

在 zermatt產品中有668篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【瑞士景點】蘭德瓦薩大橋(Landwasser Viaduct) 興建於西元1901年的蘭德瓦薩大橋,距離地面約65公尺高,是冰河列車途中最令人嘆為觀止的景點之一。由於橋身呈現100公尺的弧形曲線,乘客在車上便能欣賞到列車在石橋上方行駛的壯觀景象。如果你的時間足夠的話,不妨下車前往各景觀平台,來欣...

 同時也有213部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅懿想天開,也在其Youtube影片中提到,只要是能動的東西 沒有一個是我懿姊不能征服的 炎炎夏日不能出國避暑的期間 不如先來室內滑雪場練練滑雪 讓你往後在雪場上直接成為最靚的仔 特別感謝 台北滑雪學校 #懿想天開 #李懿 #倪暄 #曲羿 #陳詩雅 #滑雪...

zermatt 在 ???????? ?????? & ?????? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 17:47:09

Night out with my gal @sarah_hsiao 🥳 那天跟莎寶約會了一整天! 我們的行程是這樣的 為了讓腐女莎拉變成人模人樣的裝扮🤣 先幫她梳了個頭,噴上一聞讓人著迷的髮香水 因為使用後感覺不錯所以安利了另外一種不同的香味,讓他知道女生頭髮就是要香香的才迷人🤣 萬事俱備我們就...

  • zermatt 在 懿想天開 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-10 21:30:13

    只要是能動的東西 沒有一個是我懿姊不能征服的
    #懿想天開 #李懿 #倪暄 #曲羿 #陳詩雅 #滑雪

  • zermatt 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-24 21:12:45

    Coming back to you guys with another Hawker Food Challenge! We went to Golden Mile Food Centre for this episode and the situation there seems pretty bad. Do support the hawkers if you guys are in the area!

    What I got:
    Ashes Burnit - Cheeseburger & Truffle Mushroom Burger $13.90
    Yew Chuan Claypot rice for 3 - $20
    Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice - $8 for 2 packs
    Maggi Goreng - $5
    Western Chicken Chop - $6.50
    Flourful Delight Potstickers - $6 Wantons with chili oil - $4.50
    Chef Chop Signature Seafood Pasta - $13.90
    Wen Kang Ji – Wanton Noodles - $7
    You Fu Hokkien Prawn Noodles $5
    Hainan Hokkien Prawn Noodles $5
    Chung Cheng Chilli Prawn Noodles - $4
    The Original Vadai - $3
    Minced Pork Noodles - $4
    75 Ah Balling Peanut Soup - $2.60
    Zhao An Granny Grass Jelly - $2

    Connect with us!
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zermattneofls
    Instagram - http://instagram.com/zermattneo

    Use code ZERMATT for 58% off ALL Myprotein products.
    Hair Sponsor - Toliv Salon
    5 Purvis Street, #01-03, Singapore

  • zermatt 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-20 19:59:08

    For this video, we went down to a special kitchen to whip up a massive 7KG Collagen Ramen Challenge with the help of Chantalle Ng (@chantalleng)! Chantalle is the star of the Mediacorp drama My Star Bride, playing the titular role in the form of a Vietnamese bride. The collagen broth comes from her very own brand, Yuan Collagen, which she co-founded with her friend Minying. The collagen is chicken-based and is extremely high in protein (10g per 100ml) with half the number of calories of your average collagen broth. The noodles we used were also provided by Chantalle’s company, a type of homemade egg noodles.

    After a quick cooking process and with the help of some pre-cooked ingredients, Chantalle assembled the final bowl of noodles. It consisted of 11 portions of noodles, char siew, eggs, pork dumplings, seaweed and fried chicken, topped up with a healthy amount of the Chicken Collagen broth. It came up to almost 7KG and even more broth was added towards the end of the challenge.

    It was a rich, nutritious and hearty ramen meal that I did not struggle to complete. Naturally, it was different from your typical Japanese ramen broths – a lot more “chickeny” in flavour and much thicker. The pre-cooked items were decent.

    The strength of such a broth base is its versatility. You could use it for any dish you can imagine that requires some form of liquid to be added, such as risotto or hotpots. The broth acts as a flavourful and nutritious base for you to develop your meal on. In a pinch, you could even use it to cook instant noodles!

    You can see more of Chantalle in her upcoming drama, Live Your Dreams, airing in September!

    Purchase Chantalle’s broth here: www.yuanfoods.com

    Connect with us!
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zermattneofls
    Instagram - http://instagram.com/zermattneo

    Use code ZERMATT for 58% off ALL Myprotein products.

    For those that are interested in doing ZenyumClear™️ Aligners:
    Use code ZERMATT100 for special discount!

    Hair Sponsor - Toliv Salon
    5 Purvis Street, #01-03, Singapore

