[爆卦]Top of the World 木匠是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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Top of the World《世界之頂》

Richard Carpenter 和 Karen Carpenter 兩兄妹組成的「木匠兄妹合唱團」在
70、80 年代紅遍全球,多次榮獲葛萊美獎、全美音樂獎;曲風和諧似徐徐微風,溫
暖了全世界所有喜愛西洋音樂的樂迷。本曲是 Carpenters 第三首美國流行榜冠軍作
品,是由 Richard Carpenter 和一位他們兩兄妹的摯友 John Bettis 合寫而成,並
經由 Karen Carpenter 那近乎完美天籟般的嗓音來演唱詮釋。簡單而深情正是他們


I'm on the top, 我站在峰頂,
Such a feeling's coming over me. 一種奇妙的感覺縈繞著我。
There is wonder in most everything I see 所見之事物都充滿了神奇
Not a cloud in the sky 晴空萬里無雲
Got the sun in my eyes, 眼中閃耀著陽光,
And I won't be surprised if it's a dream. 即使是夢我也不覺得訝異。

Everything I want the world to be, 我所期盼的世界,
Is now coming true especially for me, 特地為我呈現,
And the reason is clear, 原因很清楚,
It's because you are here, 因為有你在此,
You're the nearest thing to heaven 你是我所見過最接近天堂美夢
That I've seen. 的人。

I'm on the top of the world 我站在世界之頂
looking down on creation, 俯瞰萬物,
And the only explanation I can find 唯一能找到的解釋
Is the love that I've found 是你來了之後
Ever since you've been around 帶給我的愛
Your love's put me at the top of the world. 是你的愛將我置於世界之頂。

Something in the wind has learned my name, 風兒得知我的名字,
And it's telling me that things are not the same. 告訴我今後事情將有所改變。
In the leaves on the trees 樹上的綠葉
And the touch of the breeze 微風的觸摸
There's a pleasing sense of happiness for me. 讓我充滿了愉快的感覺。

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