[爆卦]Uterosacral ligament是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Uterosacral ligament鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Uterosacral ligament這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 uterosacral產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,185的網紅湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 週二上完為期八天的【Visceral Manipulation 3 & 4 內臟筋膜調整術】 來自美國大師級的Gail老師,帶領大家探索骨盆腔、胸腔的每一個器官。 兩年前上完VM1&2(腹腔),遇見Ken老師後,徹底改變了我看世界的方式。 兩年前,Ken老師調整了我卡了20年的組織,包括子宮、薦...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,910的網紅Linora Low,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Subscribe to my channel : http://youtube.com/linoralow Training and Nutrition Around The Menstrual Cycle with Ben Siong A really informative chat w...

  • uterosacral 在 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-30 12:43:06
    有 143 人按讚

    週二上完為期八天的【Visceral Manipulation 3 & 4 內臟筋膜調整術】






    Gail老師在課堂中不只一次提到: "I'm a physiotherapist, I DO physical examination! I DO teach exercise!"



    第二天,老師發現我因為腹膜太緊而有frozen bladder,我目前沒有任何的症狀,但誰知道過了五年、十年後會怎麼樣呢?感謝我自己來上了這一堂課。

    VM 3 ,第一天結束後,我已經半年都無不適的SIJ(薦髂關節)就開始劇痛。之前是痛右邊,現在除了右邊SI痛,左邊問題的根源也在痛---L L5-S1(我的BST 問題來源就是L L5S1),這事是我14歲那年,第一次下背痛的部位。我無法彎腰、無法擤鼻涕、無法轉身......。但我一點也不擔心,我知道這只是調整的過程而已,只是短暫的張力不平衡。

    第三天,老師在我身上示範broad ligament、以及同學互相練習了uterosacral ligaments。當天下課後,還去新教室看工程爬上爬下,就在睡覺的前一刻,一回想我突然發現,剛剛SI都沒有不舒服耶!!感謝老師及同學幫助我的骨盆腔重新找回平衡。
    VM: Movement is life! Our bodies need movement to be healthy.
    Mark: Motion is lotion!



  • uterosacral 在 Linora Low Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-15 21:11:41

    Subscribe to my channel : http://youtube.com/linoralow

    Training and Nutrition Around The Menstrual Cycle with Ben Siong

    A really informative chat with fitness and health expert Ben Siong. For all my sisters, who have always questioned bout why they have irregular periods, why they bloat, why they have painful periods, what's the possible cause for bleeding more than two weeks here's a video that will help explain those questions!

    The human body is very complicated and my dear sisters, ours is even more complicated cause we have a thing called the period. Ben is one of the few coaches who takes the time to not only understand the physiology of the body but also the mind which is incredibly crucial. I do hope you take away valueable information from this video, because Ben's had shared a lot of his expertise during this 1 hour. :)

    Questions Timestamps:

    1:50 We hear a lot from old folks that women shouldn’t lift lower body higher than stomach for optimal reproductive system. Truth or myth?

    8:25 Should we train during period?

    10:15 Pre period - what to eat to avoid bloating (if ur vegan or vegetarian) so u still have the energy to lift weights?

    15:16 What exercises to do pre period so that during menses it’s less painful?

    16:55 Why do some cycles end quicker for instance as quick as 4 days? Should she consult the gynae?

    21:00 My Personal encounter of bleeding 4 months straight, what would have been the response for excessive bleeding?

    24:00 Brief chat on understanding PCOS and PCO

    29:27 In a paper "Preliminary Evidence for a Window of Increased Vulnerability to Sustain a Concussion in Females: A Brief Report" the author states that declining or low levels of estrogen and progesterone (specifically in the late luteal phase and first two days of menstruation) can reduce neuroprotection and blunt recovery time from traumatic brain injury symptoms (i.e. concussions). Would those decreased levels of hormones, and reduced neuroprotection also impact CNS recovery? And would female athletes have to then avoid highly taxing sessions/peaking periods during this time frame?

    37:11 I've read that lower back pain during menstruation is caused by the uterus swelling which can create pressure on the uterosacral ligaments and lead to pain in the lower back and pelvis. Is this accurate? If so should females generally avoid deadlifts/front squats/lower back intensive exercises during this period? Should they be left out entirely, or replaced by something else?

    38:21 Besides the supplementation of magnesium and iron, are there other ways we should change the way we eat around our cycles?

    39:48 Personally, I do workout during this period of time & it does make me feel better.
    However, I realised that if I perform very high intensity workout on the first two days of my period, I tend to have lesser flow for the month. I feel completely well & healthy but I’m not sure if that’s something I should be worried about

    41:53: I have irregular period, in that case what type of training and nutrition I should opt for coach?

    ***Find Ben here:***
    Website: http://www.trainasp.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.sio...
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/benperformancecoach
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0J3...

    ***Learn his subjects here:***
    Website: http://www.learn-asp.com
    For special rate to my audience USE code: LINORA

    You can find me here
    Website: http://www.linoralow.com
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/linoralow
    Twitter: @http://twitter.com/linoralow
    Tiktok: linoralow

