended to be used as a lubricant. It is safer to use lubricant by medical certification. If you are allergic to chemical lubricants, it is recommended to use natural extraction base oil without additive, such as sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil. It is better to have certification. Also pay attention to oily lubricants and condoms can not be used at the same time.

    6/ Men only have 2 liters semen in their lifetime?
    "Some people say that a man has only 2 liters worth of semen in his life, and there is no more extra volume!"
    In fact, this is a fallacy. However, having too much sex or excessive masturbation does cause men to have symptoms of kidney yin deficiency, which affects reproductive ability. Over time, there may be cases of nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, impotence and infertility.

    7/ Will not get pregnant if you have sex during menstruation?
    "It is the safest period during menstruation. You will not get pregnant without contraception!"
    First of all, having sex during menstruation can have hygiene related issues. At this time, the risk of exposure to infection is higher. In addition, some women have problems with overlapping ovulation, and sperm can survive in women for more than 72 hours, even if they have sex during menstruation, they may still become pregnant.

    8/ You can get sexually transmitted diseases without having sex?
    "Some people say that even if there is no "real" sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through hands or towels."
    It is necessary to understand that some viruses have strong viability and long survival time. If they are not properly disinfected, they may remain on the surface of clothes, towels, etc., and may also spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, or semen so be careful to protect yourself.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • additive化學 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-09 15:49:06
    有 288 人按讚

    - 出現突如其來的痕癢
    - 皮膚泛紅、發熱,有紅斑
    - 出現隆起的丘疹及風團
    - 嚴重更有可能出現水疱、滲液
    - 不熬夜,以免耗傷陰血
    - 別用過熱的水洗澡
    - 盡少接觸清潔劑如洗潔精等,盡可能戴手套
    - 發作期時不應磨砂,以免刺激皮膚
    - 塗無添加的天然保濕潤膚液
    - 戒吃動風發物如蟹、蝦、貝類、菇類、茄子、雞蛋、鵝肉、竹筍等
    - 如有皮疹泛紅、發熱痕癢可以試試皮膚痕痕茶療:
    - 材料:地膚子10克、白癬皮10克
    - 做法:材料放入保溫瓶內,先以熱水沖洗一次,再注入熱水焗15分鐘至出味。
    - 功效:清熱化濕,適合皮膚泛紅或痕癢。
    Sudden itch all over the body
    Do you have some friends who seem to always have itchy skin? In addition to the effects of weather, stress, daily life and eating habits, exposure to sources of stimulus can also lead to sudden body itching! This type of contact dermatitis can cause skin irritation or eczema outbreaks, and it may be particularly itchy after sweating, temperature rises slightly or before going to sleep. In addition to a sudden appearance of a large red swelling area, hot and red and itchy rash, it may also be accompanied by body heat, nausea, headache, edema. The most common causes are ‘dampness’ and ‘heat’.
    Contact dermatitis has many allergens, which can be from animal, phytochemical, or chemical, and even anything common in daily life, causing sudden skin sensitivity or eczema. In general, most people heal within 1 to 2 weeks as long as you are no longer exposed to allergens.
    If you have the following symptoms, you may be suffering from acute contact dermatitis!
    - Sudden itch
    - Skin redness and heat, erythema
    - Bulging pimples and wheal
    - When severe, you may have blisters and puss
    Attention to contact dermatitis during the attack:
    - Do not stay up late, so as not to consume yin and blood
    - Do not bathe with overheated water
    - Minimize contact with detergents such as dishwashing liquid, wear gloves as much as possible
    - Do not scrub during the attack to avoid irritating the skin
    - Apply natural moisturizing lotion without additive 
    - Stop eating stimulating foods that activates wind such as crabs, shrimps, shellfish, mushrooms, eggplant, eggs, goose, bamboo shoots.
    If there is rash and redness, heat and itching, try itchy skin tea remedy:
    - Ingredients: 10g belvedere fruit, 10g dense-fruit dittany root bark 
    - Preparation: place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 15 minutes. 
    - Effects: clears heat and dispels dampness, suitable for those with skin redness or itchiness
    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #濕疹

