

在 accept發音產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅羅寶鴻 老師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【危機就是轉機,讓多啦A夢不再胖的安定情緒 6A】 從實體教學轉為線上教學已經三個禮拜,我也漸漸從一開始手忙腳亂、混亂不已,到現在開始駕輕就熟、淡定上課了。 我發現在我思考轉型為線上教學的心路歷程裡,也有使用到『3A情緒急救法』的概念,而且還多了另外3個 A,總共6A(6A是從阿健老師書上學習的...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#炮仔聲 #跟我一起 #宅在家 #完全娛樂 各位寶寶們 歡迎回來~ 以前看美劇學英文 現在來看八點檔學英文! 讓你更深入其境! 以下是今天的英文: (請注意 這邊都是口語化的英文 口語化的英文 文法不會這麼制式化哦!) 今天學到的對話來複習一下: 妍熙 剛才我一直問你說 今天怎麼這麼費工...

accept發音 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-09 17:06:47

#練完這個字 #放假耍廢 #不用有罪惡感

你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “public display of affection”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔
 【public display of affection 放閃】 As for publi...

accept發音 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 20:25:12

: 羽葉甘藍蔬果沙拉佐垮頌。 對,我不是寫可頌而是垮頌,這個典型法式早餐的主食croissant,用法文唸的發音真的是垮頌,法文字尾的子音不發音。 今天一早的心情沒有很美麗,除了陰雨天的影響之外,也實在是看夠了社群平台中親友之間互相傳遞進而逐漸養大的恐慌。 疫情的更新很重要,防疫也很重要,但是...

  • accept發音 在 羅寶鴻 老師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-05 17:00:52
    有 270 人按讚

    【危機就是轉機,讓多啦A夢不再胖的安定情緒 6A】


    我發現在我思考轉型為線上教學的心路歷程裡,也有使用到『3A情緒急救法』的概念,而且還多了另外3個 A,總共6A(6A是從阿健老師書上學習的)。從一開始:




    在允許內心對當前局勢的恐懼同時,我發現原來心裡還有著要「面對改變」的恐懼。於是,我也允許它的發生、並且去陪伴那害怕改變、害怕前景不明朗的自己。最後,慢慢就開始體驗到自己「接納」了這份恐懼感... (Accept)

    當體驗到接納,就會連結到內在本有的生命力,開始有力量對現前處境;於是,我思考如何應對目前的問題,決定要買耳機、買麥克風、買搭配的音響,還要買美美天使網紅燈(想買很久了),決定要來爬文學習線上教學,順便為自己訂個瘦身計畫 (這是額外的)....等各種「行動」(Action)











  • accept發音 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-29 18:03:26
    有 14 人按讚

    #練完這個字 #放假耍廢 #不用有罪惡感��你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “public display of affection”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔�
    【public display of affection 放閃】
    As for public displays of affection, only 48.2% of Taiwanese could accept seeing same-sex couples kiss in public.
    (同志可以在公開場合放閃嗎?只有 48.2% 的台灣人可以接受)�
    💡這也可以是情侶以外的愛喔,像是學生高調對老師表達感謝,這種也可以是 public display of affection
    💡右滑是 public display of affection 的發音影片,講到 public display of affection,我會聯想到火車上放閃的情侶,你上次在哪裡看到 public display of affection 呢?回想一下,不用死背它的翻譯喔!
    【留言練習】#小星星敲碗 希望更多翻譯練習,今天就多送一句~任君挑選,也可以兩個都翻譯,甚至自由造句喔~你會怎麼翻譯下列句子呢? 
    🎈「親親萬歲、放閃無罪」(這句好難 😂) 
    🎈用「public display of affection」自由造句
    期待看到你的留言 😍�
    #賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️ Photo credit: davitydave (flickr); no changes made to the pic�
    #pda #放閃 #publicdisplayofaffection #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯

  • accept發音 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-07 21:39:46
    有 22 人按讚


    credit card 信用卡

    A: How would you like to pay?
    B: I'd like to pay by credit card.
    C: I'd like to pay by cash.
    A: 你想要如何付錢呢?
    B: 我想要用信用卡付錢。
    C: 我想要用現金付錢。

    A: Do you take credit cards?
    B: Yes, we do. We accept all major credit cards.
    A: 你們收信用卡嗎?
    B: 是的,我們有。我們接受所有的主要信用卡。




  • accept發音 在 九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-15 21:00:12

    #炮仔聲 #跟我一起 #宅在家 #完全娛樂
    各位寶寶們 歡迎回來~

    以前看美劇學英文 現在來看八點檔學英文!


    (請注意 這邊都是口語化的英文 口語化的英文 文法不會這麼制式化哦!)


    妍熙 剛才我一直問你說 今天怎麼這麼費工 還約我來餐廳吃燭光晚餐
    I kept asking you why did you go through all this today and invited me to a candlelit dinner at the restaurant?

    You won’t tell me why.

    現在已經吃完了 是不是可以跟我說 到底是為什麼
    Now we’re done dinner. Can you please tell me why?

