

在 ache藥物產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,475的網紅薛宇哲老師醫學教育知識區,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【藥理學 促進腸胃道蠕動藥物】 促腸胃蠕動藥品可以根據"作用機轉"分類 (詳見圖),這些作用機轉根據"受體 (receptor)"有: D2 (dopamin) 多巴胺受體 M (motilin) 動素受體 ACh (acetylcholine) 乙醯膽鹼受體 (尤其是膽鹼激性 ch...

  • ache藥物 在 薛宇哲老師醫學教育知識區 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-06 20:03:24
    有 51 人按讚

    【藥理學 促進腸胃道蠕動藥物】
    促腸胃蠕動藥品可以根據"作用機轉"分類 (詳見圖),這些作用機轉根據"受體 (receptor)"有:

    D2 (dopamin) 多巴胺受體

    M (motilin) 動素受體

    ACh (acetylcholine) 乙醯膽鹼受體 (尤其是膽鹼激性 cholinergic)

    AChE (acetylcholinesterase) 乙醯膽鹼酯酶

    5HT4 (serotonin) 血清素受體


  • ache藥物 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-16 06:12:42
    有 135 人按讚

    2015 CNY Predictions For the Year of the Wood Goat
    (English version below)

    文:廖文豪 先生 Written by: Mr James Liaw Boon How




    我開始瀏覽師父的網站和閱讀一些他的文章, 想在與他有任何互動前,更了解他。這過程持續了幾年。只要師父有新的文章上載,我一定會去閱讀。不久後,師父設立了自己的臉書專頁。從那時起,我就一直關注著,因為師父的每一篇文章都豐富了我的人生。










    相反的,師父奉勸我的太太,應該把她那頭長髮剪短。 太太照做後,自己也感覺到有所不同。她的脾氣比較穩定,我也察覺她的生活比較順利,及很多事情幾乎即刻就有頭緒了。









    茶會詳情 (免費入場): 


    I am writing as follow, in recognition of Master Dai Hu's unerring predictions of the 2015 world events, as shared during the Lunar New Year dinner last year.

    It is truly amazing as Master Dai Hu's predictions unfolded event by event through the year, it left me in awe of Master's prowess.

    It is through fate that I was introduced to Master Dai Hu through an ex-colleague from Singapore Airlines. I was chatting with Kelly, my batch girl from the airline and she connected me to Master Dai Hu - in this case, I am referring to her sharing about Master's existence.

    I started to look through Master's website and some of his articles as a form of research before any form of engagement. And this process went on for a few years, reading Master's articles whenever he posted any on his online portal. And shortly after, Master has his own Facebook Account which I have since followed closely as his articles are enriching.

    Finally, in 2015, Master has an open invitation on his Facebook account to his followers to gather for a Lunar New Year dinner on the third day of the Year of the Wood Goat. We are truly blessed to be able to attend the dinner and eventually witness Master's Dai Hu prowess and knowledge.

    Master Dai Hu has unselfishly shared to all his followers out of concern and care to avoid certain geographical areas, particularly anywhere South or bearing the word South (Also geographically south of Singapore). Master advised to avoid travelling to Europe, and specifically pointed out cities such as Paris and London.

    The reason to avoid such places include possible extremists activities carried out in the European cities and assimilated by the same group of attackers that has been stirring much troubles in the Middle East. Truly, Paris was under siege by the ISIS in 2015.

    Master Dai Hu also predicted a new epidemic and a possible evolution of a new form of virus in 2015. It may be through coincidence, or not, that the Zika virus was detected in South America continent.

    We shared with Master our concerns about his predictions about travelling to Jakarta, as it is located in the Southern region of Singapore geographically. Master assured us that it is safe to travel during the Lunar New Year but to avoid after the Lunar New Year.

    Truly, we made another trip in the later part of the year and things did not went very well - I was not feeling my best and my 1 year plus old toddler suffered from ailments such as tummy ache and also flu. I was in the city with my family to attend my spouse's grandma 80th birthday celebration but I almost missed the dinner, due to consumption of the wrong medication. That caused me to be drowsy. (It was a high dosage sleeping aid)

    And if we all remember clearly, Indonesia suffered a bomb blast in early 2016 (late part of Wood Goat year).

    The events unfolded through 2015 and the predictions were shared in Jan 2015 - it just proves Master Dai Hu's accuracy unless he has a part in the plot.

    On a personal note, Master Dai Hu also advised some key points for my family such as keeping longer hair for myself and donning a sleek hairstyle, having it all combed backwards. I noticed things went smoothly for me personally after heeding his advice.

    On the contrary, my spouse was advised to crop her long hair which she has also followed. She also personally felt the changes with the new hairstyle, having a more stable temperament. I also noticed things began to flow smoothly and falling in place quite instantly.

    Lastly, Master advised us to keep the toddler's hair very short in order for him to be obedient. It is very true that we have better control of him. We tried to keep his hair slightly longer to look "cuter", but the effects were really undesirable.

    It is really through fate and perhaps good karma to be connected to a true Master. I feel truly blessed to have Master's blessings and advice appended to lead a better life. Master only encourages all mankind to heed Buddha's good teachings to cultivate good karmic for oneself and his family.

    I truly hope to be able to tap on Master's knowledge and to cultivate myself to be a better person in this world.




    Thank you to Mr James Liaw for the generous and selfless sharing of his personal story. Mr Liaw had only met Master Dai Hu twice at the CNY dinner sessions but the few hours of learning had already reaped tremendous benefits for him, his wife and his son. This goes to show that Master Dai Hu's dinner and tea sessions are truly incredible!

    Master Dai Hu holds tea sessions irregularly and the theme for each session varies. To maintain the personal intimacy of each session, slots are always kept limited.

    The Dharma purifies our human world. It beautifies our lives and it rescues the human heart from sufferings. If you wish to have a smoother path in your life, with less karmic and demonic obstacles, come and meet Master Dai Hu in person at his 10th Tea Session on this Thursday, 17th March!

    Tea Session details (free admission):

