

在 absent中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅鐵橘兄妹,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這三年小橘看了多少書?應該有上千本 小橘之前是唸雙語幼兒園,所以在閱讀計畫開始之前,已經有了基本的口說、聽力能力,但閱讀部分還是需要家長在家自行訓練,就像中文也需要在家看課外書才能增加素養一樣,並不是念了雙語、全美語 就能閱讀英文無障礙。幼兒園小班、中班我們也看了很多繪本,同時也有聽音檔。大班是...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,唐詩欣賞 月下獨酌 - 李白(Drinking Alone Under the Moon) 中文原文﹕ 花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親; 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 月既不解飲,影徒隨我身; 暫伴月將影,行樂須及春。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零亂; 醒時同交歡,醉后各分散。 永結無情游,相期邈雲漢。 英文翻譯...

absent中文 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 17:47:42

/ 常見港式英文可以分為四類: . 1️⃣ 直接將中文詞彙譯做英文: 大頭蝦:❌ big head shrimp ➡️✅ absent-minded . 笑死我:❌ laugh die me ➡️✅ laugh my head off . 寸嘴:❌ inch ➡️✅ cocky . 二五仔:❌ tw...

  • absent中文 在 鐵橘兄妹 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-19 13:27:23
    有 80 人按讚

    小橘之前是唸雙語幼兒園,所以在閱讀計畫開始之前,已經有了基本的口說、聽力能力,但閱讀部分還是需要家長在家自行訓練,就像中文也需要在家看課外書才能增加素養一樣,並不是念了雙語、全美語 就能閱讀英文無障礙。幼兒園小班、中班我們也看了很多繪本,同時也有聽音檔。大班是我認為非常適合開始訓練獨立閱讀計畫的時機,因為沒作業,有很多時間可以慢慢閱讀(小學有作業後真的非常忙)。
    一開始是使用Nonfiction Sight Word Readers這套書,這類套書其實有很多選擇,選擇這套是因為裡面有真實圖片很吸引孩子,且句子搭配單字會一直重複出現,看完一本書對裡面的單字大概也記住九成了。雖然很多基礎的單字小橘在幼兒園其實都聽過或學過,但畢竟幼兒園沒有考試,不能說百分百熟悉,透過閱讀這套書,對很多單字又再一次加深印象。通常我會陪著小橘一起看書,跟著音檔朗讀(使用CD)。因為這套書內容很簡單,所以過程我不會主動翻譯,而是陪她一起看完,跟我說內容的意思,這樣的好處是我可以了解她懂了多少?也不會養成依賴媽媽翻譯的習慣。
    接著小橘又看了幾百本的初階讀本,包含Oxford Reading Tree , I Can Read、自然發音套書等。後來才開始看初階章節書書,一開始也是先選擇字大圖多的書,例如:Hey Jack、Billie B Brown。後續慢慢增加字數到幾千字的初階章節書,除了參考Lexile值選書外,通常我自己會先看前面幾本,確認難度適合才給小孩看,有幾套我很推薦:
    ✅Dragon Master
    Lexile : 約480~580L ,約85-90頁
    ✅My Weird School
    內容簡介:AJ 是個想像力非常豐富的小男孩,而他的學校則是個充滿各種「異於常人」的老師。這一系列的故事是 My Weird School Series 的開始,主要描述小男孩 AJ 與他的“宿敵” Andrea Young 之間的趣事。
    ✅Junie B. Jones
    這套適合女孩,小橘也是每本看好多次,應該是覺得故事中的主角個性跟她很像吧!主角Junie B. 一秒令人抓狂,下一秒討人憐愛,古靈精怪的她有話直說,聲音之大猶如大聲公,有時管不住自己的大嘴巴,進而惹了一身麻煩,但純真的她不時會有貼心舉動,讓人會心一笑。
    ✅A to Z Mysteries
    這套也是男孩女孩必看的經典偵探故事,因為難度比起前幾套高一點點,兄妹倆是看完Magic Tree House後銜接這套的。這次開團的是新版封面喔!
    A To Z Mysteries偵探系列,從生活故事出發,有冒險的情節,更有解謎的懸疑劇情。從第一本Absent Author到最後一本Zombie Zone, 書名由A到Z排列,全系列共26本,每本約有96頁,是國小中年級小朋友很難抗拒的偵探系列書,大人也適讀喔!跟著書中三位小主角Dink, Josh, Ruthrose,一起來解開A到Z的故事謎團吧!