    妍熙 你說這句話什麼意思 妍熙 What do you mean by that?
    什麼意思你 你要離開我? What do you mean? You’re leaving me?

    不是 你是不是因為 我跟麗玲那晚發生的事情
    Wait, is it because of what happened between 麗玲and I that night?

    你還在生氣 不肯原諒我 You’re still mad at me? And you won’t forgive me?

    不是你別這樣想 No, please don’t think like that.
    我一點都不覺得勉強 I don’t feel forced at all.

    沒有拉 妍熙 No 妍熙
    不好意思 I’m sorry.

    因為我之前一直不相信 你的靈魂附身在麗玲身上
    Because I wouldn’t believe that 麗玲’s body is possessed by your spirit.

    但是我現在非常確定 你就是我的妍熙寶貝
    But now I’m so sure that you’re my 妍熙 baby.

    So I don’t care if you’re in 麗玲’s body or somebody else’s body.

    不管你是高矮胖瘦 I don’t care if you’re tall short fat skinny
    是圓是扁 年長或年輕 Round or flat , old or young
    只要你是我的妍熙寶貝 as long as you’re my 妍熙寶貝
    我都愛你 I love you just the same. (不管你如何我都會一樣愛你的意思)

    所以我希望你可以給我一次機會 可以讓我親自證明 用行動來證明說
    我是完全接受你 而且非常愛你
    So I hope you can give me a chance so I can prove to you. I will show you by actions that I’ve completely accepted you and I love you very much.

    只要你別離開我身邊就好了 As long as you don’t leave me.

    當然是真的 Of course it’s true.
    只要留在我身邊 別離開我就可以了
    As long as you stay with me and don’t ever leave me

    就算你要用麗玲的身體 跟我生活一輩子
    Even if you need to use 麗玲’s body to live with me forever

    我也願意 I’m willing to do that.
    你不相信的話 我現在馬上跟你求婚
    if you don’t believe me I can propose to you right now.

    雖然我們已經結為夫妻了 Even though we’re already married
    但是你願意的話 But if you want to
    我可以再次地向你求婚 I can propose to you again.
    我可以向你求十遍 百遍 一千遍 我都願意 I can to propose to you ten times, a hundred times a thousand times. I’m willing to do that.
    就算你要用麗玲的身體跟我生活一輩子 Even if you need to use 麗玲’s body to live with me forever,
    只要你能留在我身邊 不要離開我 這樣我就滿足了
    as long as you stay with me and don’t leave me, that’s enough for me.

    我相信沒有人有辦法拆散我們兩個了 I believe no one is ever going to tear us apart anymore.

    Will you accept my proposal?





  • accept發音 在 吉娜英文 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-07 20:07:46

    加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁


    1. 信用卡 credit card 的發音解析
    2. 兩組例句:

    A: How would you like to pay?
    B: I'd like to pay by credit card.
    C: I'd like to pay by cash.
    A: 你想要如何付錢呢?
    B: 我想要用信用卡付錢。
    C: 我想要用現金付錢。

    A: Do you take credit cards?
    B: Yes, we do. We accept all major credit cards.
    A: 你們收信用卡嗎?
    B: 是的,我們有。我們接受所有的主要信用卡。

  • accept發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-17 09:14:09

    Refined version:

    I’m here at this press conference today for one reason - I’d like to tell you in my own words how sorry I truly am. I have to express my deepest apologies to my family, my wife’s family, our friends and all those who have loved me because I‘ve made a mistake. A mistake which I can never make up for. A mistake that is unforgivable. Because of this wrong that I’ve done, I’ve been reviewing and reflecting on my behaviour. Indeed, I’ve made a disgrace of myself. That’s why I’m here today to tell you that I shall bear full responsibility for what I’ve done.

    It is true that I was under the heavy influence of alcohol that day, but being drunk can in no way excuse the grave mistake that I’ve made. I have felt deeply regretful for what I’ve done. I have found it difficult to face and accept myself. After reading the news report, I have found myself and my behaviour most shameful, deplorable, abominable, disgusting and absurd. I have pondered and reflected deeply on why I had not been able to exercise better self control and why lust would have had the better of me.

    I shall bear full responsibility for what I’ve done. To that end, I shall do two things. The first thing is that I shall suspend all projects at hand until I found good in myself again and I have examined the way I’ve been conducting myself. The second thing is that I have, from the bottom of my soul, found myself to be ridiculous. Because of my wrongful behaviour, people around me, who have loved me, have been facing up to immense stress and pain. I hope that I could properly make it up to all those on whom I have inflicted pain. This report has made me reflect deeply on what I’ve done. The worst mistake that I’ve committed here is that I’ve gone astray from my former self. Last but not least, I need to say this to all those who have loved me once again: I have brought shame on you all; I’ve been wrong and I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Sammi. I don’t know what I am going to do in the future. I am a heartless and broken mess. I hope everyone will be kind enough to let me have the time (to make amends for what I’ve done).

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