

在 wetlands產品中有139篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅饗食客棧。淘氣猴vs肥獅子の旅食天堂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 免費景點~都市中的小秘境!散步、溜小孩都可以~ ❤在那裡? https://i17fun.com/jhongdou-wetlands-park/ - 📌 好吃食不漏接:http://m.i17fun.com/3d9vw5 📌 IG:https://www.instagram.com/i17fun...

 同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38的網紅Niketa Kou,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Thank you so much for watching! Social Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niketakou I went to Penghu over the past weekend with some frien...

wetlands 在 詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景?著者) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 13:50:53

#詩歩のくしろ旅 日本最大級の湿原である #釧路湿原 。Kushiro Marsh is one of the largest wetlands in Japan. 誰でも一度は聞いたことがある場所だと思うけど、イマイチそのすごさって知らないのでは🤔 #釧路湿原国立公園 として登録されている...

wetlands 在 詩歩/Shiho (死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景?著者) Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 13:50:53

#詩歩のくしろ旅 🥾 A 360-degree view of Kushiro Marsh! Can you feel how vast this is? 360度の釧路湿原!この広さ、伝わりますか〜? 日本最大級の湿原である釧路湿原は、散策できるスポットがたくさんあります。 中でも、地平線ま...

  • wetlands 在 Niketa Kou Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-17 09:30:16

    Thank you so much for watching!

    Social Links:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niketakou

    I went to Penghu over the past weekend with some friends from Tsinghua Weikong college :) Watch to explore Penghu with us!!

    Time stamps:
    00:11 intertidal experience 夜探龍宮 潮間帶體驗
    00:27 cactus ice cream 掌上明珠 仙人掌冰
    00:35 night view at Sanxian Pagoda
    00:43 Dongyuping Island snorkeling 東嶼坪浮潛 南方四島國家公園薰衣草森林珊瑚礁
    1:07 Blue Hole 藍洞
    1:15 Dongji Island 東吉島
    2:09 Aimen Beach barbecue 隘門沙灘燒烤
    2:35 Firework festival 澎湖花火節
    2:43 Sunrise at Moses parts the sea 摩西分海
    4:00 Chingluo Wetlands 青螺沙嘴
    4:16 Zhongji clay oven rolls 鐘記燒餅
    4:19 Chingshin seafood 清心飲食店
    4:30 Xingren diving center 澎湖興仁潛水訓練中心
    4:50 Daguoye Columnar Basalt 大菓葉柱狀玄武岩
    4:56 Erkan Historic Village 二崁陳家古厝
    5:14 Whale Rock 鯨魚洞
    5:29 Tongliang Great Banyan 通樑古榕
    5:38 Houliao Heaven Road 後寮天堂路

    Penghu is an archipelago of 90 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait and is known as the pearl of Taiwan. Firework shows are hosted in the spring and summer. Snorkeling, scuba diving, and canoeing are all common activities found throughout the islands. It is easily accessible as you can arrive by boat or plane. Visit Penghu for its diverse marine ecology and its scenic beauty :))

    澎湖是在台灣海峽由90個島嶼和小島組成的群島,被稱為台灣明珠。 每年春季和夏季會有花火表演。 浮潛,潛水和劃獨木舟都是島嶼上常見的活動。澎湖旅遊散散心可以看見多樣化的海洋生態和美麗的風景~

    #澎湖 #澎湖旅遊

  • wetlands 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-03 19:47:11

    Welcome to the North neighborhood of Singapore, Yishun. It is joked by the netizens that it is one of the most dangerous areas of Singapore, but in the reality, it is a beautiful neighborhood with energy and nature. Today I asked my Singaporean friend Jimmy Yap to show me around the neighborhood. What are some things to do in Yishun? Join me.

    00:00 Intro
    00:50 Chong Pang City Wet Market
    01:11 Chong Pang City Food Centre
    05:32 ORTO
    06:30 World Farms
    08:00 Boh Geh Uncle Canteen
    09:20 The Oval
    10:29 Hampstead Wetlands
    11:37 Hangar66 Cafe
    15:23 Seletar Country Club
    16:09 Seletar Reservoir Solar Panel
    17:08 Rower's Bay Park

    Follow me on social medias!
    ?Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ghibli_ojisan/
    ?Twitter https://twitter.com/ghibli_ojisan

    ?Subscribe: http://urx3.nu/HTUJ
    ?Watch - Perhaps the Best Meal I had in Singapore:https://youtu.be/d46br1oiYaE

    ?Merch Links(アパレル):
    SE Asia | https://ghib-ojisan.secure-decoration.com/shop/category/T-Shirt?c=2731898
    Japan | https://suzuri.jp/ghib-ojisan
    USA & EU | https://teespring.com/stores/ghib-ojisan

    Business Enquiries
    ✉️[email protected]
    You are welcome to send fan mails but I may not be able to respond to all of them. But I immensely appreciate your support. Thank you!

    #Singapore #Yishun

  • wetlands 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-27 16:15:00



    BGMはシルフィード(88/'86年)や、忍者くん 阿修羅ノ章(AC/'87年)等のメカノアソシエイツが作曲、独特なベースラインが小気味よく、硝煙にまみれた戦場を更に熱く盛り上げてくれる。


    Manufacture: 1988.12.16 Game Arts
    Computer: PC-8801mkIISR series
    Sound: YM2203
    Composer: Mecano Associates
    00:00 01.Opening (オープニング)
    03:21 02.Mission 1-1 (Urban),2-1 (Cave Entrance),3-1 (Passage 1) (ミッション 1-1(都市),2-1(洞窟,エントランス),3-1(通路1))
    05:23 03.Mission 1-2 (Wasteland) (ミッション 1-2(荒れ地))
    07:41 04.Mission 1-3 (Desert),2-3 (Underground Lake),3-3 (Passage 2) (ミッション 1-3(荒れ地),2-3(地下湖),3-3(通路2))
    09:42 05.Mission 1-4 (Wetlands) (湿地)
    11:20 06.Mission 1-5 (Forest) (森)
    12:48 07.Mission 2-2 (Crystal) (結晶)
    14:35 08.Mission 2-4 (Underground Volcano) (地中火山)
    16:39 09.Mission 2-5 (Undersea Passage) (海底航路)
    18:13 10.Mission 3-2 (Depot) (デポ)
    20:18 11.Mission 3-4 (Plant) (工場)
    22:21 12.Mission 3-5 (Core) (コア)
    24:54 13.Boss (ボス)
    26:42 14.Intermission (Provisional Ending) (中断(暫定エンド)
    28:12 15.Pursuit Preparation (Intermission 2) ~ Mission 4-1 (Enemy Giant Battleship) (追撃用意(中断2)~ミッション 4-1(敵の巨大戦艦))
    29:15 16.Mission 4-2 (Battleship Inside) (ミッション 4-2(戦艦内部))
    31:42 17.Ending (エンディング)