  • absent中文 在 區諾軒 Au Nok-hin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-29 17:18:52
    有 415 人按讚

    1. 好想瘋狂比梁美芬
    2. 我倍感安慰

    【人必自侮然後人侮之──中大學生會及中大書院學生會就梁美芬女士之謬論之聯合聲明|“One Loses One’s Respect From Others Because One Has No Respect For Oneself” - Statement from the CUHK Joint Student Unions on Ms. Leung Mei-fun Priscilla’s Farcical Comments】

    (Please scroll down for English version)








    In a Legislative Council meeting on 26 June, CUHK alumna Ms. Leung Mei-fun Priscilla claimed that the Chinese University of Hong Kong is a “university for Chinese people”, and “anything against national interests is also against the spirit of CUHK”. We strongly condemn Ms. Leung’s distortion of CUHK’s history as well as her disrespect for the CUHK spirit.

    Our school was named “the Chinese University of Hong Kong” because it took the promotion of Chinese culture as its responsibility, with the objective of elevating the status of Chinese as a language in the colonial times. Founding Vice-Chancellor Dr. Li Choh-Ming explained this in 1978, at the 19th CUHK Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees, that the Chinese University of Hong Kong is a university that promotes Chinese culture, and ‘Chinese’ in this context has not in the slightest to do with People’s Republic of China established by Chinese communists. After 1949, a large number of refugees flooded to Hong Kong in order to escape the northern communist regime, including founders of CUHK. They specifically established CUHK so as to withstand Chinese Communist cultural invasion, hoping to preserve the lifeline of the Chinese culture. New Asia College founder Dr. Chi’en Mu described CUHK as “the final seed of the Chinese culture drifted to the soil of Hong Kong”. Therefore, CUHK is nothing close to what Ms. Leung claimed to be as an institution protecting the national interests of the People’s Republic of China. In contrast, CUHK was established to fight against Chinese communism.

    As an alumna of CUHK, as well as former United College Student’s Union President and former CUSU committee member, it is absolutely disgraceful how ignorant Ms. Leung is. Her false and loathsome claims were terrible insults to our founders. One loses one’s respect from others because one has no respect for oneself. As CUHKers, we strongly condemn Ms. Leung for her idiotic comments, and are shameful to have her as a Legislative Councillor.

    CUHK strived to promote the spirit of humanism and social consciousness over the years, nurturing generations of CUHKers who love Hong Kong and participate in social movements, including the “No Extradition to China Movement” taking place at the moment. CUHKers have never been absent in these events, which demonstrates the courage and willingness of CUHKers to protect and contribute to their home. Despite so, it is unfortunate that the likes of Ms. Leung exist among us, wagging her tail begging for mercy from a tyrannical regime.

    The founders of CUHK established our alma mater seeking for freedom and longing for truth, CUHK students should do whatever it takes to protect our freedom, so as to meet our predecessor’s expectations.

    29 June 2019

    The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
    The Student Union of Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Student Union, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    The Student Union of New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    The Executive Committee, Student Union of United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    The Executive Committee, Student Union of Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • absent中文 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-08-18 12:00:00
    有 10 人按讚

    The absent student in this class is Allen.
    The student who is absent from this class is Allen.

    英語島雜誌 www.eisland.com.tw

  • absent中文 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-05-27 00:48:48

    唐詩欣賞 月下獨酌 - 李白(Drinking Alone Under the Moon)



    英文翻譯 / English Translation﹕ by Betty Tseng

    In amongst flowers with a bottle of wine
    I drink alone for there is no one close by.
    I raise my chalice to invite the shining moon,
    The moon casts me a shadow and we have a triad.

    The moon never learns to drink,
    My shadow absent-mindedly follows me.
    Nevertheless I have them around me,
    Moments should be enjoyed as they be.

    I sing and the moon lingers,
    I dance and my shadow whirled under.
    In my sober moments we rejoiced together,
    It is a company no longer once I am drunk.

    Such fellowship shall last despite our parted ways,
    When we shall come together again is up to the remote heavens above.

