

在 whimper產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,833的網紅A Happy Mum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, "Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a superhero." To be frank, I was worried about whether Asher would welcome his baby brother wit...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'94年に日本ファルコムが発売した、ブランディッシュシリーズの第3作目。選択する4人のキャラにより話が変化するシステムをもつ。また1作目~本作迄続いた主人公アレスにて描かれた世界は最大の謎バルカン死の真実をもってして本作にて完結する。 BGMはjdkのスタッフが作曲、opna版BGMはまさに音源...

whimper 在 Summer ☀ | 快乐妈咪 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 12:57:20

"Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a superhero." To be frank, I was worried about whether Asher would welcome his baby brother wit...

  • whimper 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-05 14:13:00
    有 79 人按讚

    "Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a superhero."

    To be frank, I was worried about whether Asher would welcome his baby brother with open arms after being the youngest in the family for five long years.

    He had two elder sisters to protect and dote on him, he had a lot of one-on-one time with me, he was the littlest, cutest and the baby amongst us. That all changed when Ansel came along because suddenly, this boy became a big brother and a middle child.

    Thankfully, he was over the moon the moment he saw the baby and I knew he loved him just as much as I did. He would ask to carry the baby every morning, kiss him a hundred times a day, run up to him at every whimper, sing lullabies to him, pat him, hug him, and say to him "Don't be scared. Don't cry. Korkor is here."

    He would also say to me "妈妈,谢谢你生弟弟 (Thank you for giving me a baby brother). We are so lucky to have two boys and two girls and I am so happy to have a brother now." Awwww. Indeed, we are so truly blessed and having seen how sisterhood bonds my girls, I am excited to see how these brothers bond as they grow up too. For now, they definitely adore each other.

    They were the only ones who did a couple shot at this newborn photoshoot because I wanted to let Asher know how special he is to the baby. Four months on, he is still in love with his Didi and protects him just as a good big brother will. That makes you just as awesome as a superhero, you know?

    Can't wait to see more adventures these two will embark on and yup, they will probably get into mischief together but that is also what brothers are for. Love ya both! ❤

    📷: @ashleylowphotography

    #ahappymum #thirdborn #lastborn #brothers #Ilovemybabybrother #thankfulforyou #siblingsarethebest #neverlonely #iloveyoutothemoonandback

  • whimper 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-03 18:08:15
    有 58 人按讚

    上週介紹了Percy Jackson And the Olympians I: The Lightning Thief⚡️⚡️


    介紹它的第二部曲:Percy Jackson And the Olympians II: The Sea of Monsters 🌊,
    書中Percy Jackson要展開海上旅行了,
    🧜🏽‍♂️ 俐媽好書推薦—波西傑克森part 2篇:
    👁 hoof (n.) 蹄
    👁 satyr (n.) 半人半羊森林之神;好色者
    👁 swat (v.) 重打
    👁 whimper (v.) 嗚咽地說
    👁 bellow (v.) 咆哮
    👁 javelin (n.) 標槍
    👁 ward off (phrase) 避開;驅趕
    👁 tuition (n.) 學費
    👁 postpone (v.) 延期
    👁 fragile (a.) 脆弱的
    👁 maroon (v.) 放逐
    👁 pebble (v.) 扔鵝卵石;(n.) 鵝卵石
    👁 brutal (a.) 殘忍的
    👁 carnage (n.) 屠殺
    👁 sniffle (v.) (因鼻塞/流鼻水)倒吸鼻子
    👁 evacuate (v.) 疏散
    👁 monument (n.) 紀念碑
    👁 obnoxious (a.) 可憎的
    👁 bifocals (n.) 遠近視雙用眼鏡
    👁 crack one’s knuckles 拗手指發出喀喀聲響
    👁 maneuver (v.) 演習
    👁 budge (v.) 挪動
    👁 dissipate (v.) 驅散
    👁 petrified (a.) 驚嚇的
    👁 cannibal (n.) 食人者
    👁 ignite (v.) 點燃
    👁 scorch (v.) 燒焦
    👁 escort (v.) 護送
    👁 juvenile delinquent (n.) 青少年犯罪者
    👁 asphalt (n.) 瀝青
    👁 ooze (v.) 分泌出;滲出
    👁 decipher (v.) 解碼
    👁 screech (v.) 尖叫
    👁 swerve (v.) 轉彎
    👁 scrabble (v.) 胡亂塗寫;掙扎
    👁 skid (v.) (車子)打滑
    👁 accelerate (v.) 加速
    👁 charge (v.) 猛衝
    👁 theft (n.) 竊盜
    👁 stern (n.) 船尾
    👁 hitch a ride (phrase) 搭便車
    👁 counterattack (v.) 反擊
    👁 intercept (v.) 攔截
    👁 bestow (v.) 授予
    👁 capsize (v.) (船)傾覆
    來讀一下Percy Jackson!
    #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室波西傑克森篇
    #俐媽好書推薦 #俐媽好書推薦波西傑克森 #俐媽好書推薦percyjackson

