

在 xuanwu產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Persona Central,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Shin Megami Tensei V Daily Demon Vol. 018: Xuanwu - https://personacentral.com/shin-megami-tensei-v-daily-demon-vol-018-xuanwu/...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過33萬的網紅Bonjour Louis! 我是路易,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Suite des aventures en Chine! Premier jour : Longue randonnée dans la Montagne Pourpre... Découverte un peu par hasard du Purple Lake, des couleurs m...

xuanwu 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-19 01:35:22

[Xuanwu District, Beijing] There is this plain looking mansion along Zhushikou West Street (珠市口西大街) that resembles nothing out of the norm, but in fac...

  • xuanwu 在 Persona Central Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-04 18:05:10
    有 65 人按讚

    Shin Megami Tensei V Daily Demon Vol. 018: Xuanwu - https://personacentral.com/shin-megami-tensei-v-daily-demon-vol-018-xuanwu/

  • xuanwu 在 群 Gun Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-23 18:17:18
    有 114 人按讚






    [Xuántiān Shàngdì]

    Xuántiān Shàngdì is one of the most commonly seen Taoist deities in Taiwan. Since the usurping Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty claimed to receive the divine assistance of Xuanwu during his successful Jingnan Campaign against his nephew, he had a number of Taoist monasteries constructed in the Wudang Mountains of Hubei, where Xuanwu allegedly attained immortality.

    He is also treated as the metaphor of the North Star as the deity of natural worshipping. Great Deity of the Northern Peak, one of the cosmological "Five Forms of the Highest Deity"

    As one of the five forms of cosmological representations, north significance water, therefore it makes Xuántiān Shàngdì capable of being in charge of sea affairs. Also, the representations of the north constellation happen to be the black tortoise or black turtle. As one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is usually depicted as a turtle entwined together with a snake, and these animals happen to be the ones Xuántiān Shàngdì is stepping on.

    In folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì was originally a butcher and the goddess Guanyin showed him his sins. To redeem his sins, he dug out his own stomach and intestines and washed them in the river. Because of that, he then became immortal ascended to heaven with the title of Xuántiān Shàngdì.

    After he became an immortal, his stomach and intestines absorbed the essence of the earth. His viscera transformed into a demonic turtle and a demonic snake, who started to hurt people. No one could subdue the demonic animals. Eventually, Xuanwu returned to earth and he borrowed the sword from Lü Dongbin to subdue them. After defeating them, he later used them as his subordinates. Due to this folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì is also treated as a patron god of slaughter industry.

    Another speculation about this folklore tail is that because Xuántiān Shàngdì is the guardian god of Ming dynasty, and Ching dynasty wanted to weaken the gasp of the Xuántiān Shàngdì belief so had the story of the butcher transform made up.


    #artist #art #illustration #原創 #插畫 #藝術 #台灣 #taiwan #道教 #廟 #民俗 #Taoist #digitalpainting #digitalart #台灣神明 #陣頭 #乩童 #宮廟 #台灣插畫 #玄天上帝 #taiwanfolklore #北極星 #屠夫 #北極殿 #玄武大帝 #上帝爺公 #海神 #玄武 #蘆洲受玄宮 #元帝廟

  • xuanwu 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-12 10:37:26
    有 21 人按讚

    【追魂8月13日開庭受審 可能面對更長年期囚禁】

    藝術家 #劉進興(又名「追魂」)將於2020年8月13日於南京市宣武區法院開庭受審,被控以「尋釁滋事罪」。他於2019年5月28日被帶走,被拘禁近15個月才被安排庭審。他曾聲援2014年的「雨傘運動」被拘禁9個月。這次可能面對更長年期囚禁 。

    Artist #LiuJinxing (better known as #ZhuiHun) will be tried at Xuanwu District Court in Nanjing on 13 August 2020. Liu is accused of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. He was taken away on 28 May 2019 and has been detained for nearly 15 months before being taken before a judge. In 2014, he supported the “Umbrella Movement” and was detained for nine months. This time, he’s likely facing several years of imprisonment.











    Name: Liu Jinxing, aka Zhui Hun (劉進興,又名追魂)

    Date of birth: 4 August 1972
    Occupation: Artist
    Date of detention: 29 May 2019 (criminal detention)
    Location: Police took him away with five other activists in Nanjing
    Ground of detention: Picking quarrels and provoking trouble
    Date of formal arrest: 5 July 2019
    Date of Indictment: 14 January 2020
    Legal representation: Beijing lawyer Liang Xiaojun
    Date of trial:
    Location of detention/imprisonment: Nanjing No. 3 Detention Centre, Jiangsu Province

    Police took away Liu, a Hubei province born artist, on 28 May 2019, along with five other artists in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and criminally detained him the next day. Police officers searched Liu’s home in Beijing, confiscating his artworks and some printed materials. The other five artists were subsequently released on bail.

    His friends believed that Liu Jinxing’s detention was related to the government’s crackdown on activists before the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. Among the activists and artists circle, he was famous for selling his artworks to help support other detained political activists.

    Liu Jinxing was only allowed his first lawyer’s visit on 23 September 2019. His previous requests were denied as the police claimed that his case involved “endangering state security”. The lawyer learned during the visit that Liu had been formally arrested on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

    On 14 January 2020, Xuanwu District Procuratorate in Nanjing indicted Liu and listed his “crimes” as producing videos and artworks to support detained political prisoners. His trial is scheduled to take place at Xuanwu District Court on 13 August 2020.

    Liu had been detained for several times for his art and activism, including being detained in October 2014 for his performance art to support the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. He was released in July 2015 after being clear of criminal charges. Liu has lived in the Songzhuang art colony in Songzhuang Town of Tongzhou District in Beijing, the most famous and largest artist community in the municipality.

    For more information: https://www.nchrd.org/2020/06/liu-jinxing/

    Updated on: 6 August 2020

  • xuanwu 在 Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-04-23 20:19:12

    Suite des aventures en Chine!
    Premier jour : Longue randonnée dans la Montagne Pourpre... Découverte un peu par hasard du Purple Lake, des couleurs magnifiques en fin de journée!
    Deuxieme jour : Xuanwu Lake, old city wall, et Qinhuai river...

    Enjoy! :)

    Musique :
    Sappheiros - Memories
    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sappheirosmusic
    Creative Common 3.0 License

