

在 uncooperative產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Apple Daily - English Edition,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Opinion by Lau Sai-leung 劉細良|"It was not really necessary to mobilize so many human resources to perform this “lockdown show,” but Carrie Lam wanted ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅バイリンガルベイビー英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We get asked this question A LOT, so here goes—What we argue about in a Japanese/American marriage. The other day, on our ride home from Tokyo Disneyl...

  • uncooperative 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-28 01:00:12
    有 13 人按讚

    #Opinion by Lau Sai-leung 劉細良|"It was not really necessary to mobilize so many human resources to perform this “lockdown show,” but Carrie Lam wanted to display the government’s power to control the citizens. When they are “uncooperative,” such as when the community testing has little responses and upset Beijing, Lam decided to show them the government’s 'muscles.'"

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3iOw0Fr

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  • uncooperative 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-25 00:03:57
    有 79 人按讚

    Hong Kong's roughly 160-year colonial history that saw the civil servants and traders and other ethnic groups stationed in Hong Kong. South Asians played an integral role in many positions, as well as the maintenance of law and order in Hong Kong. Public health priorities in a pandemic !

  • uncooperative 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-10 08:38:31
    有 203 人按讚

    Give Yourself A Chance To Shine



















    與其內心糾結直到頭腦打結,我永遠選擇踏出第一步試一下。Never try, never know.



    If the energies in the Universe can be categorised, they would come in the 5 forms of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.

    All manifestations, be it things or events, in this world falls under these 5 elements, and each and every one of our Bazi is the combination of these 5 elements. The interaction between these elements in our Bazi and those in our circumstances will result in myriad of happenings, good fortunes or otherwise.

    My personal experience tells me that even though 2 person may have exactly the same Bazi, but their destinies may turn out different. Reasons being the discrepancy in their facial features, the meanings, tonality, character strokes and essence of their names.

    The crux of reading your own destiny lies in uncovering which of the 5 elements is or are mandatory for you. This calls for plenty of practical experience. It is not simply doing simple math of plus, minus, multiply and divide. If this first step is wrong, the whole deck of cards will surely collapse.

    After deciphering the correct element, the next step is do guide the client on how to use it to boost their energies in all aspects, from external clothing and living environment to what they eat so as to attract good tidings and ward off misfortunes. Frankly, if the client is uncooperative, the whole of point of Bazi analysis would have been lost.

    To know how your future will unfold but behave like a sitting duck? That’s just like buying a movie ticket to watch a preview of your life drama, isnt it?

    I had this thought after seeing so many clients: if one’s life is seemingly smooth sailing but one remains unhappy, such zombie-like existence is very painful.

    During a typical Bazi analysis session, I would always recommend the client certain colours favourable to him or her to boost the luck. Never underestimate the power of colours. Each colour has its own elemental nature. I have used this successfully several times to help clients succeed at their job interviews, even during this pandemic period.

    However as soon as I mentioned the red colour, reactions from my clients tended to be bigger than usual.

    Such a bright colour?
    My wife said she’s not used to me in this colour!
    That’s like Chinese New Year everyday!
    The previous master I consulted said so too, but I did not heed the advice.

    My answer: if you have been wearing your same old colours for the past many years and getting not much favours from Lady Luck, why not give my suggestion a try?

    There are many tones and shades of Red. Nobody is asking you to dress like a big red ang bao (red packet) everyday. Dressing black everyday doesn’t make you Justice Bao either.

    Attached are testimonies from Miss A and Mr B after they went red.

    Mr B. came to me in September for a follow-up consultation. When I saw him from afar, I was thinking why there wasn’t any sign of change in him. He even sported a sour face.

    He told me that after seeing me in March, he had just bought some clothes in colours that were unfavourable to him. He couldn’t bear to throw them away, and his wife didn’t really support him wearing red either. He said his colleagues were all wearing darker colours.

    I told him that those clothes he bought had already served him for several months and he could donate them away. That would not constitute wastage. His wife may have good intentions but your destiny is your own business and only you know your sufferings.

    We ought to treat our destiny with the spirit of a scientist. If you don’t experiment, you will never know if my methods work. This experiment is a simple one, ask your wife to support you this once.

    It’s only changing the colour of your clothes, not asking to change your wife. 😂

    Rather than getting oneself in knots, I will always choose to take the first step. Never try, never know.

    My life’s journey has been that of ups and downs. Frankly speaking, when the winds begin blowing in your sails, and lift your spirit, those emotions are exhilarating. Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself.

  • uncooperative 在 バイリンガルベイビー英会話 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-04 21:00:08

    We get asked this question A LOT, so here goes—What we argue about in a Japanese/American marriage. The other day, on our ride home from Tokyo Disneyland my Japanese husband Taka and I (American wife) got into a little bit of an argument right in the car. Clearly, we have a great relationship as we’re able to laugh at ourselves and get over these little humps in our marriage, but if you get right down to the reason why the argument occurred in the first place (umm…my Japanese hubby was too exhausted to clearly tell me what was on his mind!), it is clear that one of the best ways to have a successful marriage is to CLEARLY TELL THE OTHER PERSON WHAT YOU ARE THINKING!!! Sorry, Taka (= When Taka and I were editing this video, he actually said he didn’t remember being so uncooperative in the car. But that’s because we were both so exhausted from spending the entire day in Disneyland! We hope you enjoy the video and that it inspires you to communicate better with your loved ones in your everyday life!




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    ④英語の字幕と日本語の字幕、どれも全く読まないでで最初から最後まで動画をもう一度見る。 絶対に、自分の理解度に驚くはずです。100%は理解できないかもしれないが、聞く前と比較すると本当にビビるぐらい英語力が伸びる。「ええ?これだけで英語力が上がるの?」と思われる方が多いと思うけど、4回も同じ箇所を見ているので、それだけで思っている以上に英語が身についている(同じ歌を4回聞けばなんとなく歌えると一緒)。留学する時に、こういう風にみんな学ぶ。因みに幼児も同じように言語を学ぶ。



    Good luck!!!

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