  • whimper 在 ON y VA Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-06 23:06:41
    有 55 人按讚


    This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.



    #20201106 11:06PM🦂️Charlyn時

  • whimper 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-17 19:20:19



    作曲:Falcom Sound Team jdkより. 石川三恵子さん、白川篤史氏、松岡博文氏、中島勝氏、金田直樹氏、綱島貴博氏


    year: 1994.11.25,1995.09.29(renewal)
    manufacturer: Falcom
    Computer: PC-9801VX/UX after series
    Hardware: YM2608 (Speak Board)
    Composer: Falcom Sound Team jdk (mieko ishika,Atsushi Shirakawa,Hirofumi Matsuoka,Masaru Nakajima,Naoki Kaneda,Takahiro Amishima)
    00:00:00 01.Land of the Rising Sun (暁の王国)
    00:03:59 02.Legend of the Lone Wolves (はぐれ狼たちの伝説)
    00:09:30 03.Tears of God (With rain S.E.) (慟哭の雨 *雷雨のSE入り)
    00:11:53 04.Ballad of the Cat Fist (猫パンチ野郎の挽歌)
    00:15:03 05.Great Assassin (赫き刺客)
    00:17:58 06.Synchronicity (前作・前々作と同じ曲)
    00:21:23 07.Tantoll
    00:24:40 08.Shop
    00:27:33 09.Cave
    00:30:37 10.Akindo
    00:34:17 11.Boiling Metal
    00:37:23 12.Cemetary
    00:40:24 13.Gallery of Demon Dreams (夢魔の回廊)
    00:43:39 14.Killers
    00:46:32 15.Hanging Around (徘徊)
    00:49:11 16.Desert
    00:53:50 17.Get Into Danger
    00:56:57 18.Locus of Destruction (滅びし者の軌跡)
    00:58:32 19.Coast
    01:00:09 20.Conversing (語り部)
    01:07:23 21.Burning Tom Tom
    01:10:29 22.Fivleria
    01:13:40 23.Casino Be
    01:17:01 24.Take Arms! (武器を取れ!)
    01:20:14 25.I See My Body! (俺様の肉体を見ろ!!)
    01:24:07 26.Lion Cry (獅子の齶)
    01:26:16 27.The Dragon Army (龍陣)
    01:30:18 28.Under Castle
    01:33:33 29.Follow the Evil Shadow
    01:36:21 30.Revolution (回帰)
    01:37:47 31.The Weary Soldier's Song (眠れる戦士に捧げる歌)
    01:41:18 32.Dragon's War (闘龍)
    01:44:38 33.Liberty (解放)
    01:47:36 34.Glacier
    01:52:33 35.Blue Lake
    01:55:20 36.Sanctuary
    01:58:42 37.Highland
    02:02:13 38.Misty
    02:05:06 39.Oracle (天啓)
    02:08:18 40.Blood from a Stone (岩漿)
    02:12:37 41.Scorched Earth (焦土)
    02:16:09 42.Maison
    02:19:13 43.Burn in the Dark (灼熱の闇)
    02:22:20 44.Whimper (ささやき)
    02:25:11 45.Paranoia
    02:28:28 46.Fortress
    02:31:34 47.Last Revelation (最後の啓示)
    02:35:05 48.απειρσν -Skeletal Remains- (απειρσν -骸殻)
    02:38:05 49.απειρσν -Quickening- (απειρσν -胎動-)
    02:40:51 50.Exodus
    02:44:19 51.Stay Gold -Umber-
    02:48:02 52.Breeze -Dora-
    02:51:23 53.Born to Dark -Jinza-
    02:55:15 54.Comrade -Ares-
    02:59:20 55.Memories of the Battle (戦いの記憶)
    03:01:53 56.Severe Time, Over...

